I.  Call to Order - 6:30 pm

II.  Approval of Minutes

a.  Jacey motions to approve last meeting's minutes

b.  Seconded

c.  Voting

d.  Minutes approved

III.  Bill 2916-116 (Refer Down)

IV.  Officer Reports:

a.  Chair

i.  Subcommitte working on goals

ii. StudEx - recorded by audio. Internship program to lessen strain on Isaac's duties. Discussion of splitting position into 2. Ad astra per astra scholarship on site.

iii.  Voting for another chair for the AdHoc committee

iv.  University Senate - discussed external committe to uphold the needs of margenilized students within university senate.

b.  Vice Chair

i.  None

c.  Secretary

i.  Bill for BSW Student Group

ii. Fundraiser in spring

d.  Associate Senator

i.  Impeachment didn't go through in full senate

ii. She's the first has a fundraiser coming up

e.  Director Of Diversity and Inclusion

i.  Status of minority report finished

ii. Women's Lunchroom

iii.  Ad Astra scholarship

f.  Election of new chair for ad hoch committee

i.  Bahar: explaining the chair seat of the AdHoc committee to evaluate the appointment of seats, partularly for minority students. This chair position might take a little time so make sure you have the time to give. Chair will take over email list.

ii. Jacey nominates Sarah Elliott

iii.  Jacey moves to acclimate Sarah as the new chair of th ad hoch committee

iv.  Second

v. Voting

vi.  Sarah Elliott is elected as new chair of ad hoch Committee

V.  Bill 2016-120 (Refer down)

VI.  Motion to recess

a.  Seconded

b.  Voting

c.  Recess begins

VII.  Moving out of recess

VIII.  Bill 2016-124 (Refer Down)

IX.  New Business

a.  2016-116: A Bill to Fund Spaces of Hope

i.  Motion to move this bill to the top of the agenda

ii. Seconded

iii.  Voting

iv.  Moved to the top of the agenda

v. Motion to call to question

vi.  Seconded

vii.  Voting

viii.  Bill called to question

ix.  Voting on bill

x. Bill passes

b.  2016-118: A Bill to Change ‘Jayhawker Towers Tenants Association’ to ‘Apartment Living Association’

c.  2016-120: A Bill to Fund KU Environs

i.  Motion to table this bill

ii. Seconded

iii.  Voting

iv.  Bill tabled

d.  2016-122: A Bill to Fund Asian American Student Association

i.  Leaderhip summit

ii. Topic: Islamaphobia, multiraciality, etc.

iii.  HALO doing a workshop

iv.  Bill amended in finance

1.  Line 14 - $1215 instead of $3,430

v. Motion to call to question on the bill

vi.  Seconded

vii.  Bill called to question

viii.  Voting

ix.  Bill passes

e.  2016-124: A Bill to Amend Student Senate Rules and Regulations Article III Section 1.4.I.3 And Article II Section 2.1.2.I.3 To Remove Stouffer Place Association as an Appointed Senate Seat

i.  Motion to move this bill to the top of the agenda

ii. Seconded

iii.  Voting

iv.  Moved to the top of the agenda (refer to placement above)

v. Motion to call to question on the bill

vi.  Seconded

vii.  Voting

viii.  Bill called to question

ix.  Voting

x. Bill passes

f.  2016-308: A Resolution to Mandate Sustainability Standards For New Buildings on KU Campus

i.  Encouraging KU to adopt sustainable energy methods

ii. Concern of cost to do evaluation of buildings

iii.  2% of construction costs that would be paid back to the sustainable measures implimented

iv.  Want to adopt the gold standard throughout all buildings in campus at the very least.

v. Questions

vi.  Friendly - Mckenzie Oritz added as a sponsor

vii.  Friendly - everyone wants to now be a sponsor

viii.  Motion to call the bill to question

ix.  Second

x. Voting

xi.  Bill called to question

xii.  Voting

xiii.  Bill passes

X.  Announcements

a.  Omar Rana

i.  Jana Mackey distinguished lecture series coming to campus next week

1.  Monday, 7:00 pm, Dole

XI.  Adjourn

a.  Motion to adjourn

b.  Seconded

c.  Voting

d.  Adjourned - 7:08 pm

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