Wellbeing Ambassadors
Wellbeing Ambassadors are a group of undergraduate and postgraduate student volunteers with a passion for mental health awareness and peer wellbeing. Ambassadors are the point of contact within schools for any issues students might be having.Awellbeing ambassador is like a first aider; a visible person who is there for you when you need them. They will work to develop a wider understanding of what welfare/ mental health issues are going on in their school and support the Union on any campaigns around this. They are NOT expected to be a counsellor or to provide any form of counselling, just some friendly support.
The goal of the Wellbeing Ambassadors is to utilise the benefit of peer-to-peer education and interactions and to continue to decrease the stigma surrounding mental health, seeking help and self-care.
Wellbeing Ambassadors will work on helping students within their schools, signposting them to the correct aid.Ifstudents are feeling overwhelmed,they can approach a known Ambassador in their department or course. They will arrange a time or place to meet informally,providing a ‘safe space’ to talk about how they are feeling and thinking. Wellbeing Ambassadors will listen with an unbiased, open mind, give reassurance, and advise them on how to get help.
Role Description
Wellbeing Ambassadors must be prepared to:
-Volunteerup to 2 hours per week – volunteering hours must be documented. An extra hour will be required for a weekly catch-up session with the Vice President Welfare and/or the Welfare Executive (possibly a representative from The Advice Hub too)
-Raise awareness of mental health in the university by taking part in various university campaigns and initiatives
-Be ready to listen to someone in need of help (be part of the mental health first aiders team)
-Connectstudents withthe Advice Hub/counselling/other services
-Advisestudents how to speak to their supervisor/lecturers about their workload and expectations
-Share with students steps to improve their physical health (healthy food, fun exercise, etc.)
-Advise on little steps towards good wellbeing (relaxing, listening to music, walking outside, etc.)
-Give advice on tackling loneliness (connecting to social groups, overcoming social anxiety, etc.)
-Promote themselves as a visible Ambassador, e.g. “I am a Wellbeing Ambassador. Ask to speak to me anytime” taglines on emails, desks, doors, badges and t-shirts.
Qualities Needed
No prior experience is needed and full training will be given. However, as a Wellbeing Ambassador, you should be:
- Non-judgemental: This is an essential quality for Wellbeing Ambassadors. The Union is a safe space for all students, so all students should feel valued and respected and be free to discuss issues affecting them.
- Approachable: You must havestrong communication and organisational skills, work well in a group, display maturity, empathy and a high level of responsibility,and be an excellent listener, providing that safe space for someone to open up about their vulnerabilities and insecurities
- Dedicated: You should support the aims of the Advice Hub and show a genuine interest in welfare issues. You must fulfil your commitment to the best of your ability and actively engage in the Union’s welfare campaigns. Eventually, you will work with minimal supervision.
Skills Developed
- First Aid Mental Health trained (certified)
- Inter-personal skills
- Self-reflection skills
- Analytical skills
- Problem solving
- Communication skills
- Creativity
Other Benefits
- You will make a real difference to the lives of students you work with.
- You will receive comprehensive training.
- You will gain a keen awareness of current debates around welfare and social issues.
Training Dates:
Initial Training: To be confirmed
On-going training throughout the year: as required
How to Apply
Please fill in the form below and return it to us. If you are selected for an interview, we will let you know by e-mail. Informal interviews will be arranged at a time suitable for you and the Hub.If successful, you will start shifts in the Hub after the initial training.
HW Email:
Undergraduate year: 1 2 3 4 5
Post-Graduate: PGR PGT PHD
Application for Wellbeing Ambassador
About you
Why do you want to be a Wellbeing Ambassador?
Any other information that would support your application (optional)
Please tell us in 300 words or less what you think makes effective support for students, and why this is important.
Can you commit to the supervision requirements specified over the academic year 2017-18? (1 hour fortnightly on Thursday from 5:30 – 6:30) YES/NO
Can you commit to a minimum of one academic year’s service? YES/NO
The programme is committed to selecting eligible trainees to represent the diverse body of students attending Heriot-Watt University. This includes diversity of gender, racial and cultural background, disability, sexual orientation and academic discipline.
Please return this form to the Hub office or by email to