Sittig et al., Supplementary Material

Supplementary Tables 1-4. Correlation tables of summarized BALB/cJ vs. BALB/cByJ behavioral data.


Consistent across studies
Sex differences only
Disagree in at least one sex
X Opposite across studies



‡ males only

£ females only

OFT: open field test. EPM: elevated plus maze. EZM: elevated zero maze. L/D box: light/dark box.

JAX Mouse Phenome Database (MPD) at

1. Open field locomotor activity.

Locomotor Activity / Activity / 1. / 2. / 3. / 4. / 5. / 6. / 7.
1. JAX Phenome 2003 (light) / cByJcJ‡ / - / x
2. JAX Phenome 2011a (light) / cJcByJ£ / -
3. JAX Phenome 2011b (light) / cJcByJ‡ / x / -
4. JAX Phenome 2004 (dark) / n.d. / -
5. Velez (2010)1 (dark) / n.d. / -
6. Jiao (2011)2 (light) / n.d. / -
7. Current study (light) / n.d. / -

2. Anxiety-like behaviors.

Anxiety Measure, Assay / Reference / Anxiety / 1. / 2. / 3. / 4. / 5. / 6. / 7. / 8. / 9. / 10. / 11. / 12. / 13. / 14.
1. Center Duration, OFT / JAX phenome 2004 / cByJcJ£ / - / x / x / x
2. Entries in open arms, EPM / JAX phenome 2004 / cJcByJ£ / x / -
3. Closed Arms duration, EPM / JAX phenome 2004 / cJcByJ£ / x / -
4. Grooming, EPM / JAX phenome 2004 / cJcByJ£ / x / -
5. Center Entries, OFT / JAX phenome 2004 / n.d. / -
6. Center Distance, OFT / Velez (2010)1 / n.d. / -
7. Closed Zone duration, EZM / JAX phenome 2004 / n.d. / -
8. Dark Zone duration, L/D box / JAX phenome 2004 / n.d. / -
9. Freezing, OFT / JAX phenome 2004 / n.d. / -
10. Grooming, OFT / JAX phenome 2004 / n.d. / -
11. Grooming, L/D box / JAX phenome 2004 / n.d. / -
12. Grooming, EZM / JAX phenome 2004 / n.d. / -
13. Center Duration, OFT / current study / n.d. / -
14. Center Entries, OFT / current study / cJcByJ / -

3. Depression-like behavior.

Depression-like behavior, Assay / Immobility / 1. / 2. / 3. / 4.
1. Trullas (1989), TST3 / cJcByJ‡ / -
2. Jiao (2011) Fig 2A, Fig 4, FST2 / cJcByJ£ / - / x
3. Jiao (2011) Fig 7A, FST2 / cByJcJ£ / x / -
4. Current study (n.d.), TST / cJcByJ / -

4. Aggressive behavior.

Aggressive Behavior (strains tested) / Aggression / 1. / 2. / 3. / 4. / 5. / 6.
1. Ciaranello (1974) (BALB/cJ vs. BALB/cN)4 / cJ high / - / x
2. Kessler (1977) (BALB/cJ vs. A/J)5 / cJ high / - / x
3. Couppis (2008) (BALB/cJ vs. A/J)6 / cJ high / - / x
4. Velez (2010) (BALB/cJ vs. BALB/cByJ)1 / cJ high / - / x
5. Hilakivi (1989) (BALB/cJ vs. BALB/cByJ)7 / n.d. / -
6. Current study (BALB/cByJ>BALB/cJ**) / cJ low / x / x / x / x / -

Supplementary Table 5.A historical summary of BALB/cJ vs. BALB/cByJorgan and corpus callosum morphology.

Organ / Finding / Reference / Year / Agreement with current
Body / n.d. / Current study / 2013 / NA
n.d. / JAX phenome / 2003 (Naggert1) / Y
n.d. / JAX phenome / 2005 (Schonfeld1) / Y
n.d. / JAX phenome / 2006 (Jaxpheno1,2,6) / Y
cByJcJ‡ / JAX phenome / 2009 (Maurer1) / N
cByJcJ‡ / Hilakivi & Lister7 / 1989 / N
Brain / cJcByJ *** / Current study / 2013 / NA
cJcByJ / Unpublished data+ / 1994-2009 / Y
n.d. / JAX phenome / 2006 (Jaxpheno2) / N
Heart / cByJcJ**‡ / Current study / 2013 / NA
cByJcJ‡ / JAX phenome / 2006 (Jaxpheno2) / Y
cByJcJ‡ / JAX phenome / 2009 (Maurer1) / Y
Liver / cByJcJ*** / Current study / 2013 / NA
cByJcJ / JAX phenome / 2006 (Jaxpheno2) / Y
Spleen / cByJcJ**£ / Current study / 2013 / NA
cByJcJ£ / JAX phenome / 2006 (Jaxpheno2) / Y
Kidney / n.d. / Current study / 2013 / NA
cByJcJ£ / JAX phenome / 2006 (Jaxpheno2) / N
Testes / n.d. / Current study / 2013 / NA
cJcByJ / Mayerhoferet al.9 / 1993 / N
Corpus callosum / 3/48 (6%) abnormal / Current study / 2013 / NA
absent in BALB/cJ / Wimer R.E. (see Wahlsten10) / 1965 / N
11% abnormal in BALB/c / Wahlsten11 / 1977 (published 1989) / Y
20% abnormal in BALB/c / Wahlsten12 / 1989 / Y
11% abnormal in BALB/cJ / Fairless et al.13 / 2012 / Y
none abnormal in BALB/c / Bohlen et al.14 / 2012 / N

*p<0.05, **p<0.01, BALB/cJ vs. BALB/cByJ in the current study

‡ males only

£ females only

n.d., not different

Organ weights normalized to body weight

+personal communication with Dr. Robert W. Williams

JAX Mouse Phenome Database (MPD) at

Supplementary Table 6.Experimental design for whole genome sequencing.

Strain / ID / Read length/ type / # Lanes / # Sequenced reads / # Mapped reads / Estimated coverage
BALB/cByJ / 45241 / 100bp/ single end / 2 / 110344999 / 96681308 / 3.56
BALB/cJ / 45254 / 100bp/ single end / 2 / 120464442 / 102257808 / 3.76

Supplementary Table 7.SNP and INDEL calling summary.

Strain / # Het. SNPs / # Hom. Non-ref. SNPs / # Het. INDELs / # Hom. Non-ref. INDELs
BALB/cByJ / 19527 / 428689 / 9159 / 291545
BALB/cJ / 22272 / 443262 / 10687 / 313445

Het. SNPs: SNPs for which the strain genotype was determined to be heterozygous compared to the reference

Hom. Non-ref. SNPs: SNPs for which the strain genotype was determined to be homozygous for a non-reference allele

Het. INDELs: INDELs for which the strain genotype was determined to be heterozygous compared to the reference

Hom. Non-ref. INDELs: INDELs for which the strain genotype was determined to be homozygous for a non-reference allele

Supplementary Table 8.High confidence SNP filtering.

Strain / # SNPs called / # High confidence SNPs / # High confidence SNPs unique to strain / # Unique, high confidence SNPs not in Wellcome Trust (Supplementary Table 9)
BALB/cByJ / 448216 / 1318 / 1047 / 1016
BALB/cJ / 465534 / 1456 / 1185 / 1135

Supplementary Figure 1. Empirical cumulative distribution function (CDF) for read depth (A) and PHRED quality (B) per called SNP for strain BALB/cByJ (cByJ).

Supplementary References

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