Lidia Rebouças is aSenior Social Specialist with experience in Latin American countries in the mining, infrastructure,agriculture, energy and hydropower sectorsin a range of services including social risk assessment , stakeholders engagement strategy, social baseline diagnosis, social and environmental impact assessments, human rights assessment, , resettlement action plans as well as communication programs for global key clients such as Anglo American, Norsk Hydro, Samarco and BHP.
Over the last six years as a Senior Consultant at ERM, Lidia undertook 30 due diligences and social performance and assurance appraisals for private sector companies such as Gerdau Açominas,Eldorado Brasil, SuzanoPapel e Celulose, Pecem Steel Mill Industry, Arcelor Mittal, Electra Power, Belo Sun Mining Corporation among others, applying the IFC Social and Environmental Performance Standards and IDB Operational Policies.
Additional to this experience she also coordinated resettlement projects and elaborated RAP (Resettlement Action Plan) involving traditional communities, riverine and other rural communities in Brazil and Dominican Republic.
Before joining ERM, she worked for eight years as a private social investments analyst for development projects in Latin America. Most of this experience was accumulated as a project manager of Avina Foundation and VIVA Trust, where she was in charge of the evaluation, appraisal, monitoring and financial management of over 50 social investment projects with private companies related to recycling, education, human rights, citizenship, social networks and environmental resources conservation in Brazil and other Latin American countries.
Lidia is a Social Scientist with a Master Degree in Anthropology at the São Paulo´s University andSpecialization in Nonprofit and Social Organizations Management at Georgetown University, EUA.. As ananthropologist, she produced a reference research and book on the social impacts of involuntary resettlement which received an award from Ford Foundation, Brazilian Anthropologist Association (ABA) and The State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
Lidia has experience to work on a high-risk and complex project from the social perspective working as a member of multidisciplinary team dedicated to give a technical support to the assessment of social risks and impacts. As a Brazilian with extensive knowledge of the social and environmental context there, she worked directly with many staff from World Bank, IDB and UK Export Finance (ESGD) to help them understand the challenges of working with communities that are impacted by development financed projects.
Fields of Competence
- Resettlement Action Plan
- Indigenous and Traditional Communities Impact Assessment
- Social Impact and RiskAssessment
- Human Rights Impact and Risk Assessment
- Evaluation of Social Investment Projects
- Due Diligences and Supervision of IFC Social Standards and IDB Operational Policies
- Stakeholder Engagement Plans
- ASPIRE – ERM Global Leadership Program 2013/2014
- IFC – ERM Training in Socioenvironmental Performance Standards and Due Diligences, 2012
- ERM Training in Social, Security and Health Risks Assessment, 2012
- Bureau Veritas Training in Social Certification SA 8000 – 2011.
- Monitoring and Results Indicators of Social Services – Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hungerof Brazil, 2010
- PMO – Project Management Officer- Project Management Institute – 2008
- Ontology of Language: how to facilitate conversations –Newfield Consulting & Rafael Echeverria – 2006
- Social Organization Management Certificate, Georgetown University, 2003
- Master Degree in Social Anthropology, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH) USP, 1997
- Bachelor in Social Sciences, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH) USP, 1990.
- Portuguese, native speaker
- English, fluent
- Spanish, fluent
Key Industry Sectors
- Mining
- Energy
- Infrastructure
- Agribusiness
- Paper and Cellulose
Environmental Resources Management 2009 – Present
Key Projects
Social and Environmental Due Diligences and Compliance Assessment on IDB and IFC Standards and Guidelines, ERM Brazil, 2010 -2016
Project Manager
Social Specialist for ERM in social assessment, due diligence audits and supervisionsbased on the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) Performance Standards and EHS Guidelines for clients such as: Isolux Corsan, Norsk Hydro, Anglo American, Gerdau Açominas Eldorado Brasil, Suzano Papel e Celulose, Proparco, Pecem Steel Mill Industry,Arcelor Mittal, Electra Power, Belo Sun Mining Corporation Guarani Sugar Group among others.
Indigenous and Traditional Communities Social Impact Assessment, Samarco BHP Billiton, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2016
Social Specialist
Develop a technical support of the impact assessment on indigenous and traditional communities related to the accident following the failure of the FundãotailingsdamatSamarcounder a contract with BHP Billiton. The work was based in desk review of documents produced by Samarco and other consultancy companies concerning the emergency measures and social impact management programs which have been developed since the accident.
Risk Communication Strategy, Syngenta, São Paulo, Brazil, 2016
Social Specialist
Develop a Communication Strategy Plan to support remediation activities within a site including stakeholder’s engagement and a consultation process towards the waste removal works. The plan included the development of a Governance Committee role and responsibilities, the key messages, communication tactics and channels as well as the risk communication approach.
Water Risk Assessment to Mining Industry, ICMM, United Kingdom, 2015
Social Specialist
As part of the ERM UK team, developed the baseline and the workshops for pilot the implementation of ICMM’s Practical guide to catchment-based water management for the mining and metals industry (“ICMM Guide”) at Anglo American’s Minas Rio site in Minas Gerais, Brazil, In addition to providing an opportunity to ‘road test’ the Guide, and supporting the implementation of the action plans related to water management.
Community Social Investment Training and Assessment, Goldcorp, Zacatecas, Mexico, 2014
Social Specialist
Conduct workshop for Community Social Investment Strategy for Goldcorp, Inc. in order to qualify the social projects portfolio and develop the baseline for stakeholder engagement plan in the Goldcorp’s Camino Rojo Mining Project in Zacatecas, Mexico.
Elaboration of Resettlement Action Plan for Demanda Community (RAP), MPX, Maranhão, Brazil, 2010
Project Manager
Coordinator of census, socioeconomic surveys and studies of affected people to elaborate the Demanda Community Resettlement due to the MPX Thermoelectric Plant in Maranhão state . The program included a legal framework for land acquisition and compensation, a compensation framework, a description of resettlement assistance and restoration of livelihood activities, an implementation schedule, a framework of public consultation, participation, and development planning, a description of provisions for redress of grievances and a framework for monitoring, evaluation and reporting. The project also included a field work for analysis of potential resettlement site and list of criteria for selection and preparation of the resettlement site.
Elaboration of Resettlement for Monte Grande Project (RAP), Andrade Gutiérrez, Dominican Republic, 2013
Social Specialist
Conduction of Socioeconomic Baseline and Census of 500affected families and development of Resettlement Action Plan for economic and physic displacement of 5 communities affected by Monte Grande Project. The project included conduction of focus groups, stakeholders mapping and analysis, consultation activities, interviews and elaboration of the grievance mechanism. RAP was elaborated to be in compliance with the Performance Standard PS5 regarding land acquisition and resettlement.
Social Investment Strategy, Goldcorp, Mexico, 2014
Social Specialist
Socioeconomic Diagnosis for Agua Quente Community Affected by Minas Rio Project, Anglo American, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2013
Elaboration of socioeconomic diagnosis and social risk and impact assessment regarding the water resources and conditions of supply for Agua Quente Community affected by the construction of the mine. Diagnosis was followed by consultation activities, perception survey and included social investment guidelines for Anglo American.
Socioeconomic Diagnosis for São Sebastião do Bom Sucesso, Turco e Cabeceira do Turco´s Community Affected by Minas Rio Project, Anglo American, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2015
Project Manager
Elaboration of socioeconomic diagnosis and social risk and impact assessmentsdue to the implementation and expansion of the Sapo Mine. Diagnosis was followed by recommendations for the resettlement of these communities as part of the socioenvironmental control plans of Anglo American in order to manage the impacts on the community surroundings.
Stakeholder Engagement Plan for Minas Rio, Anglo American, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2012 - 2016
Project Manager
Elaboration of Annual StakeholderEngagement Plan of Minas Rio,in Minas Gerais State, including the gathering and analysis of data from the local managers and collaborators in order to elaborate a Social Assessment Impact Plan. Revision and updating of the Community Engagement Plan of Minas Rio Project including field work and interviews with the collaborators and update of the socioeconomic assessment process (SEAT). The Stakeholder Engagement Plan was followed by workshop with the Anglo American managers in order to implement an action plan and improve the social performance of Minas Rio.
Socio-Economic Assessment Toolbox
Version 3 Workshop Training, Anglo American, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2015
Project Manager
Preparation and conduction of SEAT Toolbox Workshop for training the Minas Rio management staff in the tools related to Developing a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (2B), Assessment of Issues and Impacts (3A), Conflict Assessment and Management (4C), Resettlement Planning and Implementation (4D). The workshops were conducted by ERM consultants and reached 50 people audience during 3 days. The results were consolidated into an Action Plan in charge of the Minas Rio Social Development Area.
Capacity Building Program, Norsk Hydro, Pará, Brazil, 2014 - 2065.
Project Manager
Development of social investment opportunities for the Brazilian operations of Norsk Hydro based on the public sector capacity building. The project included a research on current capacity building projects in Brazil as well as conduction of workshop training for 20 local partners and community relations staff. Other activity was a social project framework as a pilot to engage local stakeholders and risk management assessment.
Social Investment Training and Capacity, Norsk Hydro, Pará, Brasil, 2014 - 2016.
Project Coordinator
Development of a Social Investment Training for the social corporate and community relations staff of Brazilian operations of Norsk Hydro based in Barcarena and Paragominas. Supporting and assistance for the self-assessment of two agricultural projects which included interviews, field work and desk review. Conduction of a final workshop to present results and enhance the training opportunities for local staff in order to promote the adjustments in the social projects selected to review.
Social Investment Framework and Projects Evaluation, Pará, Brasil, Norsk Hydro, 2013-2016
Project Coordinator
Development of social investment framework for the Brazilian operations of Norsk Hydro based on the global corporate policies. The project included a conduction of workshop training for 20 local managers and community relations staff. Other activity was a social project evaluation as a pilot to outline the criteria for social performance of the pipeline. The project included field work, interviews with beneficiaries, and evaluation framework development and application.
Workshop Private Social Investment in Brazil: perspectives and opportunities, Norsk Hydro, Rio de Janeiro y Pará, Brazil,2013
Project Coordinator
Conduction of workshop concerning an overview and history of the Social Responsibility in Brazil, including risks and opportunities analysis and social investment perspective for Norsk Hydro operations in the country. The workshop addressed also the Brazilian incentives taxes, legislation, principles and experience of community investment projects, main players and its results and achievements.
Human Rights Risk Assessment, Samarco (BHP Group), Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo, Brazil, 2013
Development of Human Rights assessment of the Samarco operations in Brazil. The Project included interviews with staff, focal groups and elaboration of the corporate policy regarding protection and remediation of the human rights issues within the operational and implementation units.
Community Engagement Plan for Minas Rio and Amapá, Anglo American, Brazil, 2011
Project Manager
Elaboration of the first Community Engagement Plan of Minas Rio Project, in Minas Gerais State, including the gathering and analysis of data from the local managers and collaborators in order to elaborate a Social Assessment Impact Plan. Revision and updating of the Community Engagement Plan of the Amapá System including field work and interviews with the collaborators and update of the socioeconomic assessment process (SEAT).
Social and Environmental Compliance Assessment on IFC Standards and Guidelines, Gerdau Aço Minas, Brazil, Minas Gerais, 2011– 2016
Project Manager
Coordinator of the Social and Environmental Impact Evaluation of the Steckel and Plate Mill Project in Outro Branco, Minas Gerais, with regards of the current status of the project against the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards (PS) and EHS Guidelines. The study was developed according to a first GAP Analysis provided by the Export Credits Guarantee (ECGD).
Social and Environmental Compliance Assessment, EBX, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2011.
Social Auditor
Audit of the social and environmental processes in the port of Açu´sproject (currently under construction) in Rio de Janeiro. Elaboration of the project´s compliance assessment report.
Recycling Strategy Investment Analysis, Braskem, Brazil, 2011
Project Manager
Analysis of the social private investments of Braskem in the recycling cooperatives in Brazil in order to elaborate a new strategy for the new sustainability corporate policy.
Coordination of analysis and diagnosis of a 130 Analysis of Private Social Investments and Elaboration of Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators, Brazil, Braskem, 2011
Project Manager
Coordination of analysis and diagnosis of a 130 portfolio social investments projects including interview with local managers and public attended. Elaboration of a ranking performance system, development ofmonitoring and evaluationindicators in order tointegrate the portfolio to the Braskem social corporate policy.
FUNBIO 2008 – 2009
Key Project
FOCUS (Financing and Opportunities for Conservation and Sustainable Use), Brazil, the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (Funbio), 2009
Elaboration of the terms of reference for economic, ecological and social studiesconcerning agribusiness (sugar cane, soy, cattle, and fibers) and energy sectors. FOCUS (Financing and Opportunities for Conservation and Sustainable Use) Brazil Vision were studies series prepared to provide input that would foster new production models in, through recommendations and priority actions that add value to businesses, society and the environment.
Sustainable Dialogues IV Edition, Brazil, the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (Funbio)/Alcoa, 2009
Sustainable Dialogues was a workshop created by Funbio and Alcoa to foster involvement of the private sector in biodiversity conservation. Business, environmental, academic and government leaders attended a series of meetings, each on a different conservation-related topic, where they are able to discuss the relevant concerns of business, government and the society in general.
Key Projects
Risk Analysis of Private Social Investments, Brazil, Avina Foundation, 2003-2007
Elaboration of risk and performance reports for the shareholders of Nueva Group and VIVA Trust Investment Fund related to the 50´s projects portfolio in the Northeast Region of Brazil.
Articulation of multi-sector partnerships and alliances to financing sustainable development projects,Avina Foundation, 2003- 2007
Analysis and prospection of investments opportunities to achieve social benefit and address social risks associated with private sector, civil society and government. Promote engagement among national and international social initiatives in order to achieve scale and impact in Northeast, Southeast and South of Brazil.
Key Project
Development and Launch of Business Magazine Brazil, Editora Abril, 1999-2002
Work as economic journalist, editor and coordinated the launch of a new magazine in the Brazilian market, called Negócios Exame. Investigate, systematize information, conduct interviews and sign cover issues related to new business models.
Regional Integration of Hydropower Projects, Brazil, Eletrobrás and World Bank, 1991
Development of research, field work and analysis of regional development vectors related to hydroelectric plants as part of a multidisciplinary team.
02.11.18 / Lidia Rebouças