Sheppard Enlisted Spouses Club

General Membership Meeting Minutes

2 July 2013

Welcome: Jessica called the meeting to order at 18:05

Adoption of minutes: Motion to start meeting by Kimberly Wannemacher/2nd vote by Bridget Mason/motion approved


New and Farewells:

  1. New Members- Nicholas DeJesus
  2. Farewell- No Farewlls

Committee Reports:

  1. Social - Open- August/Couponing, September/Wine Toppers
  2. Hospitality-Open- Birthday and Anniversary cards were sent for the month of July
  3. Publicity- Open-Send everything to the new e-mail address () need pictures of events.
  4. Ways & Means -Open- nothing to report
  5. Thrift Shop –Open- Hours are 10:00-2:00 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and we are in need of volunteers; there is a play area for children to use while parents volunteer
  6. Membership –Our new member came from a Sheppard Start Briefing that Jessica attended

Executive Board Report:

  1. Parliamentarian – Debbie Nelson- Constitution and By-law revisions have been made an updated copy will be e-mailed this weekend
  2. Secretary – Kimberly Wannemacher- Nothing to Report
  3. Treasure – Bridgett Mason- Nothing to Report
  4. Vice President – Theresa Kristek- Nothing to Report

New Business:

  1. Relay for Life Update- $1,084.00 was raised and we will continue fundraising through the end of the year; another Chuck E Cheese fundraiser will be done in the fall to add to the fundraiser total
  2. E-mail Change/Test e-mail- A test e-mail was sent out to all members and we are now operating under the e-mail address
  3. Snapfish photo account- All members can upload photos from any of our events/meetings


  1. Fundraisers
  2. Ice Cream Social--Tentative date of July 30th from 11:00-1:00
  3. Movie Night—Tentative date of Oct 11th ; 1st movie PG 5:00-7:00 and an 18 and older movie from 7:30-9:00
  4. Dress Drive August 13th , 11:00-1:00 and 5:00-7:00 @ CAC
  5. Take it Home Event Aug 15th, 11:00-5:00 and 5:00-7:00 @ CAC; 2 volunteers are needed to help with the event (see Jessica); FREE dresses, shoes, and handbags will be given to any spouse with a dependent ID card
  6. Hotter n Hell –24 August- Volunteers are need to bake cookies and pass out food and drinks on race day (no peanuts); POC: Cindy Cummings (); Time Slots (7:00-10:00, 9:30-12:30, 12:00-3:30, 2:00-5:30)
  7. AFRC Info- July 23rd Heart Link 8:30-2:30; Childcare is reimbursed please see the AFRC for the reimbursement form
  8. Spouse Painting event @ CAC $25- August 16th at 6:00/Tropical Theme

Money Requests – No Money Requests

Advisor Remarks – John/Anne/Emily- Nothing to Report

President Remarks – Jessica Donovan – We need to make fundraising a priority; Rachel Moyers motioned to approve/Theresa Kristek 2nd/100% in favor

Closing Remarks –The ESC would like to put a team together for the Build -A-Boat Race on July 20th register NLT July 17th at 5PM

Meeting Adjourned– 18:40


25 July 13 Board Meeting

6 August General Membership Meeting

29 August Board Meeting

Respectfully Submitted,

Kimberly Wannemacher


I concur,

Jessica Donovan

SESC President