Chapter 6
What other kinds of formatting can I apply to WordArt objects?
Using the WordArt Tools Format tab, you can change the character spacing, letter height, patterns, or pictures, and add shadows or 3-Deffects.
What does the Shape Fill button do?
When you click the Shape Fill button (WordArt Tools Format tab| WordArt Styles group), you can choose to fill the WordArt letters with a color, picture, gradient, texture, or pattern.
Could I have chosen a template with landscape orientation?
Yes, if you know in advance that you want landscape orientation, choose one of the landscape orientation templates. If you have already created objects, use the Page Orientation button (Page Design tab | Page Setup group).
My alignment options were enabled already. Did I do something wrong?
No. If your alignment options were enabled, it may be that someone already had turned on the Relative to Margin Guidesfeature.
What do the Distribute commands do?
When you have more than one object selected, the Distribute commands create equal distance between the selected objects, either horizontally or vertically.
Where will the table be inserted?
Publisher inserts the table in the center of the workspace window.
What if I do not know exactly how many rows I need?
You often do not know the total number of rows that a table will require. Thus, many Publisher users create one row initially and then add more rows as needed.
What are the small circles in the table cells?
Each table cell has an end-of-cell mark, which is a formatting mark that assists you with selecting and formatting cells. Recall that formatting marks do not print on a hard copy. The end-of-cell marks currently are left aligned, that is, positioned at the left edge of each cell.
What if I have more data than will fit in a cell?
By default, the data you enter in a cell wordwraps just as text wordwraps between the margins of a text box. You can turn off that feature by clicking to remove the check mark in the Grow to Fit Text check box (Table Tools Design tab | Size group).
How do I edit cell contents if I make a mistake?
Click in the cell and then correct the entry.
How would I delete just the data in the column?
Drag to select the column and then press the delete key. Or right-click the selection and then click Delete Text on the shortcut menu.
How would I delete more than one column?
You could delete them one at a time, or, later in this chapter, you will learn how to select multiple cells, rows, and columns. Once they are selected, you use the same button to delete them.
Why are the table formats black, purple, and gray?
Publisher displays table formats that match the colors in the chosen color scheme, in this case, the Lilac color scheme you chose earlier in the chapter.
Can I add rows or columns after I have applied a table style?
You may get unpredictable results. Some table styles replicate the pattern correctly when you add a column but do not alternate colors when you add a row. If you add rows or columns, you may need to reapply the table style.
I do not see the arrow. What should I do?
Move the mouse pointer slightly to the left or right. The arrow appears when you are approximately 1/8-inch from the edge of the table.
How do I select multiple, adjacent rows without dragging through them?
Point to the left side of the first row to display the right-pointing block arrow and then drag straight down until all desired rows are selected.
How can I create a one-month calendar?
To create just one month on one page, use the same month and date in both the Start date and End date boxes (Set Calendar Dates dialog box
What kind of object is the year box with the up and down arrows?
Microsoft refers to this as a numerical up and down box. It commonly is used for fixed data in a sequential list from which the user can choose. You also can type into a numerical up and down box.
Why do so many thumbnails appear in the Page Navigation pane?
Because you selected a yearly calendar, Publisher created 12 pages, one for each month of the year.
What are the gray dotted vertical lines in the table?
Publisher displays nonprinting boundaries around each cell so that you can see the cells more clearly.
What color are the borders?
Publisher uses the second accent color in your current color scheme as the default color for table borders. You can change the color by clicking the Line Color button (Table Tools Design tab | Borders group).
Why should I insert the table in the scratch area?
It is easier to work with tables outside of the publication and then move them onto the page layout after editing.
What does the Create New option button do?
You would click the Create New option button if you wanted to create an embedded table or other object from scratch.
What happened to the File tab and the other Publisher tabs?
Publisher displays Excel functionality while you are working on an embedded table. When you click outside the table, the Publisher tabs will reappear.
Why does the text appear bold?
Text typed into embedded tables retains the formatting of the original worksheet. Cell A8 was bolded in the embedded worksheet.
How do you use the text box at the bottom of the ribbon?
The text box is called the formula bar. You may type text, numbers, formulas, and functions in either the formula bar or in the cell; sometimes it is easier to edit in the formula bar.
What other math operations can I perform?
You can type any formula into the formula bar using real numbers or cell references. You also can click the Microsoft Office Excel Help button on the Ribbon to learn about many mathematical functions that will help you with formulas that are more complex.
How does the fill handle replicate the sum?
When you drag to the right, the sum is adjusted to include the same number of cells above the total line in each column. When you drag down, the sum is adjusted to include cells to the left in each row.