1. How do I add a user to the HURS Database?
Answer: A sponsor can add a user to the HURS database using the “Add/Modify User” tab. The HURS Functional guidance provides the exact steps to take to add a user to the HURS database.
2. I am receiving the following error when trying to access HURS; “The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.”
Answer: Receiving this error indicates that the user has been identified as a sponsor, but their password has not been validated in the HURS database. This is an internal password that cannot be seen by the user. Please contact the HURS Administrator at and provide your AKO ID and the error description cited in Question 1.
3. I received the following error when trying to access HURS; “You have been logged out as a result of an error. Try logging in again or contact the administrator.”
Answer: This normally means your session has timed-out. If you are unsuccessful when attempting to log-in again, please contact the HURS Administrator at and provide your AKO ID and the error description cited in Question 2.
4. The data shown in my HURS profile is incorrect. Why did this happen and how do I update my information?
Answer: New migration of the accounts are in progress to push the profile information from AKO, replacing what has already been saved to HURS.
5. I have access to HRC databases and will PCS in the upcoming months. Do I have to request a transfer of my account when I arrive to my new duty station?
Answer: YES; but each situation will be treated differently by HRC.
Situation 1: User has a “read-only” account in HRC administered databases and doesn’t require updated functionality within these databases.
Situation 1 Answer: IASO will request a transfer and must choose the users roles based on the categories provided. If the roles do not change from the previous roles established for this user, HRC will not need to modify the account, so long as the account remains active. An account will become inactive after 30 days of no utilization.
Situation 2: User requests updated functionality (includes less or more functionality).
Situation 2 Answer: IASO will request a transfer and must choose the users roles based on the categories provided. HRC will provision the account based on the established roles.
6. I no longer require access to HRC administered databases. How do I request to delete my access?
Answer: The servicing sponsor must access HURS and request that your account be deleted using the Add/Modify User Tab. Select the “delete” radio button and do not choose any categories for the user. This will delete all of the user’s accounts. The users profile will remain in HURS, but a workflow will be generated to HRC to delete all account. If you wish to only delete a specific system, select the “update” radio button and de-select the checkbox next to the applicable system.
7. How do I appoint someone to be an IASO/Sponsor?
Answer: The servicing sponsor must access HURS and delegate sponsorship using the “Delegate Sponsor” tab. The users AKO must be registered in the HURS database and be affiliated to the sponsors PSC Code. If the user is not registered, or is not affiliated to the sponsors PSC Code, the sponsor can add/modify the users profile using the “Add/Modify User” tab.
8. I was an IASO prior to HURS, but I do not have sponsor privileges in HURS. Why did this happen.
Answer: While staffing the requirements for HURS, eMILPO was chosen as the benchmark system to model the requirements for administrative privileges. Installation PAS Chiefs and PSDR BDE S1 PAS Chiefs are currently administrators in eMILPO and have the ability to create/modify/delete accounts in eMILPO. HRC administered systems are used in the same capacity, so the PAS Chiefs were identified as the initial population of sponsors. These sponsors have the ability to request access for HRC administered systems for any population, and can also delegate sponsorship roles for users assigned to their PSC Code.
9. I am trying to delegate sponsorship to a user, but I cannot find their AKO.
Answer: Sponsor delegation is restricted to PSC Code. Please verify that the user’s PSC Code is correct using the Add/Modify User tab.
10. I am trying to delegate sponsorship to a user, but the PSC code is blank.
Answer: If you attempt to update the PSC Code without choosing some type of system functionality, the system will generate a workflow to de-provision access to a user’s accounts. HRC is working to correct this functionality. In the interim, if you need to update a user’s PSC Code, please contact the HURS Administrator at and provide your AKO ID and PSC Code.
11. Why was the PSC Code chosen to determine roles and permissions?
Answer: Each MPD and PSDR BDE/STB S1 is issued a PSC Code. This identifies the organization as a personnel services center per AR 600-8. The PSC Code is also required to determine access levels in TOPMIS.
12. Why are data elements such as ARQODA, DML, DMSL required? We do not know what these codes mean.
Answer: The MACOM and ARQODA are required fields for the “Field” users only. The DML and DMSL are used to align a users profile under a given population, however, the HURS system does not require that this field be populated, so it may be left blank if a user is unsure of the applicable code. All codes are currently listed in the annexes of the functional guidance.
13. Has HRC developed functional guidance for HURS?
Answer: Yes, the HURS functional guidance can be located on the “Help” link at the top-right of any HURS URL page. The current functional guidance that is attached to this link does not include the annexes. HRC is working to include these annexes to the HURS help link. In the interim, the functional guidance with annexes can be downloaded from the New Organizational Training Team (NOTT) AKO Collaboration site using the following path: Files > U.S. Army Organizations > TRADOC > Schools > AG School > NOTT Information > HURS – HRC User Registration System.
14. I have access to EDAS, but when I look at my information in HURS, there is not an EDAS ID. Why?
Answer: HRC does not have a single data source that shows all accesses a given user currently has. HRC worked to correlate as much data from many different sources as possible; but in some cases, there were no common fields in the data sources. If a common data field could not be found, the data field will be blank. This does not effect your current access to any application.
15. I have been using a PERnet/EDAS/TOPMIS ID for years, and now you want me to change to a new ID. Why?
If HURS did not identify a common data field, as stated in Question 12, the data field will be blank. If a sponsor performs an update or transfer on one of these users, HURS will generate a new ID. The system administrator will delete the old ID and create a new ID with the requested access.