Bulk SMS-Upload Tool Manual
This document simply discusses the steps to be taken in sending your BULK SMS (sending sms to more than 100 numbers simultaneously). These steps to be discussed includes a 5 ladder approach to the sending process.
1. Login to your upload tool via just like Fig 1.1 below and use your Username and Password on SMSBAG to login. Once your login is successful, Figure 1.2 appears.
Figure 1.1: Login to Upload Tool
2. Figure 1.2 shows the Main page of the Upload tool which discussess some steps into the application and text file example. The upload tool works via an uploaded text file (to be compiled by NotePAD e.g numbers.txt). Examples of the compiled text file are
Example 1: (Numbers with Names)
Example 2: Numbers only
Note: The semi colon (;) is the number delimiter, by this I mean the anchor that defines the next number. Please note that there is no semicolon on the last number on both examples – this is the way to tell the system that no more numbers are expected.
Figure 1.2: Main Page pof the Upload Tool
3. If you have prepared your text file without errors then you are ready to send, Click the Upload Tool link on the left Menu and you’ll have a page like Figure 1.3. Click the Browse Button to locate the text file to upload on your system. Once the file has been selected, click the Next Button to continue
Figure 1.3: Text File Upload Page
4. On the Next Page, The system tries to examine your text file and just like figure 1.4 below, the systems tries to show the first 10 records of your uploaded text file.
Note: Even if your numbers are more than 1000, it will only display the first 10;however be rest assured that the system has read in all your numbers. Once you are sure that these are the numbers you tried to upload, Click on the Next Button
Note: If there were errors with the numbers of text file, Use the Back button to navigate back and re-upload your text file.
Figure1.4: Text File Examination File (DATA PREVIEW).
5. While figure 1.4 shows an example of a number only upload text file, Figure 1.5 shows the examination of a Number+ Name uploaded text file. If the text file looks ok, Use the Next Button to continue
6. Figure 1.6 shows the page where we input the required Message and the Sender Name and Message Type (Text or Flash). Thus Page (SMS DESCRIPTION) requires some inputs which are
Figure 1.5: Uploaded Text File with Numbers and Names.
Figure 1.6: SMS description
- Message Content (1-160 (1): 161-320(2): 321-450(3))
- Message Type (Text or Flash [Text by default])
- Sender Name (Maximum of 11 Alphanumeric Characters)
- Recipients Number Column: As you can see from Figure 1.6, there are two columns (Value1 and Value2), while the recipients numbers in this example are on Value1, the format of your text file might put it on Value 2 a times, However, choose the Column that contains the recipients numbers as you see it in the Column views.
If you are ok with the page, click on the Next Button to continue
7. The Data Analysis Page as shown in Figure 1.7 helps to put your “to-be” sent messages in a one shot view for you to see. At its simplest form,
- It aims to check your available sms credits with the total number of credits required to send your entire message. E.g. For the example shown below, The user has 66 credits left and the total message to be sent requires 336 credits and that gave the warning message.
- Also, it helps show the SMS Count for each message; if case you didn’t get to know how much sms your message will cost.
If this information is ok, click the Next button to continue.
Figure 1.7: SMS Data Analysis Page
Note: You can use the Back button at any time to go back and make corrections to your messages or processes.
8. This is the Last page of the processes, here we assume that everything is fine and now you can use the Send Messages Button to send your messages.
NOTE: It is advised that you have a fast Internet Connection if you are sending a lot of bulk Messages to avoid Internet Connection Interruption, Lost Messages, and Numbers of lost Cash issues.
Figure 1.8
As shown in Figure 1.9: Once your messages have been sent, You will be notified.
The Application shows an Upload History which displays all the Uploads that have been made by you for your Preview and usage. See Figure 1.10
Also, theSent Messages Option helps you filter the sms sent by Dates.
Note: Because you are sending a lot of Bulk Messages, while all messages are correctly sent to the Gateway, Not all messages get the DELIVERED state even when they are delivered. So even when they are at Sent state, 99.9% have already been delivered unless there were issues with the number. Also Note, Depending on the recipient Network, RecipientPhoneState and other Factors, Delivery time to all the Number in your Uploaded Text File varies.
If you have problems using this application or need some extra information, Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the following channels
Mail: |
Phone: 2348062741555 | 2348082415577
Skype-username: smsbag
Thank you for choosing smsBAG
Michael (Information Officer)
Upload Tool Manual @copyright 2010