The Parish Office,

29c Station Road,

Netley Abbey,


SO31 5AE

02380 453732

12th February 2018NOTICE OF MEETING



Location:Hound Parish Hall, Woolston Road, Butlocks Heath, Southampton, SO31 5FA

Date:Monday 19th February 2018


To: Planning Committee Members

Also:All other Councillors

All members of the Planning Committee are summoned to attend

Members of the public are very welcome to attend.

Public Participation is allowed only by the invitation of the Chair of the Planning Committee.

Business to be transacted:

  1. To accept apologies for absence
  2. To accept Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on the Agenda
  3. To approve dispensations for Disclosable Pecuniary Interests under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011
  4. To approve minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on the 22nd January 2018
  5. Planning Application (EBC Planning Public Register Search Click Here)

i.F/17/81671 - Land at Pound Road Bursledon. Construction of 1no. 3 bed detached two storey dwelling with basement, rear garage and new access from Priors Hill Lane.

ii.H/17/82133 - Chestnut view 6 Grange Farm Grange Road Netley Abbey. Single storey rear extension.

iii.F/18/82259 - Sunnydale Farm Grange Road Bursledon. Use of land for caravan storage (revised area).

iv.H/18/82311 - 10 Beverley Gardens Bursledon. Roof alterations to provide enlarged first floor accommodation in the form of 1no. box dormer.

v.F/18/82322 - Land South of Bursledon Road Southampton. Construction of 200no. dwellings with associated public open space, landscaping, roads, drainage and diversion of public footpath No.1, with associated access from Bursledon Road and vehicular link to the land to the south, and laying out of new country park. (This development is contrary to the development plan and affects a public right of way).

vi.H/18/82415 - 2 Myrtle Cottages Green Lane Bursledon. Single storey side extension.

  1. To receive list of planning decisions made between 15th January 2018 to 19th February 2018 from Eastleigh Borough Council
  2. To receive Notice of Appeal for Blackthorn Health Centre Satchell Lane Hamble-Le-Rice (email to Members)
  3. To receive resolution to exclude members of the public and press from Confidential Matters to be discussed ‘that in view of the confidential/special nature of the business about to be transacted, it is in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw’
  4. To receive EBC enforcement list

Date of next Meeting Monday 19th March 2018 at Hound Parish Hall Woolston Road Butlocks Heath at 7.00pm.

Angie Lush

Issued by MsAngie Lush

Senior Assistant Clerk