Once on This Island Jr.

Cast List 2018

If you see two names by the role, the role has been double casted. IF your name is not below… see Mrs. B because there are no cuts and your Audition form must have been lost and you can fill out a new one.

TiMoune- Mary Jane Rayburn

Daniel Beauxhomme-Grey Randle

Andrea- Whitney S. Dahle


These are one of the hardest roles with the most lines, telling the bulk of the story throughout the whole show!

Jordyn Wride

Lauren Peterson

Anne Coon

Berkeley Horne

Zoe Garber

Caitlyn Wilcox

Yasmine Atkins

Annabelle Soelburg

The Gossipers

These girls have singing solos!

Chase Davidson

Sabrina Bierman

Marlo Harmer

Megan Jargensen

Emily Clinger

Emily Wiseman

The Singing Villagers

These girls have singing solos!

Adelyn Sheppard

Claire Carter

Allee Garver

Madelynn Tolley

Indy DeBirk


Major dance solos and dance songs for these girls!

Jordan Wride

Lauren Peterson

Emily Keller

Marlo Harmer

Lydia Olsen-Lyons

Adelyn Sheppard

Megan Jargensen

Anne Coon

Adelyn Sheppard

Emily Clinger

Allee Garver

Madeline Derby

Maria McRae

Yennica Rivera

Emery Mayhew

Montana VanRanken


Sophia Olson

Claire Carter

The Gods

Papa Ge- Logan Luker

Asaka-Maia Petilos/Emily Gardner

Agwe-Ethan Cooley

Erzulie- Paris Kimball/ Tabitha Wintch

Mama Euralie- Chris Klose/ Krissy Indelicato

Tonton Julian- Evan Coon

Daniel’s Son-Loren Pope/ Westley Wride

Daniel’s Father-Scott Williams/Gannett Fisk

Little TiMoune- Carmella Croft/ Ella Harmon

Gate Keeper-Trevin Oldham/Aurele Philippe

Students can be in all three Grand Hommes, Villagers and Peasants depending if they come to rehearsals often.

The Grand Hommes

Riley Niedorhauser

Mia Bookstabler

Emily Keller


Olivia Ruiz

Lydia Olsen-Lyons


Sarah Peters

Nora Stallings

Natalie Pope

Jayden N.

Juliane S.

The Villagers

Mia Bookstabler

Wesley Wride

Rory Black

Sabey Erikson

Isabelle Ruesen

Max Johnson

Micheal K.

Madeline Derby

Maria McRae

Charlotte Sessions

Chloe Quinn

Jade Sullivan


The Peasants

Leah Bird

Stephanie Tello

Ali Garcia

Dalsle Moreno

Alexia Betcher

Annalina Denys

Samatha Stephan

Haley Stephan

Micheal K.

Andrew Johnson

Gabrielle Dansie

Abbey Rich

Kalle Jones

Emma Romney

Adele Hurley

Sarah Suour

Mckinney Bowden

Sylvie Dance

Maria Moon

Rhonda Gibbon

Kristina Scott

Sarah Clements

Maya Christensen

Eve Iversen


Morgan Hardwick

Adasia Johnson

Payton Phele

Scary Papa Ge’s Friends

During Papa Ge song, “death” visits!

Maximus Smith

Henry Smith

Ethan Luker

James Mills

Tyler Rutherford

Loren Pope

Rory Black

Max Johnson