TO: Diedre Conkling, District Librarian

Lincoln County Library District

INFO: Jay Baughman, City Manager

City of Toledo

FROM: Deborah Trusty, Director

Toledo Public Library

DATE: November 12, 2015

SUBJ: Annual Report to Lincoln County Library District:

Library Standards

According to the contract between the City of Toledo and the Lincoln County Library District, the Toledo Public Library is required to comply with the following:

3. C. Each City shall submit a report to District describing how its library meets or exceeds the standards set under this agreement in Exhibit "A." Each library shall measure its library services and facilities against each standardtodemonstrate it fulfills its contractual obligations. Measurements shall be made from the most current available data supplemented by any alterations in facilities or services existing at the time of the report. The report shall be provided to District on or shortly after November 15 of eachyear. Receiptof thereport is a prerequisite to receiving reimbursement payments under this paragraph.Cities agree to allow District staff and representatives access to City records,ifrequested, to audit and confirm this information.

Attached to this memo you will find a copy of the Toledo Public Library’s “2014 Oregon Public Library Statistical Report.” We serve a population in the 0-4,999 category and we meet or exceed the quantitative standards for adequate service. I trust that this memo and its attachments will serve to meet contract expectations.

A.  Library Governance – Services and Leadership. We meet all criteria for Essential Standards which includes all threshold standards, the stipulated listed policies and procedures, and the required documentation relative to the library’s mission, goals, and facility.

B.  Library Governance – Policies. We meet all criteria for Essential Standards, most of the enhanced Standards, and one/half of the Exemplary Standards in this area

C.  Staff – Human Resources. We meet all the criteria for Essential Standards. The director holds a BA and her salary exceeds that of an Essential level librarian. With a staff of 3.4 FTE, we offer 0.62 FTE per 1,000 served.

D.  Staff – Diversity & Community Development. We meet all the criteria for Essential Standards. We do not have more than 5% of our population speaking a language other than English.

E.  Staff - Duties and Responsibilities. We meet all the criteria for Essential and Enhanced Standards.

F.  Materials – Community Value. We meet all the criteria for the Essential Standards. We meet most of the Enhanced and Exemplary Standards for this category.

G.  Services. We meet all the criteria for Essential Standards. We meet most of the Enhanced and the Exemplary Standards in this area as well. We are open 48 hours per week—which is substantially more hours than required for Essential Standards for a library serving a population of 5,000-9,999. We provide remote online access to the library catalog and databases 24 hours each day and have a presence [with access to the catalog] on the City’s webpage. In 2015, we provided outreach service to four children’s programs in Toledo and Newport. We also offer a weekly preschool story hour and a weekly teen book club. We rate Enhanced according to the quantitative materials standards.

H.  Technology – Community Value. We meet the Essential and Enhanced Standards requirements.

I.  Engaging the Community and Decision Makers. We meet the Essential and Enhanced Standards. The director is very active within the local community regarding cultural tourism and economic development. She serves as secretary for the Lincoln County Foundation. She is in regular contact with public school personnel regarding possible collaborations and partnerships. The Library enjoys the approximately 70 hours of volunteer help each month.

J.  Organizational Management. We meet the Essential, Enhanced, and Exemplary Standards for this area.

K.  Advocacy. We meet all the Essential and one half the Exemplary Standards in this area

L.  Staff & Supporter Advocacy. We meet the Essential, Enhanced, and Exemplary Standards in this area.

M.  Library Facilities – Community Anchor. Our facility meets the Essential, Enhanced, and Exemplary Standards for this area. Our building is 8,000 square feet—double the Minimum Space Requirements for the population served.

N.  Library Facilities – Legal. Our facility meets the Essential and Enhanced Standards for this area.

O.  Library Facilities – Design. Our facility meets the Essential, Enhanced, and Exemplary Standards for this area.

P.  Library Facilities – Technology. Our facility meets the Essential, Enhanced, and Exemplary Standards for this area.

Q.  Library Facilities – Assessment and Planning. Our facility meets the Essential Standards for this area.

R.  Library Facilities – Partnerships/Collaboration. Our facility meets the Essential, Enhanced, and Exemplary Standards for this area.