PTSD Medications


·  Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

·  Symptom clusters: targets all symptom clusters (DSM IV)

·  Common side effects:

o  Upset stomach

o  Sexual dysfunction

·  Serious side effects

o  Suicide Risk: Black Box Warning under 24 years old

o  Serotonin syndrome (fever, stiffness, agitation, tremor)

·  Time to Effect

o  6-8 weeks at a therapeutic dose

·  Medications

Generic / Brand / Dosing Range
Citalopram / Celexa / 10-40 mg daily
Escitalopram / Lexapro / 5-20 mg daily
Fluoxetine / Prozac / 10-80 mg daily
Paroxetine / Paxil / 10-60 mg daily
Sertraline / Zoloft / 25-200 mg daily


  Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors

  Only venlafaxine has really been studied

  Symptom clusters: targets all symptom clusters (DSM IV)

  Common side effects:

  Increased blood pressure

  Upset stomach

  Sexual dysfunction

  Serious side effects

  Suicide Risk: Black Box Warning under 24 years old

  Serotonin syndrome (fever, stiffness, agitation, tremor)

  Time to Effect

  6-8 weeks at a therapeutic dose


Generic / Brand / Dosing Range
Desvenlafaxine / Pristiq / 50 mg daily
Duloxetine / Cymbalta / 20-120 mg daily
Venlafaxine / Effexor / 37.5 mg – 300 mg

Other Classes:

Mirtazapine (Remeron)

·  Works in CNS to increase serotonin and norepinephrine availability

·  Symptom clusters: targets all symptom clusters (DSM IV)

·  Common side effects:

o  Sleepiness (we can take advantage of this!)

o  Increased hunger

o  No sexual dysfunction

·  Serious side effects

o  Suicide Risk: Black Box Warning under 24 years old

o  Serotonin syndrome (fever, stiffness, agitation, tremor)

·  Time to Effect

o  6-8 weeks at a therapeutic dose

Prazosin (MiniPress)

·  Old blood pressure medication working by α blockade and relaxing smooth muscle

·  Symptom clusters: Re-experiencing (specifically nightmares), mixed for hyperarousal

·  Common side effects:

o  Dizziness

o  Orthostatic hypotension

o  Lethargy

·  Serious Side effects: very rare

o  Syncope

o  Hypotension

·  Time to effect:

o  A couple weeks of titration


·  Contraindicated in PTSD, may be harmful and worsen symptoms

o  Inhibits memory formation

·  Common Side Effects

o  Disinhibition

o  Dizziness, unsteadiness

o  Depression

o  Sedation

o  Cognitive effects

o  Falls

o  Rebound anxiety

·  Serious Side Effects

o  Physical dependence and abuse

o  Severe withdrawal (tremor, anxiety, seizures, death)

o  Risk in overdose: can be fatal in combination

o  Drug Interactions

o  Worsening of PTSD symptoms

·  Time to effect: 15-60 minutes

o  Note: Effect only lasts 2-12 hours

·  Medications

Generic / Brand / Equivalent Dose / Dosing Range
Alprazolam / Xanax / 1 mg / 0.25 – 1 mg QID
(4 times daily)
Clonazepam / Klonopin / 0.5 mg / 0.25 – 2 mg BID
(2 times daily)
Diazepam / Valium / 10 mg / 2-10 mg BID-QID
(2-4 times daily)
Lorazepam / Ativan / 1 mg / 0.5 – 2 mg TID
(3 times daily)

VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline for Management of Post-Traumatic Stress, 2010