Seeds of Hope

(Thoughts on “It’s Your Time” – Joel Osteen)

God breathes life into us – no doubt – seeds of hope – keep on planting and God will work with any bit – seeds of hope

A purpose with a positive achievable vision easy to replace tough thoughts with  Hopeful thought cycles are necessary for turning new healthy thought motion. In Jesus name Amen. God is and that’s that. Quantum Healing Network signing on…n….on…..throughout the super natural realm that exists mostly unnoticed. Faith ignited….

God moves things in our lives from even further that our idea of sub-atomic particles….the building blocks of everything is alive because of GOD.

Have thoughts of faith. Purpose. Vision (a realistic goal that is a good one, your own idea, seeds of hope).

Just like a harvest of anything, a farmer knows patience and persistence is part of the process. Things happen all in good time. No rush. Let well enough alone. Take it easy. No harm done. Lighten up. Let it go. When we stay in the moment, God shifts the gear back to peace. Anointment of ease that brings peace to mind/body and Soul. Amen. Keep an Attitude of Gratitude and we pass the test in God’s book. Let this take root in your spirit. Wake to the day asking God to help you with faith, and try to chew on the word. No pressure. 

God’s grace is another word for God’s favor….expect this grace. It will clear obstacles. Dare to believe how thinking on the presence of God brings joy and peace. 

Grace is God, is it some sort of sound? A frequency unnoticed….far out! Winds of grace…universal light winds of peace and inspiration to you in the name of the God spirit

If it’s tough creating an achievable goal, this is God setting up the next blessing. Life has been said to be cycles of blessings and trials. When we work on an attitude of gratitude we can create a realistic goal to appreciate the blessing from. A new thought and a peaceful realization is a real blessing.

Again, working on an attitude of gratitude is how we engage with God. This is the starting place. So how about Attitude of Gratitude, plant a seed hope, be at peace, quietly ground the vision realistically, rest….then attitude of gratitude.

Our job is to believe. Dare to believe that God exists within all matter, and the air too! How bout that!  A Higher connection, a supernatural explanation for the unknown which is the reality. In Quantum physics, the knowledge we have proves only probability. Quantum potentia. Wave potential. We are beings that make waves too brothers and sisters. Peace and love man….good vibes….take care…. 

When we are dealing with a challenge, consider this as God preparing the rescue. An attitude of gratitude simplifies things. We humans tend lose our peace when we want things.

Stir it up in faith. Activate the spirit. Dare to believe. Peace. Only probabilities exist in Quantum physics, otherwise we are witness to the miracle of the ordered mathematical universe. Billions of galaxies. Wow.

Nothing anyone says about you can change the fact that God created you, and takes over the DNA every moment.

No matter what, it’s between creation and you. One love. God breathes life into you. God wants you to breathe air. Same as the higher connection that develops in all human cultures...No doubt. Attitude of gratitude and we pass the test.

Miracles such as prayer healing. Psychoneuroimmunology is perfect example of what prayer is. How about spirit, we all have an idea of something that may have a magic quality. That’s a connection to the spirit of God.

..Yeah…Energy and signals travel at Quantum levels found in scientific experiments that cannot be explained. Quantum leaps that are beyond.

Fruits of the spirit, not religious nuts.  Wish well on others, seek God and the rest is gravy. Treasures in heaven.

So here we go, lets try this way of thinking. 

Ask GOD to help with your faith.

Dare to believe.

Keep faith and plant seeds of purpose (start with one),

Be patient with the harvest as good farmers do, dawn an attitude of gratitude and try to stay in the moment, and God is working for you all the time. Take care. 

Get ready because GOD is working miracles.

Magic Theory. 

We have a bounce back spirit. Just like palm trees that bend in the wind, yet the roots grow stronger. That’s us. 

God works for us at all times, and we work for GOD.

Nothing is happening TO you, its God happening FOR you. Staying in the now, and seeking GOD (attitude of gratitude and staying in the moment focused on the higher connection – like a gear engaging we connect ourselves to the spirit – or the wind hitting the sail – let GOD)

Create ways of remembering your inspired purpose and vision. Purpose is abstract, and vision is concrete. 

Lighten up.

God is in the air we breathe; in fact IS the air we breathe. We aren’t here except for GOD’s grace. The energy of GOD keeps us alive. Quantum GOD Consciousness.

God moves through the sub-atomic particles that everything is composed of.

If times are tough, it’s a set up for brighter days, so lets try and get our “in the moment attitude of gratitude thinking” –

Engage the spirit. 

We are planted seeds blessed with ability to bear fruit, that’s what we are, special seeds of the spirit. Challenges plant us, and let us rejoice that GOD is working for us. Just like a farmer preparing for the harvest. All in good time. No rush. Pray to be anointed in the spirit which will bring us a sense of peace. Good news. God will put a bounce back in your spirit. Declare victory in health. Wake up thanking GOD for his grace and favor in your life. Blessings of the mind, body and soul. 

God, we want to thank you for the belief in psychoneuroimmunology and the healing spirit that can bring us health flowing through our systems.

Let us have an “I care” attitude. Let us stay in faith and a shift will occur.

Like a seed planted in the earth, shake off the dirt, and faith blessings into your life.  What a miracle. God breaks us through. A big challenge means you have a big destiny. Just like a diamond, time and pressure, but take it easy, because we have to have a relaxed focus and be patient like a farmer. Be patient for the harvest.

In tough times God is getting us ready for the rescue. Keep chewing on the word. A challenge is sent to promote you. God wants you to lend and not borrow. Supernatural divine blessings of favor and increase.

We don’t have to seek blessings, seek GOD, and blessings are part of the package. It’s a set up. 

Words are like seeds. Keep on planting, keep on planting, keep on planting HOPE. Oh I declare faith in the morning  Plant seeds of faith and nourish. Speak the word and supernatural stuff happens. Just do it. Stay in the moment. Attitude of gratitude and we easier realize the blessings we have.

Another word for grace is favor. God’s blessings that we can faith into our life.

We never retire, we just “refire” the spirit to carry on. Refire in the spirit of GOD of which all matter is composed.  GOD will take our natural and put super on it. The news helps people worry, the real news is that you are blessed and GOD closed a door and opened another. Blessings, trials, blessings, trials, blessings.  God is working for us all the time.

Today you are catching a healing. Be proactive about it. Keep speaking faith into yourself. 

Fog is only vapor (7 city blocks of fog can fit into a drinking glass. Nothing to it) Fear is just a temporary fog that dissipates. Just relax. OOOOOh boy does GOD have new spiritual healing in store. Keep on planting brothers and sisters.  Speak the victory language…

The symbol for the Chinese word “crisis” is composed of two parts: “crisis and opportunity”.

Be careful….

New level, new devil. Humble yourself or GOD will do it for you.

Make goals that are realistic and rooted in purpose.

When faith feels dim, light a spark. God will come alive within you. The spirit of GOD living within every molecule of the body. Life energy. Healing energy.

GOD anoints us with peace. The famous “anointment of ease” that continues to rock churches all over the world. 

Practice discipline over thoughts, so positive mental thought cycles can happen. Sunshine in the mind. 

Try to stay in the moment, and pray for an attitude of gratitude that keeps you humble and in GOD. Peace.