School/Setting Advice for Annual Review of
Education, Health and Care Plan
Name: Date of Birth:
Date of this review meeting / Date of last reviewSetting
Yr Group / Attendance / Home Language
Other settings attended within the last 12 months
Annual review or Interim review (please tick).
If interim review please give reason(s)for holding the review:
School/Setting advice completed by:
Signed: ______
N.B. This advice is to be circulated to parents and professionals invited to the Annual Review Meeting two weeks prior to the meeting.
Progress Information
Please use this page to demonstrate year on year academic progress made by the child/young person. You can include your school’s tracking data, attaching printouts if necessary.
Please also complete the table below with any other specialised individual assessments you may have used, such as reading tests, spelling tests, non-verbal reasoningtests, Boxall profile etc.
Name of Test / ResultsEarlier / Previous Year / Current Year
FundingThe school/setting is expected to provide additional funding for supportfrom within the funds delegated to the school.This includes element 2 funding (which is currently a total of £6000).The Local Authority provides additional top up funding (element 3).
The element 3 funding provided by the LA for this pupil is £ ______
If the child/young person is in a mainstream setting please providea costed provision map to demonstrate how elements 2 and 3 funding are being used to achieve the outcomes in the EHC plan. (See last page)
Please also include any additional funding that school is in receipt of to support this pupil e.g. pupil premium
What services, across education, health and care, are involved?
Current Situation-in the view of the setting
What’s working for the child/young person?What’s not working so well?
The child/young person’sprimary area of need which calls for special educational provision is: (please tick)
Communication and Interaction
Cognition & Learning
Social, Mental & Emotional Health
Sensory and/or Physical
In the view of the setting, what progress since the last review has the child/young person made towards the outcomes in the EHC Plan: Please copy and paste the questions below for each outcome in the plan:Outcome – (insert outcome from the EHC Plan)
Has the outcome been achieved? / Tick One:
Yes, much better than the expected outcome
Yes, a little better than the expected outcome
Yes, expected outcome achieved /
Still working towards expected outcome, excellent progress /
Still working towards expected outcome, good progress
Still working towards expected outcome, a little progress
No progress towards outcome
Please comment on any reasons for much better or worse progress than expected for individual outcomes:
For children in a transition year (Nursery, Y2, Y6, Y9, Y11) if any outcomes have been achieved, please suggest new outcomes to be achieved by the end of the next keystage?
In the view of the setting, what short- term targets will support progress towards the outcomes in the EHC Plan?
Any other issues/information that will need further discussion at the review:
Special Educational Provision form for ______
(You can also show this information in another format, e.g. Excel provision map).
Details of provision in the last 12 monthsTime period / Year group / Description of Provision/Intervention / Length per session / Frequency / Staff-pupil ratio / Staff name / Staff role & level / Duration of Provision / Method of Evaluation / Cost
Total cost of provision in the last 12 months ______
Element 2 funding - £6000
Element 3 funding -£_____
Any additional funding available to this pupil -£______