Metro Fleet Expansion proposal – Q & As

Q: How will the two options, refurbishing or replacing, affect my rates?

A:The financial evaluation and the economic modelling show the difference in the lifetime costs of the two options. Over a 35-year period, the actual cost of procuring and maintaining a replacement fleet will be $228 million less than the cost of refurbishing and maintaining Ganz Mavags for 15years and then replacing them with new trains. In the short term the effect on rates is similar.

Q: We’ve just got new trains, why do we need more?

A:The 48 new units are more than sufficient capacity for off peak services but at least 26 more units are still required for peak hour services. The initial order for the new trains was made with the knowledge that we would need to refurbish or replace the Ganz Mavag fleet in the near future.

Q: How many more trains is Greater Wellington proposing to buy?

A:The offer we have received from the train manufacturer would be for the purchase of up to 35 more units.Specific numbers would be finalised during the negotiations.

Q: How much will they cost?

A:Negotiations on the specific cost would take place after the Council makes the decision at its October meeting. Because of the commercial sensitivity of these negotiations we cannot release any details of the costs at this stage.

Q: How have the new trains performed so far?

A:We are very happy with the performance of the Matangi trains, the issues have been minor and significantly the fleet has been delivered on budget. With any new fleet there are always teething issues which can potentially delay commissioning and impact initial reliability. In the Matangi rollout, GWRC and KiwiRail, with the support ofthe manufacturer (Hyundai) and sub-suppliers, have moved quickly to lessen any impact on services and any adjustments or modifications have been covered under manufacturer warranty provisions.

Q: If you replace the Ganz Mavag fleet, what will happen to the refurbished prototype?

A:We’ll keep the prototype as part of a contingency fleet for the Wellington metro rail service.

Q: How can I get more information?

A:A fact sheet is available at If you have any questions, please email .

Q: When do you need my feedback by?

A:We’d like your feedback by Friday 14 September 2012.