2017 All Night Party Registration Form

Student Name (print) ______Student Phone#:______

Parent/Guardian Name______Parent Phone #:______

Parent/Guardian Name______Parent Phone #:______



Email address______

Emergency Phone Number for night of 6/2/17 Event:______

Second Emergency Phone Number for night of 6/2/17 Event:______

List any health or medical concerns to be aware of: (food allergies, medications, etc)


Please return all of the items in the St. Francis High School Office or mail to:

St. Francis All Night Party

P.O. Box 37

Cedar, MN 55011

Provide Payment in Full

$90.00 until April 30, 2017

$110.00 May 1 – 31, 2017

$120.00 June 1 or 2, 2017

Check Payable to SFHS All Night Party

To be eligible for a reduced price for the All Night Party, the family must qualify for “Reduced Priced Meals” or “Free Meals”. Please contact the chair for more information.

Student Signature: ______

St. Francis High School 2017 All Night Party

Students Name: ______Date of Birth:______

Student Code of Conduct and Liability Release Form

This document defines the expectations that each student attending the 2017 St. Francis High School All Night Party (“ANP”) will adhere to, in order to have a safe, fun and memorable party.

Student Responsibilities and Code of Conduct

1. Following commencements and congratulatory hugs and pictures, Students will proceed in an orderly fashion to designated area as directed by staff and parent volunteers, to wait to board the bus.

2. Students are not to leave the school building premises between commencement and transportation waiting area.

3. The only items that may be brought with you to the party are a cell phone and camera. If these items are brought, you will be responsible for carrying them the entire night. Purses, backpacks, and similar items, are not allowed. If you manage to make it to Blainbrook with one of these items, it will be confiscated for the night and returned when we arrive back at SFHS in the morning.

4. All students must take the bus to and from the ANP. No exceptions.

5. You may not leave the building during the ANP.

6. The venue is a smoke-free facility. Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the building. You will not be permitted to go outside to smoke. Leave your cigarettes andE-Cigs at home.

7. The use of tobacco (regardless of your age), drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited. Insubordination and/or aggressive/violent behavior is not acceptable. Inappropriate behaviors will not be tolerated and any infraction of these rules will result in immediate action including contacting your parents and/or the police. This event has been planned and hosted by your parents. Make them proud.

I have read and understand what is expected of me in this Code of Conduct and agree to comply with it. I understand that a violation of this code of conduct could result in me being unable to attend or sent home from the ANP with no refund of any fee associated with the party.

Student Signature:


Liability Release Form

In the event of any and all injuries, I release School District 15 and the 2017 SFHS All Night Party Committee from any and all liability. I authorize the Blainbrook staff or parent volunteers to administer first aid and secure medical services as deemed necessary in the event of an accident. I further agree that I will incur all medical expenses related to such accident.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

On June 2, 2017, if student is under 18 a parent signature is required:

Parent Signature: ______Date:______