Chapter 12: Genetic Engineering

Section 2: Genetic Engineering: Technology and Heredity

Genetic Engineering: Technology and Heredity

Today it is possible to go further – to directly change the genetic material of living organisms and, in effect, design organisms by ______


In the last two decades molecular biologists have developed a powerful new set of techniques that affect DNA directly

For the first time biologists can engineer a set of genetic changes directly into an organism’s DNA


The Techniques of Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering could not have come about without the development of a ______to support the process

oA way to carefully ______containing the gene away from the genes surrounding it

oFind a way to ______with a piece of DNA from the recipient organism

o______the combined DNA into the new organism

oHave a way to ______in the gene in order to analyze the genes that you are manipulating

Restriction Enzymes

Genes can now be cut at specific DNA sequences by proteins known as ______

oMore than ______different kinds are known

oEach one recognizes and cuts DNA at a ______


oVery accurate

oMake it possible to cut DNA into fragments that can be ______, ______, and ______

DNA Recombination

DNA fragments cannot function all by themselves

They must become a part of the genetic material of ______before the genes they contain can be activated

In the second step of genetic engineering, DNA fragments are incorporated into part of the recipient cell’s genetic material


oDNA fragments may be combined with ______so that they can later be inserted into a bacterial cell

oBacteria can often contain small circular DNA molecules known as ______in addition to their chromosomes

Can be removed from bacterial cells and cut with restriction enzymes producing “______”
Sites at which a DNA fragment and a plasmid can be joined end to end, thereby forming a new plasmid that contains a piece of foreign DNA

The combined DNA formed by fusing a DNA fragment and a plasmid consists of parts from ______

In genetic engineering, molecules of combined DNA are known as ______because they are produced by combining DNA from different species

Combined DNA is also known as ______, since DNA from two sources have been recombined to produce it

DNA Insertion

It is easiest to transfer DNA into bacterial cells

The recombinant DNA is mixed in with millions of bacteria suspended in a dense ______

After a few minutes, several bacteria will take up the DNA

These bacteria can then be ______and grown into large colonies that contain the recombinant DNA


Includes microinjection with a glass needle, fusion with plasmid-like DNA, and a new procedure in which DNA is attached to fine wire like pellets that are then shot into cells with a microscope gun

DNA Sequencing

Only one of the two strands of the DNA double helix is used in the process of DNA sequencing

However, many copies of this one strand are needed

In one form of DNA sequencing, a ______is added to single-stranded DNA

oDivided into ______that undergo different chemical treatments

Break the DNA into pieces that when separated reveal the positions of the bases on the original strand
Separated by ______

Engineering New Organisms

Recombinant DNA technology has advanced rapidly in the past few years

Techniques now exist for cutting and splicing DNA molecules, for inserting DNA into cells of a wide variety of organisms, and for controlling foreign genes moved from one species into another

Organisms that contain such foreign genes are said to be ______

Transgenic Bacteria

When a gene coding for a human protein is properly inserted into bacteria, the recombinant cells can be used to produce large amount of the protein ______

Some genetically engineered bacteria produce human growth hormone, insulin, and interferon

Transgenic Plants

DNA can be injected into plant cells ______or ______of certain species of bacteria that infect plant cells

Plant cell biologists have developed techniques that enable a complete transgenic plant to be grown from the cells containing recombinant DNA

oProduction of plants that manufacture ______


oProduction of plants that contain genes that enable them to ______

Transgenic Animals

DNA can be introduced into animal reproductive cells in a number of ways, including ______

oUseful in ______

oProduce farm animals that are ______in their ______and more resistant to ______