Important Notes:

  • The title must always be one of the following: Adjunct Professor, Adjunct Associate Professor or Adjunct Assistant Professor*
  • You must complete all the requested details below - incomplete or unsigned forms will be returned and may lead to delays in salary payment
  • Completed forms should be returned to your Faculty HR Partner
  • All buy-backs should be coded to a Non Exchequer code
  • Any payment at all to a retired member of staff must go through the buy-back process
  • The salary must be calculated as follows: 20% of Final Salary Less 10%. All Retirees must return on the Schedule 1 Scale. Therefore, if a staff member is on Schedule 2 when they retire, the maximum salary must be calculated based on the relevant point on the Schedule 1 scale
  • The buy-back request must be noted as a line item on the relevant Faculty spreadsheet. Payment cannot be made until the HEA confirms we can proceed with the buy-back arrangement


*Title of Post:

Personal Details:

First name(s):



Phone No:

Date of Birth:


Home Address:

Degrees of Qualifications and awarding body for each qualification:

Discipline / School to which s/he will be attached:

New or Renewal:

Retirement Date:

Final salary at retirement date (insert salary, grade and point on scale):

Please confirm that this individual was a full-time member of staff:

Commencement date of this new arrangement:

Termination date of this new arrangement:

Hours worked per week:

Please specify the salary that this individual will earn as part of this buy-back arrangement per annum (Note: The amount must not exceed the maximum allowed by the HEA i.e. minus 10% of final salary on retirement multiplied by 20%)

Please confirm that the buy-back salary does not exceed 20% of the full-time salary that this individual was in receipt of at the time of their retirement:

Cost code from which they will be paid (ideally non-exchequer funds):

Research Codes / Project No / Organisation / Expenditure Type / Task No / Award No / % to be Charged
GL Codes / GL Cost Centre / GL Activity / GL Source of Funds
(1112, 1212 or 3100) / GL Expense Code / % to be Charged
Accounts Receivable Codes / Customer Name / Customer Number / Bill to Location / % to be Charged

Please state why it is necessary to bring this individual back on a buy-back - what are the exceptional circumstances why this individual needs to be re-employed on a buy-back arrangement as opposed to employing a new or recently qualified person (see section 3 of the ecf below[1])?

Please supply Name, Extension No. and email of person who can be contacted by HR if there are any queries regarding this form:

Head of School Signature: …………………………………………………………………….

Print Name:…………………………………………………………………….


Date of FEC Approval / Meeting: ______/______/______

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[1]The Revised Employment Control Framework June 2011 states under section 3:

3. General Conditions applying to the filling of all posts

a) the filling of any posts under the terms of the Framework should, wherever possible, give priority to the employment of new or recently qualified staff over those who are retired.

b) re-employment of retired staff should occur only in very limited exceptional circumstances and in these cases salaries offered may not exceed 20% of the full-time salary an individual was in receipt of at the time of their retirement, ADJUSTED TO REFLECT THE APPLICATION OF GOVERNMENT PAY POLICY IN THE PERIOD SINCE THEIR DATE OF RETIREMENT - INCLUDING IN PARTICULAR THE APPLICATION OF SALARY ADJUSTMENTS IMPOSED UNDER THE EMERGENCY MEASURES IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST (NO.2) ACT 2009.