Statement for Inclusion
We are committed to the inclusion of all children. We will ensure that all children, including those with SEND, have full access to all aspects of school life and achieve their true potential.
Definition of Special Educational Needs
Children have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty or a disability, which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.
The aims for our children with SEND are supported through the philosophy and ethos of our school where all children are regarded with equal value.
- All children within our school will have their needs met.
- We will seek the views, wishes and feelings of the child and take them into account in any matters affecting them.
- We will work in partnership with parents/carers of children with SENDand will involve them as fully as possible in all decisions made about their child.
- All staff will take responsibility for meeting the needs of all children in their class/care.
- Children with SEND will be offered access to a broad, balanced and relevant education that has been adapted to fit their individual needs.
- We aim to ensure that all children with SEND maintain a positive self-image during all school activities.
- We will maintain good relationships with other professionals in order to acquire and use their more specialised support and knowledge.
Responsibilities for the Coordination of SEND Provision (Appendix 1)
Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) – Mrs Suzanne Priestnall
Special Educational Needs Governor – Mrs Tracey Birch
Identification of children with Special Educational Needs
Early identification of need is vitally important. To help identify children with SEND we measure and monitor progress academically and socially through:
- meetings between the SENCO and class teachers and parents/carers.
- analysing progress against age band descriptors specified by the Foundation Stage Profiles and National Curriculum objectives
- ongoing teacher assessments and observations
Stages of SEND
Following the identification of a special educational need the class teacher will provide additional support, such as adapting the curriculum, an intervention, particular resources or extra adult support, that are additional to and different from those provided as part of the school’s usual curriculum. At this point the child will be recorded on the school SEND register.
It is hoped that the additional support provided will enable the child to make the necessary progress over a period of time, so that they no longer need additional support.
If the child makes little or no progress and continues to be substantially below the levels expected of children of a similar age, despite intervention, then advice from specialists may need to be sort. The SENCO, following consultation with the parent/carer, will contact the appropriate outside agency. Class teachers will ensure that any advice provided by the outside agency professionals is acted on and parents/carers will be given written or verbal feedback, so that they are aware of the recommendations that have been made for their child.
In some cases the child’s needs remain so substantial that an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) issued by the Local Education Authority may be needed. Further information about this process will be provided by the SENCO on request.
Individual Education Plans (IEPs)/Individual Behaviour Plans (IBPs)
All children with SEND will have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or an Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP). IEPsand IBPs are written in consultation with the child, if appropriate, and their parents/carers, so that a consistent approach both at home and at school can be achieved. These plans include, for example, information about short term outcomes, teaching strategies and resources, staff involvement and expected progress. IEPsand IBPs are reviewed regularly, at least termly, and if required further IEPs or IBPs are written. Parents/carers and all adults working with the child are provided with copies and further copies are kept in the class SEND folder for reference.
Our school receives funding through the Funding for Inclusion (FFI) system. This system identifies six areas of special educational need. Each child’s needs are measured against the FFI criteria for the appropriate area to establish if additional funding is required. The SENCO, in consultation with the Head Teacher and SEND Governor, ensures that children receive their full entitlement.
Early Years - Inclusion and SEN Action Records (ISAR)
Termly ISAR review meetings are held for children in Nursery and Reception who receive FFI funding. These meetings are attended by all those supporting the child, including parents/carers, class teacher, special needs assistant and SENCO. Progress is reviewed and new targets are agreed on.
Annual Reviews
Annual review meetings are held for children in Key Stages 1 and 2 who receive FFI funding. These meetings are attended all those involved with supportingthe child, including parents/carers, class teacher, special needs assistant, SENCO and outside agency professionals. The child is also encouraged to contribute to the meeting in a way that is appropriate to their age and ability. At the Year 5 Annual Review the child’s high school placement will be discussed, so that the transition plans can be put in place.
We liaise closely with our Children’s Centres, Nursery providers and secondary schools to support our children with SEND through transition. Meetings are held with relevant staff from these different settings to ensure that all relevant information is passed on. Separate transition activities and induction visits are arranged for children with SEND if required.
Partnership with Parents/Carers
We recognise the importance of working in partnership with parents/carers. We encourage open and honest communication about a child’s needs and respect confidentiality. We aim to ensure that parents/carers are involved in decision making and are kept fully informed of their child’s progress. All parents/carers are encouraged to make use of the open door policy that is established throughout school.
Support Services and Outside Agencies
We endeavour to make effective links with a wide range of support services and outside agencies in order to access professional advice. The SENCO coordinates these agencies and will ensure that parents/carers are provided with any relevant information or advice that is offered.
Complaints Procedure
Should a parent/carer feel that their child’s needs are not being met effectively there is a recognised complaints procedure. However, with our strong emphasis on open and honest communication it is hoped that this will not be required.
Class Teacher
SENCO (Mrs Suzanne Priestnall)
Head Teacher
SEND Governor (Mrs Tracey Birch)
Full Governing Body
Local Education Authority
The Leeds SEND Information and Advice Service is available to support parents/carers who find themselves in this position.
Further Information
For any further information about any aspect of this policy or the procedures in place for children with special educational needs please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Suzanne Priestnall (SENCO).
Agreed – June 2016 Review – June 2017
Appendix 1
Governing Body Responsibilities
The Governing Body should, in co-operation with the Head Teacher, determine the school’s general policy and approach to provision for children with SEND, establish the appropriate staffing and funding arrangements and maintain a general oversight of the school’s work.
The Governing Body has a statutory duty to:
do its best to ensure that the necessary provision is made for any pupil who has special educational needs
- ensure that when a child has been identified as having SEND those needs are made known to all who are likely to teach them
- ensure that all teachers are aware of the importance of identifying, and providing for, those pupils who have SEND
- consult with the LEA and the governing bodies of other schools, when necessary or desirable in the interests of co-ordinated SEND provision
- ensure that pupils with SEND join in the activities of the school together with the pupils who do not have SEND, so far as is reasonably practical and compatible with the child receiving the special educational provision their learning needs call for and the efficient education of the pupils with whom they are educated and the efficient use of resources.
- report to parents on the implementation of the school’s SEND policy
- have regard to the SEN Code of Practice (2014) when carrying out its duties toward all pupils with SEND
- ensure that parents are notified of a decision by the school that SEND provision is being made for their child
Head Teacher Responsibilities
The Head Teacher has overall responsibility for the day to day management of all aspects of the school’s work, including provision for children with SEND. The Head Teacher should keep the Governing Body fully informed and also work closely with the school’s SEN Coordinator (SENCO).
SENCO Responsibilities
The SENCO working closely with the Head Teacher, Senior Management Team and fellow teachers, should be closely involved in the strategic development of the SEND policy and provision. The SENCO has responsibility for the day to day operation of the school’s SEND policy and for coordinating provision for children with SEND.
Key responsibilities:
- oversee the day-to-day operation of the school’s SEND policy
- coordinate provision for children with SEND
- liaise with and advise fellow teachers
- manage special needs teaching assistants
- oversee the records of all children with SEND
- liaise with parents of children with special educational needs
- contribute to the in-service training for staff
- liaise with external agencies
Teaching and Non Teaching Staff Responsibilities
All teaching and non teaching staff should be involved in the development of the school SEND policy and be fully aware of the school’s procedures for identifying, assessing and making provision for children with SEND.