ICSMSU 3rd Meeting 2012-2013

24/07/2012 – 18:00

Reynolds Building CX


1.  1.
1.2 / Introduction
Shiv Vohra
Neeraj Kalra
Megan Mackenzie
Giada Azzopardi
Dariush Hassanzadeh-Baboli
Emily Hutchinson
David Thompson
Yannis Reissis
Ines Vaz
Matt from IC
Peter Davis
Steven Tran
Paddy Mcgown
Ken Wu
Sybghat Rahim
Matt Hutchins
Rahul Ravindrun
Becky-May Curbishley
Shoaib Rizvi / Action
2.  / Minutes of the last meeting
*Action point-everyone to email their mobile numbers to Megan- put on dropbox
*Action Point:Shivto get everyone on current & future exec Mingle Tickets via Matt
*Action Point-Nat Kto organise BioMed night (Metric half way through first term.)
*Action point- email Megan availability for Open day and Affirmation DONE
*Action point-everyone to email a photo and description of yourself and role to Giada
* o Ken Wu DONE
* o Neeraj Kalra DONE
* o Syb Rahim DONE
* o Becky May DONE
*Action point- everyone to do key information and finances overview training and quizzes. EVERYONE MUST DO THE KEY INFORMATION, FINANCES OVERVIEW and HOW TO SUBMIT A CLAIM. Also do anything for your role.
*Action point-Meganto email links to SU again DONE
*Action Point-Everyoneto complete Handbook bits by 9th July DONE
*Action Point-Yannisto resend email RE handbook roles for handbook DONE
*Action point-Socialsto book ball and boat DONE
*Action point-Socialsto make poster for ball for handbook DONE
*Action point-Shivto book Queens Tower Lawns and Rooms
*Action point-SocialsandShivto approach Walkabout for sponsorship and Doctors and Nurses DONE
*Action point-everyoneget hold of Rahul if you are able to sort out sponsorship over the summer periodà Mango Lounge, Dominoes and Walkabout, Opal Bar? Grace Bar? – Rahul to send email to whole SU
*Action point- FPR run of local businesses for sponsorship
*Action point-Shiv- MDU/MDS/ Weselyn/ broadband advertisement for more sponsorship
*Action point-Rahulmake document regarding companies/ venues to look at sponsorship DONE
*Action point- publicise SU dropbox-Giadato invite everyone to Dropbox DONE
*Action point-everyonein future upload docs onto Dropbox
*Action point-Neerajto contact Ali regarding stock and to make a poster for the handbook for the shop
* Action point-Neerajto send shop price list to Giada and Rahul
*Action point-stock check of shop and reordering to be done ASAP
*Action point-Giadato put summer ball photos on SU website DONE
*Action point-Shivto send a reminder about personal tutor survey DONE
*Action point-Kento put together guide for year 1
*Action point-Sybto put together guide for year 3
*Action point-PaddyandMattto put together guide for year 4
*Action point-Daruishand Rahul to put together guide
*Action point-Natto liase with Dr Mike Barrett with regards to making a guide for room bookings
*Action point-Daruishto finish getting full Clubs and Socs lists and to email Megan with full names
*Action point-entsto have meeting withRahul and Shivre money for ents through the year
*Action point-Shivto talk to Laura, Jac and Mark Chamberlain re an opt out system for joining Alumni-
*Action point-Meganto contact Rob RE printing a paper for printing and to meet with Giada RE making the Calendar DONE
*Action point-Meganto look at options for a chalk board for the scores- behind the bar or on a wall. DONE
*Action point-Shivto organise halls for final years from 24th June- 5th July 2013 / Chair
3.13 / Matters arising
·  Rahul has finalised sponsorship package and list of potential sponsors- everyone who has looked is quite happy.
·  Currently away, so Neeraj, Ines, Jac and David to lead sponsorship
·  Maybe run things (ie bar staff uniform) via Matt from IC?
Freshers' fortnight:
·  Need to confirm final order of events ASAP
·  Need to apply for late licences for relevant nights
o  Roadshow,
o  Sports night,
o  Beach bop
·  Action point- Yannis to apply for late licenses- run them by Matt
·  Tuesday 9th: potential for ICSMSU vs. RCSU pub quiz at 568; could continue this at least termly
Thursday music nights in Reynolds:
·  Starting Thursday 13th October (2nd Thursday of Freshers)
·  Pete and Matt Bowman (ICU commercial services manager)
·  Matt has contacts from Roundhouse to provide DJs/music
·  Great for Reynolds – many ICU students live in and around Hammersmith, extra revenue for Reynolds, likely to increase sports night/bop attendance and general Reynolds usage!
·  Long term: if we can show that the Reynolds is profitable, we are more likely to receive funds for investment
·  Stewarding? Potential for Reynolds bar staff to steward
Mums and Dads t-shirts:
As summarised in my email
Additional points for consideration:
·  Don't necessarily need another t-shirt with a logo (the Freshers' fortnight t-shirt will serve this purpose)
·  Names of parents/children may change so stickers may be the best bet (vs. marker pens)
·  Neeraj- Tick box shirt setting 'challenges' for the night with STICKERS? E.g. 'I have met my medic mum/dad', 'I have met my medic family' etc.
·  Putting together 2 familes so freshers have a Mother and Father.
FEO/Faculty/ICSMSU mingle with Freshers:any ideas (other than nibbles and soft drinks)?
Thursday 4th October: Year 1 ICSMSU timetabled slot 2-5pm
·  Sir Oscar Craig inspirational lecture, followed by talks by Wesleyan, MDU and MPS
·  Any other ideas?
o  Drop in welfare session?
o  RAG charity talk (Winnacott Foundation)
Handbook/Website Update- Who hasn’t completed their bits? Handbook to be complete this week.
Social Networking Guide
Action Point- Shiv/ Yannis -Dates for Bops
Gazette Tickbox in Alumni memberships. The gazette is currently only sent to St Mary’s in hard copy and ICSM in email attachment
·  Tickbox for hard copy of ICSM Gazette in post termly- approved by Jac
Dates for freshers packs being put together approx.
Action point- Megan to email doodle for date for packing
Reynolds branding (see Bar managers report)
Plans for Thursday nights next year- starting on 2nd Thursday of Freshers fortnight (11th October). Bar to have own nights on regular basis to increase the trade of the bar. We have the chance to offer a great service as a large amount of the Imperial community live around Hammersmith.
·  Matt would like to see the Reynold’s make money. This year we have lost less money than expected (we may have even made money). He says he is open to ideas, at the moment he is thinking of a DJ night. He agrees that Medics should have somewhere that they can call their own and that their Clubs and Socs can make money. He thinks it would be good to advertise to Freshers early on in their career so they know its location and what it is like.
·  Pete- The last few years we have only made money on bops and sports nights. We need to make another night for people to attend- the bar needs to have more of a University feel other than a Medical feel, maybe not EVERY week, but regularly.
·  Ideas:
o  Advertise a DJ orientated/Music orientated night- NOT top 40. Needs to have an identity (nothing like Metric)-alternate nights, do different genres.
Action point- ANYONE got any good ideas please email to Pete and/or Emily / Shiv
4 / Officers’ reports
4.1 / President
·  1st ICSM Open Day was on 4th July, thanks to everyone that helped :)
·  Met Prof McG and Neil Mosley to discuss Reynolds gym refurb – talks in progress, waiting on Reynolds building manager – locker room potentially to be converted into gym space. Plans have been put in- waiting for confirmation. Shiv is having a meeting for the gym refurb.
·  Went to BUCS conference in Exeter, BUCS consultation period has been extended until December 2012 so the status quo will remain for this year
·  Affirmation was on 21st July, rave reviews so thanks to everyone that helped!
·  STFYD is proposed to be held on Saturday 19th Jan (day after last final year lecture course before exams and elective)
·  RAG DASH – Friday 22nd February is now clear of teaching for both 1st and 2nd years / Shiv
4.2 / Deputy president
·  Attended Affirmation and ran shop with aid of SU
·  Still continuing Welfare duties with 5th year results being most recent
·  Carried out a full stock checkwith aid of SU. Took in £1500 for shop.
Action point- Neeraj to stock check and new price check. To talk to Sport Imperial
·  Calculating profit from Affirmation sales- highly unlikely we are going to break even.
·  Looking into new merchandise for next year (from India for a cheaper rate), so he has it in time for Freshers’ fortnight. / Neeraj
4.3 / Treasurer / Rahul
4.4 / Communications
·  Updated ICSMSU Logo
·  Created new Reynolds Bar logo (w/ Pete)
·  Freshers Handbook
·  Updating website (slowly)
·  (May have looked over freshers calendar by Monday)
·  New computers for SU office (I think)
·  Meeting with Megan + Shiv to discuss mailchimp
·  Meeting with Megan to discuss termly calendar
Action point- Shiv to send Yannis details of printer. / Giada
4.5 / Secretary
·  Updated online calendar
·  Getting quotes for printing off Termly calendars
o  OneStopPrint- £300 for 1000
o  Indigo printing- £180 for 1000 ?Litho posters www.indigo-press.com
·  Made a freshers fortnight calendar which I will show you all
·  Completed my handbook bits
·  Having meeting with Shiv and Giada to sort out Mailchimp and other bits
·  Helped at Affirmation
·  Started doing some mailing list names
·  Made a Numbers document for DropBox- all to complete.
·  Looking at Chalkboard options for the Reynolds- chalkboard paint / Megan
4.6 / Alumni and Careers
·  Alumni Ball- next July
·  Final Year Photo
·  Results Day
·  Sign ups- >250- £3500 profit. Increase in percentage signup.
·  Suggestion from meeting withShiv Chopra/PhilippaShallard earlier today. / Jac
4.7 / Clubs and Societies
·  Have an up to date mailing list for most/all clubs and soc.
·  Contacting clubs and volunteers for Sport's Day
·  Helping a student set up a project/charity / Daruish
4.8 / Sites and Services (absent) / Nat I
4.9 / Welfare Officer (absent)
·  Nothing really to report as Neeraj is covering whilst I'm away in Nepal. Will be in role by 15th August.
·  Redid the handbook for Welfare and Education.
·  Working with Imperial Hubs to provide Volunteering Opportunities and much more.
·  Going to set up mums & dads this year - going to trial asking parents to pair up (couples/friends) to provide 2 freshers with 2 parents. This should help sort out mums & dads especially if freshers want to try out different clubs/socs. e.g. a netballer who wants to do music - can give one netball mum and a musicsoc parent. It won't change anything, but hopefully will add something to the scheme / Steve
4.10 / Academic Officer year 1 & 2
·  Met with Jo Williams to discuss plans for the year, Shiv cc'd on details.
·  Emailed Prof Nancy Curtin so currently in the process of updating and adding the Year 2 Blackboard questions.
·  Will have a discussion with Chris Harris about improving SOLE feedback.
·  Already sorted out Year 1 exam results problems and queries. Will chase up on detailed exam feedback for Year 1, which they have yet to receive / Ken
4.11 / Academic Officer year 4, & Biomed & Pharm (absent)
·  I haveclearedthe email account so it only has 3 email left in it, which has been the most useful thing I've done.
·  Been on holiday
·  Filled in loads of Giada's forms / Matt
4.12 / Academic Officer years 3, 5 & 6 (absent)
·  Year 5 Rep elections are underway, results to be announced at the end of the week.
·  To do shout out to Year 6 about running for year rep this week, elections to be held next week.
·  Currently gathering Year 3 notes and resources with plans for a Year 3 "Notebank" on the ICSMSU website, currently asking the note makers for permission to use their work. Plans to email outgoing Year 3s if they made any notes they think would be useful, as well as any recommended websites for revision e.g. ECG Library.
·  Currently drafting a layout for the "Year 3 firms survival guide" to be piloted on a few people hopefully within the next two weeks before going big. Will be in touch with President at all stages.
·  - Considering making a music video for Year 3 introduction day, but which tune to use?! / Syb
4.13 / Entertainments Chair
1. Freshers Ball at Foundation Bar in Covent garden confirmed for 8/10 - £22. Three drinks tokens with each ticket.
2. Boat party from Westminster pier booked (cheaper deal than last year).
Both these need to be paid asap (invoices have been sent to Rahul/Shiv).
3. Handbook bits must be completed this week as this needs to be sent off for printing.