New Delhi, 23 December 2011




The Central Statistics Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has released the experimental Indices of Service Production (ISP) with base 2004-05 = 100 for the sectors of Rail Transport and Air Transport. The indices are compiled for the financial years 2005-06 to 2010-11.

A. Rail Transport

Quarterly and annual indices along with growth rates

The values of quarterly indices for rail transport and average for the year are given in Statement 1. The annual average values of the indices show a rising trend over the years starting with 109.8 during 2005-06 to 169.6 during 2010-11.

Statement 1: Quarterly indices for Rail Transport

(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6)
2005-06 / 105.8 / 102.2 / 110.5 / 120.4 / 109.8
2006-07 / 117.6 / 112.6 / 120.1 / 128.1 / 119.6
2007-08 / 126.5 / 124.9 / 130.2 / 140.7 / 130.6
2008-09 / 137.5 / 141.2 / 144.3 / 159.6 / 145.7
2009-10 / 152.0 / 156.3 / 161.5 / 167.8 / 159.4
2010-11 / 161.1 / 163.8 / 169.0 / 184.5 / 169.6

(Qtr1: April-June, Qtr2: July-September, Qtr3: October-December, Qtr4: January-March)

The growth rates in the above indices over the corresponding periods of the previous year for the entire rail transport sector are presented in Statement 2 while the growth rates by type of service namely, Passenger Services and Freight Services are shown in Statement 3. During the six-year period the growth rate in the annual average of the index varies between 6.4 % (2010-11) and 11.5% (2008-09).

Statement 2: Growth rates of quarterly and annual indices for Rail Transport over corresponding period of the previous year

YEAR / Growth Rates(%)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6)
2005-06 / 5.8 / 2.2 / 10.5 / 20.4 / 9.8
2006-07 / 11.2 / 10.2 / 8.7 / 6.4 / 9.1
2007-08 / 7.6 / 10.9 / 8.4 / 9.8 / 9.2
2008-09 / 8.7 / 13.1 / 10.8 / 13.4 / 11.5
2009-10 / 10.5 / 10.7 / 11.9 / 5.1 / 9.6
2010-11 / 6.0 / 4.8 / 4.6 / 10.0 / 6.4

Statement 3: Growth rates of quarterly and annual indices for Rail Transport by type of service over corresponding period of the previous year

YEAR / TYPE OF SERVICE / Growth Rates(%)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6) / (7)
2005-06 / P / 7.8 / 3.2 / 9.2 / 14.2 / 8.6
F / 4.9 / 1.8 / 11.1 / 23.3 / 10.3
2006-07 / P / 10 / 9.8 / 7.9 / 10.2 / 9.5
F / 11.7 / 10.2 / 9.1 / 4.6 / 8.9
2007-08 / P / 16.4 / 19.5 / 19.9 / 17.6 / 18.4
F / 3.3 / 7.0 / 3.2 / 6.5 / 5.0
2008-09 / P / 17.7 / 19.4 / 19.6 / 22.0 / 19.7
F / 4.1 / 9.9 / 6.4 / 9.2 / 7.4
2009-10 / P / 6.4 / 9.3 / 11.7 / 4.9 / 8.1
F / 13.1 / 11.3 / 12.1 / 5.3 / 10.5
2010-11 / P / 9.6 / 11.6 / 6.3 / 21.0 / 12.1
F / 3.9 / 1.1 / 3.8 / 3.9 / 3.2

(P: Passenger Services, F: Freight Services)

Monthly indices and growth rates

The monthly indices and growth rates in these indices over the corresponding period of the previous year by type of service for the rail transport sector are presented in Annexure 1 and 2 respectively.

B. Air Transport

Quarterly and annual indices along with growth rates

The values of quarterly indices for air transport and average for the year are shown in Statement 4. The annual average values of the indices show a rising trend over the years starting with 134.4 during 2005-06 to 317.8 during 2010-11.

Statement 4: Quarterly indices for Air Transport

(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6)
2005-06 / 119.6 / 124.4 / 140.0 / 153.6 / 134.4
2006-07 / 165.9 / 164.2 / 182.2 / 197.5 / 177.5
2007-08 / 208.9 / 210.7 / 236.9 / 246.3 / 225.7
2008-09 / 249.5 / 227.1 / 229.0 / 233.6 / 234.8
2009-10 / 249.7 / 260.5 / 287.0 / 279.8 / 269.3
2010-11 / 314.5 / 299.5 / 331.2 / 326.0 / 317.8

The growth rates of the above indices over the corresponding periods of the previous year for the entire air transport sector and by type service namely, National Carriers and Private Airlines are respectively presented in Statements5 and 6. The growth rate in the annual average of the index is found to vary between 4.7 % (2008-09) and 34.4% (2005-06).

Monthly indices and growth rates

The monthly indices and growth rates in the indices over the corresponding period of the previous year by type of service for the air transport sector are presented in Annexure 3 and 4 respectively.

Statement 5: Growth rates of quarterly and annual indices for Air Transport over corresponding period of the previous year

YEAR / Growth Rates(%)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6)
2005-06 / 19.6 / 24.4 / 40 / 53.6 / 34.4
2006-07 / 38.7 / 32.0 / 30.1 / 28.6 / 32.4
2007-08 / 25.9 / 28.3 / 30.0 / 24.7 / 27.2
2008-09 / 19.4 / 7.8 / -3.3 / -5.2 / 4.7
2009-10 / 0.1 / 14.7 / 25.3 / 19.8 / 15.0
2010-11 / 26.0 / 15.0 / 15.4 / 16.5 / 18.2

Statement 6: Growth rates of quarterly and annual indices for Air Transport by type of serviceover corresponding period of the previous year

YEAR / TYPE OF SERVICE / Growth Rates(%)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6) / (7)
2005-06 / NC / 17.9 / 11.8 / 9.6 / 10.1 / 12.4
PA / 43.6 / 64.3 / 63.4 / 101.2 / 68.1
2006-07 / NC / 2.7 / 5.6 / -3.8 / 1.3 / 1.5
PA / 88 / 64 / 63.2 / 53.1 / 67.1
2007-08 / NC / 7 / 5.2 / 8.4 / -2.1 / 4.6
PA / 40.5 / 46.1 / 42.6 / 39.3 / 42.1
2008-09 / NC / -13.8 / -8 / -12.5 / -5.6 / -10.0
PA / 38.4 / 16.7 / 0.9 / -5 / 12.8
2009-10 / NC / 5.7 / 4.9 / 20.4 / 13.7 / 11.2
PA / -1.9 / 19.4 / 27.2 / 22.2 / 16.7
2010-11 / NC / 11.9 / 7.6 / 0.3 / -4.3 / 3.9
PA / 31.4 / 17.9 / 20.7 / 23.9 / 23.5

(NC: National Carriers, PA: Private Airlines)



Monthly Indices for Railways

All India Index'05-06
Weight / Apr-05 / May-05 / Jun-05 / Jul-05 / Aug-05 / Sep-05 / Oct-05 / Nov-05 / Dec-05 / Jan-06 / Feb-06 / Mar-06 / Annual Average
Passenger / 31.3343 / 108.8 / 110.9 / 103.6 / 96.8 / 102.7 / 110.1 / 105.9 / 112.6 / 109.2 / 109.9 / 106.2 / 126.5 / 108.6
Freight / 68.6657 / 102.8 / 109.2 / 102.8 / 101.5 / 102.6 / 101.4 / 105.5 / 109.2 / 118.7 / 123.6 / 115.5 / 130.7 / 110.3
Combined / 100 / 104.7 / 109.7 / 103.1 / 100 / 102.6 / 104.1 / 105.6 / 110.3 / 115.7 / 119.3 / 112.6 / 129.4 / 109.8
All India Index'06-07
Weight / Apr-06 / May-06 / Jun-06 / Jul-06 / Aug-06 / Sep-06 / Oct-06 / Nov-06 / Dec-06 / Jan-07 / Feb-07 / Mar-07 / Annual Average
Passenger / 31.3343 / 117.6 / 123.2 / 114.9 / 110.3 / 116.5 / 113.1 / 113.3 / 120.6 / 119.5 / 121.1 / 115.6 / 141.1 / 118.9
Freight / 68.6657 / 117.5 / 119.4 / 114.8 / 113.1 / 107.4 / 116.2 / 118.0 / 120.5 / 125.1 / 128.9 / 119.9 / 138.3 / 119.9
Combined / 100 / 117.5 / 120.6 / 114.8 / 112.2 / 110.3 / 115.2 / 116.5 / 120.5 / 123.3 / 126.5 / 118.6 / 139.2 / 119.6
All India Index'07-08
Weight / Apr-07 / May-07 / Jun-07 / Jul-07 / Aug-07 / Sep-07 / Oct-07 / Nov-07 / Dec-07 / Jan-08 / Feb-08 / Mar-08 / Annual Average
Passenger / 31.3343 / 138.3 / 143.8 / 132.2 / 129.8 / 135.1 / 141.2 / 141.6 / 142.5 / 139.5 / 138.5 / 147.3 / 158.4 / 140.7
Freight / 68.6657 / 120.8 / 125.3 / 117.3 / 120.3 / 120.4 / 119.7 / 121.8 / 122.3 / 131.3 / 136.3 / 131.4 / 144.4 / 125.9
Combined / 100 / 126.3 / 131.1 / 122 / 123.3 / 125 / 126.4 / 128 / 128.6 / 133.9 / 137 / 136.4 / 148.8 / 130.6
All India Index'08-09
Weight / Apr-08 / May-08 / Jun-08 / Jul-08 / Aug-08 / Sep-08 / Oct-08 / Nov-08 / Dec-08 / Jan-09 / Feb-09 / Mar-09 / Annual Average
Passenger / 31.3343 / 164.4 / 169.2 / 154 / 151.8 / 160.8 / 172.2 / 170.9 / 169.2 / 166.4 / 165.2 / 182.7 / 193.9 / 168.4
Freight / 68.6657 / 125.6 / 131.7 / 120.8 / 135.2 / 129.5 / 131.2 / 129 / 129.7 / 140.7 / 147.8 / 139.9 / 162.3 / 135.3
Combined / 100 / 137.8 / 143.5 / 131.2 / 140.4 / 139.3 / 144 / 142.1 / 142.1 / 148.8 / 153.3 / 153.3 / 172.2 / 145.7
All India Index'09-10
Weight / Apr-09 / May-09 / Jun-09 / Jul-09 / Aug-09 / Sep-09 / Oct-09 / Nov-09 / Dec-09 / Jan-10 / Feb-10 / Mar-10 / Annual Average
Passenger / 31.3343 / 165.5 / 174.7 / 178.1 / 183.8 / 173.6 / 172.7 / 185.2 / 204.1 / 175.3 / 174.7 / 181.6 / 211.8 / 181.8
Freight / 68.6657 / 140.8 / 143.5 / 143.3 / 148.1 / 151.2 / 141.6 / 145.3 / 146.1 / 156.4 / 156.2 / 147.2 / 170.3 / 149.2
Combined / 100 / 148.5 / 153.3 / 154.2 / 159.3 / 158.2 / 151.3 / 157.8 / 164.3 / 162.3 / 162 / 158 / 183.3 / 159.4
All India Index'10-11
Weight / Apr-10 / May-10 / Jun-10 / Jul-10 / Aug-10 / Sep-10 / Oct-10 / Nov-10 / Dec-10 / Jan-11 / Feb-11 / Mar-11 / Annual Average
Passenger / 31.3343 / 189.8 / 190.0 / 188.8 / 193.2 / 202.8 / 195.5 / 202.4 / 204.7 / 192.8 / 195.9 / 205.4 / 286.1 / 203.9
Freight / 68.6657 / 147.4 / 152.1 / 144.9 / 150.6 / 150.6 / 144.5 / 156.7 / 151.9 / 156.3 / 162.5 / 154.8 / 175.1 / 153.9
Combined / 100 / 160.7 / 164.0 / 158.7 / 163.9 / 167.0 / 160.5 / 171.0 / 168.4 / 167.7 / 173 / 170.7 / 209.9 / 169.6


Percentage change in Monthly Indices for Railways

Percentage change in index from 2004-05 to 05-06
April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March / Annual Growth Rate
Passenger / 8.8 / 10.9 / 3.6 / -3.2 / 2.7 / 10.1 / 5.9 / 12.6 / 9.2 / 9.9 / 6.2 / 26.5 / 8.6
Freight / 2.8 / 9.2 / 2.8 / 1.5 / 2.6 / 1.4 / 5.5 / 9.2 / 18.7 / 23.6 / 15.5 / 30.7 / 10.3
Combined / 4.7 / 9.7 / 3.1 / 0.0 / 2.6 / 4.1 / 5.6 / 10.3 / 15.7 / 19.3 / 12.5 / 29.3 / 9.7
Percentage change in index from 2005-06 to 06-07
April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March / Annual Growth Rate
Passenger / 8.1 / 11.1 / 10.9 / 14.0 / 13.4 / 2.7 / 7.0 / 7.1 / 9.4 / 10.2 / 8.9 / 11.5 / 9.5
Freight / 14.3 / 9.3 / 11.7 / 11.4 / 4.7 / 14.6 / 11.9 / 10.4 / 5.4 / 4.3 / 3.8 / 5.8 / 8.9
Combined / 12.2 / 9.9 / 11.4 / 12.2 / 7.5 / 10.7 / 10.3 / 9.3 / 6.6 / 6.0 / 5.3 / 7.6 / 9.1
Percentage change in index from 2006-07 to 07-08
April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March / Annual Growth Rate
Passenger / 17.6 / 16.7 / 15.1 / 17.7 / 16.0 / 24.9 / 25.0 / 18.2 / 16.7 / 14.4 / 27.4 / 12.3 / 18.4
Freight / 2.8 / 4.9 / 2.2 / 6.4 / 12.1 / 3.0 / 3.2 / 1.5 / 5.0 / 5.7 / 9.6 / 4.4 / 5.0
Combined / 7.5 / 8.7 / 6.3 / 9.9 / 13.3 / 9.7 / 9.9 / 6.7 / 8.6 / 8.3 / 15.0 / 6.9 / 9.2
Percentage change in index from 2007-08 to 08-09
April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March / Annual Growth Rate
Passenger / 18.9 / 17.7 / 16.5 / 17.0 / 19.0 / 22.0 / 20.7 / 18.8 / 19.3 / 19.3 / 24.0 / 22.4 / 19.7
Freight / 4.0 / 5.1 / 3.0 / 12.4 / 7.6 / 9.6 / 5.9 / 6.1 / 7.2 / 8.4 / 6.5 / 12.4 / 7.4
Combined / 9.1 / 9.5 / 7.5 / 13.9 / 11.4 / 13.9 / 11.0 / 10.5 / 11.1 / 11.9 / 12.4 / 15.7 / 11.5
Percentage change in index from 2008-09 to 09-10
April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March / Annual Growth Rate
Passenger / 0.7 / 3.3 / 15.7 / 21.1 / 8.0 / 0.3 / 8.4 / 20.6 / 5.4 / 5.8 / -0.6 / 9.2 / 8.1
Freight / 12.1 / 9.0 / 18.6 / 9.5 / 16.8 / 7.9 / 12.6 / 12.6 / 11.2 / 5.7 / 5.2 / 4.9 / 10.5
Combined / 7.8 / 6.8 / 17.5 / 13.5 / 13.6 / 5.1 / 11.1 / 15.6 / 9.1 / 5.7 / 3.1 / 6.5 / 9.6
Percentage change in index from 2009-10 to 10-11
April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March / Annual Growth Rate
Passenger / 14.7 / 8.8 / 6.0 / 5.1 / 16.8 / 13.2 / 9.3 / 0.3 / 10.0 / 12.1 / 13.1 / 35.1 / 12.1
Freight / 4.7 / 6.0 / 1.1 / 1.7 / -0.4 / 2.1 / 7.9 / 4.0 / -0.1 / 4.0 / 5.2 / 2.8 / 3.2
Combined / 8.2 / 7.0 / 2.9 / 2.9 / 5.6 / 6.1 / 8.4 / 2.5 / 3.3 / 6.8 / 8.0 / 14.5 / 6.4


Monthly Indices for Air Transport

All India Index'05-06
Weight / Apr-05 / May-05 / Jun-05 / Jul-05 / Aug-05 / Sep-05 / Oct-05 / Nov-05 / Dec-05 / Jan-06 / Feb-06 / Mar-06 / Annual Average
National Carriers / 61.22 / 102.2 / 117.2 / 118.5 / 110.9 / 106.1 / 115.8 / 108.7 / 108.4 / 120.7 / 124.3 / 104.4 / 110.1 / 112.3
Private airlines / 38.78 / 112.5 / 133.3 / 145.9 / 140.7 / 149.3 / 146.9 / 165.0 / 178.3 / 206.2 / 212.1 / 212.7 / 228.8 / 169.3
All scheduled Airlines / 100 / 106.2 / 123.4 / 129.1 / 122.5 / 122.9 / 127.9 / 130.5 / 135.5 / 153.9 / 158.3 / 146.4 / 156.1 / 134.4
All India Index'06-07
Weight / Apr-06 / May-06 / Jun-06 / Jul-06 / Aug-06 / Sep-06 / Oct-06 / Nov-06 / Dec-06 / Jan-07 / Feb-07 / Mar-07 / Annual Average
National Carriers / 61.22 / 112.7 / 116.1 / 117.8 / 120.4 / 121.8 / 108.9 / 101 / 101.8 / 122.1 / 118.5 / 105.5 / 118.4 / 113.8
Private airlines / 38.78 / 235.3 / 256.5 / 244.7 / 233.7 / 237.7 / 245 / 273.4 / 281.9 / 341.5 / 345.8 / 318.7 / 323.1 / 278.1
All scheduled Airlines / 100 / 160.2 / 170.5 / 167 / 164.3 / 166.7 / 161.7 / 167.9 / 171.6 / 207.2 / 206.6 / 188.2 / 197.8 / 177.5
All India Index'07-08
Weight / Apr-07 / May-07 / Jun-07 / Jul-07 / Aug-07 / Sep-07 / Oct-07 / Nov-07 / Dec-07 / Jan-08 / Feb-08 / Mar-08 / Annual Average
National Carriers / 61.22 / 120.9 / 126.6 / 123.5 / 126.5 / 129.6 / 113.2 / 111 / 114.7 / 125.1 / 120.5 / 103.6 / 111.1 / 118.9
Private airlines / 38.78 / 326.3 / 352 / 352.5 / 335.2 / 358.6 / 353.5 / 385.3 / 429.7 / 463.7 / 476.6 / 441.5 / 458 / 394.4
All scheduled Airlines / 100 / 200.5 / 214 / 212.3 / 207.4 / 218.4 / 206.4 / 217.4 / 236.8 / 256.4 / 258.6 / 234.6 / 245.6 / 225.7
All India Index'08-09
Weight / Apr-08 / May-08 / Jun-08 / Jul-08 / Aug-08 / Sep-08 / Oct-08 / Nov-08 / Dec-08 / Jan-09 / Feb-09 / Mar-09 / Annual Average
National Carriers / 61.22 / 104.6 / 107.7 / 107.7 / 116.6 / 124 / 99.2 / 99.6 / 97.9 / 109.3 / 108.7 / 96.5 / 111.2 / 106.9
Private airlines / 38.78 / 466.4 / 502.3 / 456.1 / 434.7 / 426.6 / 359.6 / 417.2 / 422.9 / 447 / 453.5 / 431.3 / 422.9 / 436.7
All scheduled Airlines / 100 / 244.9 / 260.7 / 242.8 / 239.9 / 241.3 / 200.2 / 222.8 / 223.9 / 240.2 / 242.4 / 226.3 / 232.1 / 234.8
All India Index'09-10
Weight / Apr-09 / May-09 / Jun-09 / Jul-09 / Aug-09 / Sep-09 / Oct-09 / Nov-09 / Dec-09 / Jan-10 / Feb-10 / Mar-10 / Annual Average
National Carriers / 61.22 / 107.8 / 118.5 / 112 / 122.3 / 125.6 / 108.3 / 117.4 / 119.1 / 132.9 / 126.6 / 110.1 / 122.7 / 118.6
Private airlines / 38.78 / 429.5 / 491.7 / 476.9 / 493.1 / 500.4 / 459.6 / 526.4 / 517.2 / 593.8 / 555.9 / 509.1 / 532.6 / 507.9
All scheduled Airlines / 100 / 232.5 / 263.2 / 253.5 / 266.1 / 270.9 / 244.5 / 276 / 273.5 / 311.6 / 293.1 / 264.8 / 281.6 / 269.3
All India Index '10-11
Weight / Apr-10 / May-10 / Jun-10 / Jul-10 / Aug-10 / Sep-10 / Oct-10 / Nov-10 / Dec-10 / Jan-11 / Feb-11 / Mar-11 / Annual Average
National Carriers / 61.22 / 117.8 / 133.4 / 126.8 / 134.7 / 129.2 / 119.1 / 120.9 / 120.1 / 129.6 / 122.0 / 109.0 / 112.9 / 123.0
Private airlines / 38.78 / 559.1 / 649.8 / 628.0 / 598.3 / 566.7 / 547.7 / 629.5 / 650.9 / 696.6 / 689.9 / 627.3 / 661.8 / 625.5
All scheduled Airlines / 100 / 288.9 / 333.6 / 321.1 / 314.5 / 298.8 / 285.3 / 318.1 / 325.9 / 349.5 / 342.2 / 310.0 / 325.7 / 317.8


Percentage change in Monthly Indices for Air Transport

Percentage change in index from 2004-05 to 2005-06
April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March / Annual Growth Rate
National Carriers / 15.8 / 21.0 / 16.3 / 7.3 / 3.0 / 26.7 / 15.0 / 8.3 / 6.3 / 11.1 / 11.4 / 7.3 / 12.4
Private airlines / 34.7 / 36.7 / 58.9 / 61.7 / 68.3 / 62.9 / 59.7 / 60.1 / 69.6 / 84.3 / 106.5 / 114.2 / 68.1
All scheduled Airlines / 22.9 / 27.6 / 31.7 / 26.3 / 26.4 / 40.7 / 33.5 / 29.7 / 32.4 / 40.5 / 50.7 / 49.8 / 34.4
Percentage change in index from 2005-06 to 06-07
April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March / Annual Growth Rate
National Carriers / 10.3 / -0.9 / -0.6 / 8.6 / 14.8 / -6.0 / -7.1 / -6.1 / 1.2 / -4.7 / 1.1 / 7.5 / 1.5
Private airlines / 109.2 / 92.4 / 67.7 / 66.1 / 59.2 / 66.8 / 65.7 / 58.1 / 65.6 / 63.0 / 49.8 / 41.2 / 67.1
All scheduled Airlines / 50.7 / 38.2 / 29.3 / 34.1 / 35.4 / 26.1 / 28.6 / 26.6 / 34.6 / 30.5 / 28.6 / 26.6 / 32.4
Percentage change in index from 2006-07 to 07-08
April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March / Annual Growth Rate
National Carriers / 7.3 / 9.0 / 4.8 / 5.1 / 6.4 / 4.0 / 9.9 / 12.7 / 2.5 / 1.7 / -1.8 / -6.2 / 4.6
Private airlines / 38.7 / 37.2 / 44.1 / 43.4 / 50.9 / 44.3 / 40.9 / 52.4 / 35.8 / 37.8 / 38.5 / 41.8 / 42.1
All scheduled Airlines / 25.2 / 25.5 / 27.1 / 26.2 / 31.0 / 27.4 / 29.5 / 38.0 / 23.3 / 25.2 / 24.4 / 24.2 / 27.2
Percentage change in index from 2007-08 to 08-09
April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March / Annual Growth Rate
National Carriers / -13.5 / -14.9 / -12.8 / -7.8 / -4.3 / -12.4 / -10.3 / -14.7 / -12.6 / -9.8 / -6.9 / 0.1 / -10.0
Private airlines / 42.9 / 42.7 / 29.4 / 29.7 / 19.0 / 1.7 / 8.3 / -1.6 / -3.6 / -4.9 / -2.3 / -7.7 / 12.8
All scheduled Airlines / 22.1 / 21.8 / 14.4 / 15.7 / 10.5 / -3.0 / 2.5 / -5.5 / -6.3 / -6.3 / -3.5 / -5.5 / 4.7
Percentage change in index from 2008-09 to 09-10
April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March / Annual Growth Rate
National Carriers / 3.1 / 10.0 / 4.0 / 4.9 / 1.3 / 9.2 / 17.9 / 21.7 / 21.6 / 16.5 / 14.1 / 10.3 / 11.2
Private airlines / -7.9 / -2.1 / 4.6 / 13.4 / 17.3 / 27.8 / 26.2 / 22.3 / 32.8 / 22.6 / 18.0 / 25.9 / 16.7
All scheduled Airlines / -5.1 / 1.0 / 4.4 / 10.9 / 12.3 / 22.1 / 23.9 / 22.2 / 29.7 / 20.6 / 17.0 / 21.3 / 15.0
Percentage change in index from 2009-10 to 10-11
April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March / Annual Growth Rate
National Carriers / 9.3 / 12.6 / 13.2 / 10.1 / 2.9 / 10.0 / 3.0 / 0.8 / -2.5 / -3.6 / -1.0 / -8.0 / 3.9
Private airlines / 30.2 / 32.2 / 31.7 / 21.3 / 13.3 / 19.2 / 19.6 / 25.9 / 17.3 / 24.1 / 23.2 / 24.3 / 23.5
All scheduled Airlines / 24.3 / 26.8 / 26.7 / 18.2 / 10.3 / 16.7 / 15.3 / 19.2 / 12.2 / 16.8 / 17.1 / 15.7 / 18.2