Introduction to TV/Film Production


James Clemens High School / Teacher: / Clay Combs
11306 County Line Road
Madison, AL 35756 / Email: /
Phone: / 256-261-5313 ext. 95117
I. / Course Description: / A one-credit course that provides students with knowledge of television production skills and operations. Students participate in classroom and laboratory experiences in television performance, production, and operations.
II. / Course Objectives: / 1.  Students will master the three parts of television and film production.
2.  Students will master use and care of production equipment and editing software.
3.  Students will understand characteristics of each TV and film genre.
4.  Students will create original works of various genres from both personal experience and published artists/authors.
5.  Students will distribute and critique finished products for self-reflection.
III. / Classroom Expectations: / Students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and productive manner. In addition to all the rules and expectations listed in the student handbook, I expect students to have a positive attitude, treat others with respect, practice self-discipline, and demonstrate responsibility. If these conditions are not met, students can expect one on one meetings with instructor, parent / instructor conferencing, and administrative action, if necessary.
Requests for accommodations for this course or any school event are welcomed from students and parents.
Concerning laptop utilization:
1. Student laptops should not be hard wired to the network or have print capabilities.
2. Use of discs, flash drives, jump drives, or other USB devices will not be allowed on Madison City computers.
3. Neither the teacher, nor the school is responsible for broken, stolen, or lost laptops.
4. Laptops and other electronic devices will be used at the individual discretion of the teacher.
IV. / Grading Policy: / Test grades will account for 70% of the 9-weeks grade, with the remaining 30% being determined by quiz/daily grades. The grading scale is as follows: A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), D (65-69), and F (below 65). Grades will be a reflection of mastery of the standards. Make sure all absences are excused as class work can be made up and graded for excused absences only. The Final Exam counts for 1/5 of final grade.
V. / Make-up Test Policy: / TBA
Week 1 / Introduction to class, history of film, characteristics of successful directors
Week 2 / Pre-production: parts of a camera, crew responsibilities, scriptwriting and storyboarding
Week 3 / Production: 20 shots, 180 degree rule, sound and lighting
Week 4 / Post-production: editing with Final Cut Pro X, sound effects and soundtrack
Week 5 / Green Screen Project
Week 6 / Advertisements and Commercials
Week 7 / One Shot (long take)
Week 8 / What makes a good trailer?
Week 9 / Conceptual music videos and experimental film
Week 10 / 10 Min
Week 11 / Micro Film
Week 12 / 72-hour Project
Week 13 / How to make a good documentary
Week 14 / Documentary
Week 15 / Open Space/final project
Week 16 / Final project/pre-production and script read through
Week 17 / Final project/production
18 / Final Project/post-production

* The syllabus serves as a guide for both the teacher and student; however, during the term it may become necessary to make additions, deletions, or substitutions. Adequate notice will be provided to students of any necessary changes.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I look forward to having a great year! I feel fortunate to have your son/daughter in my class this semester and hope that you will contact me should you have any concerns about the progress of your son/daughter or any aspect of the instruction. With your son/daughter, please read the attached policies, then sign and date this signature page and have your son/daughter return this form. Please provide a current email address and phone number at which I can contact you should the need arise. Please contact me at school with any concerns.

Thank you,

My child and I have read and discussed the classroom syllabus.

Student Name (Print) ______Date______

Student Signature______Date______

Parent/Guardian Name (Print)______Date______

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______

Email address______(w) ______(h)

Phone number______(w) ______(h) ______(c)

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