geoENV III - Geostatistics for Environmental Applications
edited by
Pascal Monestiez
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Avignon, France
Denis Allard
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Avignon, France
Roland Froidevaux
FSS Consultants SA, Geneva, Switzerland
Foreword. Organizing Committee and List of Referees. Sponsors of the Conference. Keynote Papers. On the contribution of hydrogeology to advances in geostatistics; J.P. Chilès. Advances in modeling and inference for environmental processes with nonstationary spatial covariance; P.D. Sampson, et al.Air Pollution / Climate. Ordinary and indictor kriging of monthly mean nitrogen dioxide concentrations in the United Kingdom; P.M. Atkinson, C.D. Lloyd. Total air pollution and space-time modelling; S. De Iaco, et al. Geostatistical interpolation of rainfall in mountainous areas; J. Deraisme, et al. Incorporating information from a digital elevation model for improving the areal estimation of rainfall; J.J. Gómez-Hernanández, et al. Robust predictions of rainfall in Navarre, Spain; A.F. Militino, etal. Powering an Egyptian air quality information system with the Bayesian Maximum Entropy space/time analysis toolbox: results from the Cairo baseline year study; M. Serre, et al.Environment. Space-time modelling of sand beach data: a geostatistical approach; B. Bourgine,et al. Identification of regional variability component by geostatistical analysis of stream sediments; R. Bruno, et al. Delineation of hazardous areas and additional sampling strategy in presence of a location-specific threshold; P. Goovaerts, M. VanMeirvenne. Local interpolation of some chemical parameters after the removal of the Aznalcóllar mine spill sludge (south-west Spain); K. Vanderlinden, et al. Geostatistical evaluation of a monitoring strategy for water quality assessment; C. Venard, et al. Application of data assimilation to three-dimensional hydrodynamics: the case of Odra lagoon; T. Wolf, et al.Health / Ecology. Geostatistical characterization of a pine tree productivity index; J.Almeida, C. Santos. Impact of local pollution on fish abundance using geostatistical simulations; E. De Oliveira, et al. An application of geostatistical and GIS techniques to indoor radon risk mapping; H.C.Zhu.Hydrology. Stochastic flow and transport simulations of a three-dimensional tracer test in moderately fractured plutonic rock; T. Chan, et al. A probabilistic and conditional approach for delineating the extent of a contamination plume within an aquifer; R.Froidevaux, et al. Geostatistical modeling of tracer tests in a single fracture. Calibration of transport parameters; J. Jodar, et al. Radial flow in a bounded randomly heterogeneous aquifer with recharge; M.Riva, C. Tei. Uncertainty and sensitivity analyses for contaminant transport models based on conditional indicator simulations; K.-J.Röhlig, B. Pöltl. Analysis of radionuclide migration in rock fractures with heterogeneous matrix diffusion; S. Xu, et al.Methods. Probability field algorithm for multivariate conditional simulation; E.F. Cassiraga, J.J. Gómez-Hernández. Analysing positive-valued spatial data: the transformed Gaussian model; O.F.Christensen, et al. Kriging for cut-offs and other difficult problems; N. Cressi, G. Johannesson. Detecting regions of abrupt change: wombling procedure and statistical significance; J.F. Gleyze, et al. Average length of objects defined from binary realizations: effects of discretization and covariance parameters; C. Guardiola-Albert, J.J.Góomez-Hernández. A positive definite estimator of the non stationary covariance of random fields; G. Guillot, et al. Variogram-derived measures of textural image classification; A.Jakomulska, K.C. Clarke. Which experimental variogram for the structural inference: a methodological study; N. Jeannée, C.H.De Fouquet. Parameter uncertainty in spatial prediction: checking its importance by cross-validating the Wolfcamp and Rongelap data sets; A.Papritz, R.A. Moyeed. Direct sequential co-simulation: a new stochastic modelling for environmental applications; A. Soares. Change of support for environmental indicators; A. Stein. Bayesian conditioning of a random field to point measurements; E. Todini.SoilScience / Site Remediation. Factorial Kriging applied to the study of industrial contaminated soils; A.C. Batista, et al. Managing heterogeneous sampling data for geostatistical estimations of Benzo(A) pyrene concentrations in a former gas works; H. Demougeot-Renard, C.De Fouquet. Geostatistical modeling of regionalized grain-size distributions using Min/Max autocorrelation factors; A.J. Desbarats. Fine scale soil texture estimation using soil maps and profile descriptions; D. D'Or, P. Bogaert. A comparison of geostatistical simulation approaches for estimating the spatial uncertainty of soil texture; S. Druck Fuks, M. Voltz. Accounting for soft information in mapping soil contamination with TPH at an oil storage site; M.Pereira, et al. Geostatistical analysis of PCB-contaminated sediment in a commercial dock, Swansea, UK; J. Reed, et al.PosterPresentations. Comparison of geostatistical algorithms for completing groundwater monitoring well time series using data of a nearby river; N. Barabás, P. Goovaerts. Data assimilation and geostatistics in ecological modeling; L. Bertino, et al. Spatial patterns of soil seed-bank related to some soil properties; S. Bocchi, et al. Geostatistical analysis for characterization of gully topographic features in olive tree areas; F. Carvajal, et al. Probabilistic assessment of groundwater contamination by nitrate; A.Castrignanò, et al. BME analysis of neural network residual data from the Chernobyl fallout: Bayesian and non-Bayesian approaches; G. Christakos, et al. Spatial analysis of soil physical properties in a UK upland subcatchment; L.K. Deeks, et al. Digital terrain modelling with geostatistics; J. Delgado, et al. The PLS regression in spatial statistical estimation; Y. Elkettani. Complex geometry of depositional facies within a coastal aquifer system: three-dimensional mapping of confining layers and hydrogeologic implications; J. Erskine, A.T.Fisher. Geostatistical approach for mapping SPT values at Lisbon; L.Fernandes, et al. Use of multivariate indices to characterise hydrogeochemical data. Application to the alluvial aquifer of Alto Guadalentín, SE Spain; R. Jiménez-Espinosa, et al. Evaluation of deleterious and toxic elements contents in Cu-Ag ores from Lubin-Glogow district, SW Poland; J. Mucha, et al. Spatial prediction of diameter distribution models in forestry; N. Nanos, G.Montero. Geostatistical analysis of stereoscopic pairs of satellite images; J. Sénégas, et al. GIS-based classification and indicator simulation of groundwater vulnerability characteristics. Case study on Austrian-Czech border; M. Stibitz. Spatial variability of heavy metals in an agricultural watershed in Galicia, Spain, M.Ulloa Guitián, et al. Effect of soil properties on vegetation diversity in a created hay meadow. A multivariate and spatial approach; S. Vaz, et al. Spatial analysis of patchy vegetation on semi-arid steppe; R. Webster, F.T. Maestre. Author Index