September 10, 2015 – 10:00 am
Facility Services Conference Room
Members Present Chuck Emnett, Adrian Irish, Hannah Singleton, Marty Ludemann, Chuck Christensen, Bob Stevens, Tonya Kiser, Katie Dalessio, Bernadine Gantert, Jason McDaniel.
1. IntroductionRoll call: Sign in – No new introductions were made and the attendance form was signed.
2. Minutes approval
There were no changes to the August meeting minutes. Katie motioned to approve the minutes and Bob Stevens seconded the motion.
3. Safety Hazard (SH) Reports/Injury Summary Report
a. One Life Safety 24 work order was issued in August and was completed. There were 7, 24 and 2 Safety Issue work orders for July, August, and up to September 8th respectively. July had 3, August had 6 and September has 2 safety issue work orders yet to be completed. Chuck explained that with the push to get the campus ready for fall semester, a greater number of buildings inspected during the summer, have slowed the progress of completing the work orders.
b. Chuck reviewed the work comp claims with the group for August of this year with 3 in 2015 as compared to 5 in August 2014. August had one notification only, and two medical. The injuries in August 2015 were all strains.
4. Presentation of Final Draft of Safety Suggestion/Concern Form for Website
A copy of the draft form was passed out to all members to review. Adrian informed the Committee that the e-mail function can work with this form and we would just need to decide what e-mail the completed forms would be sent to. Adrian also said that the upload function could be used but would cost the University $15,000 to have installed. Instead, we could put a statement on the form to send supporting documents or pictures as e-mail attachments. The Committee agreed that we would forgo the upload function. Chuck suggested that the form go to a Campus Safety Committee e-mail address, which would need to be established. Adrian asked if the Committee has thought yet on how to advertise the form once it is ready to go. Jason suggested that it could be part of a campus-wide e-mail. Chuck mentioned that it will be advertised on the CSC webpage. Further consideration will be given on how to advertise the form to the campus community. Adrian also mentioned that we could have a link on the CSC website to the form. Chuck said that we could place the introduction verbiage of the form on the website as well with the link. Chuck asked for a vote on approval of the form and all Committee members were in favor.
5. Follow-up on Maurice-Eddy intersection regarding bike traffic
Marty reported that one reserved space on Eddy was removed for better sight lines at the intersection. He also stated that a new regulation size stop sign has been ordered to replace the stolen one and that a stop sign would also be installed on the island for bikers traveling south. Facility services needs to build-up the island before the stop sign can be installed. In a related issue, Chuck reported that there was an accident involving a bicyclist and a Kubota utility vehicle at the NW corner sidewalk of the LA building. Chuck said a memo on Golf Cart and Utility Vehicle Safety was drafted and sent out yesterday to departments who use these vehicles. ASUM Transportation will also cover bike safety later this month during their bike promotion. Marty said he will put together an article to go in the Kaimin regarding bike and pedestrian safety on campus. Tonya asked if there were identifying numbers on the golf carts or utility vehicles so that if being observed operating in in unsafe manner, they could be reported to the appropriate department to address with the operator. Chuck said that he will check into the numbering of vehicles.
6. Update on building emergency action planning.
Marty informed the Committee that UMPD has hired an intern to assist in completing emergency action plans for individual buildings. Marty said that the Facility Services Bldg. will be the first one done as a test and then move on to other buildings. Chuck mentioned that we have a list about 10 buildings that we will to try and complete first, since they are either one department buildings or with a limited number of departments and have expressed interest in the past of getting a plan in place. Marty also said that depending on how the internship goes this semester, he might be able to possibly extend the program.
7. Other Items
No other items were brought up for discussion.
Next Safety Committee meeting: October 8, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. – Facility Services Conference Room - Make sure to keep bringing any safety issues or agenda items to Kathy Krebsbach, Chuck Emnett or Mike Panisko for inclusion in the next scheduled meeting.