A regular meeting of the Mayor and Town Council of Central Valley Town was held on Wednesday, the 20th of August, 2014 at the Central Valley Community Center, 50 West Center, Central Valley, Utah at the hour of 7:30 p.m. after due and timely notice had been provided pursuant to Section 52-4-6, UCA, 1953, as amended.
Council Members: Charles Evans, Bryan Brown, Becky Bastian and David Nielson.
Absent/excused: Mayor Kim Peterson
Town Clerk: Allen Henningson
Town Treasurer: Shelley Brown
Matt Mclean, Dale Gifford, Wilma Ames and Robyn Ames.
1. Opening Remarks given by Becky Bastian.
2. Meeting called to order and roll call. Mayor Pro-tem Nielson welcomed those in attendance at the meeting. David stated that he would be acting as Mayor Pro-tem for tonight's meeting since Mayor Peterson was traveling this week.
3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting. The minutes of the July 16th Town Council meeting were presented for approval. All members had reviewed the minutes. Mayor Pro-tem Nielson asked for a discussion of the minutes. The minutes were approved upon the motion of Becky Bastian and seconded by Charles Evans. Mayor Kim Peterson was absent, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, Mayor Pro-tem David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative.
4. Comments from Residents.
Officer Matt Mclean offered to answer any questions from the council. Mayor Pro-tem Nielson welcomed Matt to the meeting.
Shelley Brown stated that she was representing Brandon and Cassie Bateman. They would like to remove an elm tree that is in front of their property. The tree is on town right of way property. They are willing to pay to have it removed. Mayor Pro-tem Nielson stated that the tree is not presenting a public hazard so the town would not remove the tree. He is okay if the Bateman's want to remove the tree. Allen Henningson stated that the council could not make a decision on the tree since it is not on the agenda.
5. Central Valley Cemetery. Proposed Cemetery Ordinance Discussion.
Allen Henningson explained that Pat Meanea had asked that the council review the proposed cemetery ordinance. Pat was not able to attend tonight's meeting since he was working. Pat is a member of the cemetery community council that is helping with the cemetery. Allen reported that he had talked with Mayor Peterson about some of the items in the proposed ordinance. Mayor Peterson has said that he would like the cemetery assigned to a council member for over sight and responsibility. The town could not afford to hire a Sexton or a superintendent for the cemetery. These duties would have to be assigned to current employees or council members. The town did not intend to have a permanent Cemetery Board, the current community council provides advice and suggestions to the council. Allen stated that we would need to add a preamble, ordaining clause, a penalty if applicable and signatures for mayor and town clerk. Pat has asked the council to consider having a public hearing on the proposed ordinance in our next meeting. Bryan Brown suggested that we would not be ready for a public hearing in September. He does not think there should be an additional person hired to be a Sexton or superintendent. Those duties could be completed by the town clerk or the treasurer. Charles Evans reported that Ryan Savage is working on the survey for the cemetery. Mayor Pro-tem Nielson stated that the council should think about the ordinance and provide additions to be discussed at the September council meeting.
6. Park Updates. Splash Pad. Other Park Needs. Becky Bastian
Becky reported that the funding meeting for the splash pad with the CIB is scheduled for October 2nd. She reported that she has talked with Candace Powers of the CIB to discuss the funding request for the road study at the October meeting. Candace has advised that funding for the road study could not be approved in the October meeting. We would need the paper work for the road study submitted by September 15th, to be able to approve funding in the next meeting.
Tyson Brown has gone back to school and is not available to mow the lawn at the park. Mayor Peterson has agreed to let Rowdee Taylor do the lawn mowing at the park for the balance of the season.
Becky reported that she will have the inmate crew come again this fall to move rocks, weeds and complete additional painting. The dying trees at the park will also be replaced this fall. There is a need for additional landscaping and trees at the park. Dave asked if the trees could become a problem for the baseball field. Becky responded that she did not think they would.
Becky stated that she should have sufficient funding for the splash pad. We will be asking for a $60,000.00 grant from the CIB. There is a donor that will cover our remaining donations needed for the splash pad. The town would provide the other $35,000.00 with $10,000.00 coming from donations. We have already received about $2,000.00 in donations.
Dale Gifford commented that the lawn had been mowed when it was wet. The wet grass needs to be cleaned out of the lawn mower before it is put away. It is making a mess in the maintenance building. The grass needs to be cleaned up around the dumpster. Wilma Ames stated that she would like the grass for composting. Wilma also asked about the policy for dogs at the park. Becky responded that dogs are okay at the park as long as their owner cleans up after them. They should be kept on a leash. The county will take care of any dogs that are a problem.
7. Town Survey Results. Bryan Brown
Bryan Brown reviewed the survey results for the General Plan with the council. A total of 74 surveys were returned out of about 218 that were sent out. About a third of the surveys were returned. The results are a good indication of how a vote would turn out. The individual cemetery property could not be annexed. We would have to annex all the property between the cemetery and the current town boundary. Bryan provided three handouts, the first summarized the survey, the second was a list of the motto's submitted for the contest and the third was a list of written comments that were submitted with the survey. Bryan asked the council how the planning & zoning commission should proceed with the town mottos from the town motto contest. The council would like the planning commission to narrow the motto's down to a select few and the council will make the final selection. There was a discussion on how the survey results could be made available to the town residents. A summary could be provided in the town newsletter. Dave asked that the residents be thanked for returning their surveys. The selection of the town motto will be placed on the agenda for our September meeting.
8. Street Improvement Project.
Mayor Pro-tem Nielson stated that the proposal from Jones and DeMille Engineering was in the packet. The street conditions assessment and planning study would cost $26,000.00. We will apply for a grant for 50% of the cost. A pubic hearing on the application to the CIB will be held in our September meeting. Jones and DeMille were selected to complete the study because they have a lot of experience with the CIP process which is proposed to reconstruct the streets in town. This process could result in significant savings for the town. The town discussed the questions that could come up during the hearing. Bryan stated that most of our residents will agree there is a need to improve our roads.
9. GIS Mapping Project. Review other Bids. Approve Project.
Mayor Pro-tem Nielson reported that we were still working to obtain an additional bid for the project. Jones and DeMille has offered to submit a bid. Paul Damron has submitted the only bid so far. The project was tabled until our next meeting. It was suggested that we obtain a bid from Jason Monroe. Some of the adjacent towns are using the Gateway system for cemetery management.
10. Review Town Credit Card Policy.
Allen Henningson stated that Mayor Peterson had asked that the council review the town policy on credit card use. A copy of the current policy was provided in the packets. Mayor Peterson asked that the council consider adding additional items to the policy. The town credit card is available for use as needed for the council and town employees for purchase of town supplies and travel related expenses. The credit card is especially useful for online purchases. A receipt needs to be provided to the town clerk within five business days. A town charge account should be used where possible to use our sales tax exempt status.
11. Disposition/Sale of old chairs and one table.
Dale Gifford reported that there are about 50 of the old chairs and one old table at the maintenance building. There are also four old picnic tables that had been used at the old pavilion. The unusable chairs were taken to the metal recycling facility. Mayor Pro-tem Nielson suggested that we put a note in the next newsletter stating that the chairs and tables would be available on the first come first served basis until November 1st. The remaining chairs and tables would then be taken to the recycling facility. We will ask $2.00 a piece for the chairs and $20.00 for the tables. Becky Bastian made a motion to offer the chairs at $2.00 each and the tables at $20.00 each on a first come first served basis until November 1st. Bryan Brown seconded the motion. Mayor Kim Peterson was absent, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, Mayor Pro-tem David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative. Becky and Charles expressed interest in purchasing the picnic tables.
12. Consider purchase of Additional Electronic Speed Sign.
Mayor Pro-tem Nielson stated that he is having second thoughts about the purchase of the new electronic speed sign. If we purchase another one, it would be solar powered. It would be a lot heavier and would not be able to be moved around as easily. It would cost about $6,000.00. We would need to decide the best place to install it. Bryan suggested that if it stayed in one location that people would get used to it and ignore it. Wilma Ames asked why the speed limit was set at 35 MPH. She stated that it was too fast for our residential areas. Dave responded that the county had set the speed limit and he feels it is appropriate for our town. He asked if we should spend $6,000.00 for a new sign. Dave likes to be able to move them around. Bryan stated that we should not purchase the new sign. The portable battery powered sign that cost $2,500.00 is effective. Charles Evans made a motion to purchase the new sign. The motion died for lack of a second.
Wilma Ames asked about the cost for children caution signs. It was reported that we can get some small ones for about $50.00. Wilma suggested that some children caution signs be installed in the center of town around the park. Speed is a problem in town. The intersection in the center of town is dangerous.
13. Cement Drainage Box for Culvert on Center and Central Boulevard.
Mayor Pro-tem Nielson reported that he had made arrangements to purchase the cement drainage box from Richfield City at a cost of $400.00. We will get it delivered and install it on the end of the culvert at the junction of Center Street and Central Boulevard Street. Richfield City will be billing us for the box.
14. Lawn Mowing Position Vacated. Need replacement for balance of season.
The council needs to confirm the decision that was made by Mayor Peterson regarding hiring Rowdee Taylor to mow the lawns for the rest of the season. David Nielson disclosed that Rowdee is his grandson. Dale Gifford suggested that the town advertise for an employee to replace him as soon as possible. Charles Evans made a motion to hire Rowdee Taylor to mow the lawns for the balance of the season. Bryan Brown seconded the motion. Mayor Kim Peterson was absent, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, Mayor Pro-tem David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative. Becky Bastian stated that this was a temporary position for the rest of this year. She also said that Darren should be doing his park duties and Rowdee should be the lawn mower. Things have not worked smoothly at the park this summer.
The council discussed the town position that will be vacated by Dale Gifford. Currently we have a roads position and a park position. Dale suggested that one person could do both positions. He has spent 0-40 hours per month doing the work. The town can not afford a full time position. Bryan Brown suggested that we may want to keep the two positions. Dale Gifford will be resigning soon. He is needed to train a new employee. Shelley Brown stated that we should define the duties of the position. Mayor Pro-tem Nielson stated that town employees are on call to help the water department as needed.
15. Approval of monthly expenditures. Mayor Pro-tem Nielson asked for a review of the July expenditures. Bryan Brown made a motion to approve the July expenditures as described. Charles Evans seconded it. Mayor Kim Peterson was absent, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, Mayor Pro-tem David Nielson voted yes and Becky Bastian voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative.
16. Council Members Reports.
Bryan Brown reported that the planning & zoning commission did not meet last month. They will meet on September 3rd to go over the survey and the motto's. They are working on the General Plan.