WarriorSpring Rumble
Hosted by Arcadia Wrestling
North Carolina Wrestling Association for Youth
Register: online at Trackwrestling.com
$20 Early Reg. ends: 5/4/2016 @ 11:59pm
$25 Registration ends:5/6/2016 @5:00pm
Medals awarded to the top three finishers in each weight class.
Event Location:North Davidson High School
7227 Old U.S. 52
Lexington, NC 27295
Weigh-in: Saturday 7am-8:30am for 6u,8u,10u
Saturday 12pm-1pm for 12U, 15U, HS
Onsite weigh-ins only. 1 lb weight allowance
Door Entry: Admission$5 6 and Under Free
Start times: 6u, 8u, 10u Wrestling Starts: 9:30am
12u, 15u, High School Starts: 2:00pm
Coaches Meeting 9:00am
High School:3 Periods ~ 1 ½ Minutes
(9th-12 grade) 106, 113, 120, 126, 132, 138, 145, 152, 160, 170, 182, 196, 220, HWT. (285 max)
15 & Under:3 Periods ~ 1 ½ Minutes
(15 and Must be 8thGrade or below) 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 140, 150, 160, 180, HWT. (260 max)
12 & Under: 3 Periods ~ 1 ½ Minutes
60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 112, 120, 130, 150, 170, HWT (250 max)
10 & Under: 3 Periods ~ 1 Minute
50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 103, 112, 120, HWT (160 max)
8 & Under: 3 Periods ~ 1 Minute
45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 90, HWT (125 max)
6 & Under: 3 Periods ~ 1 Minute
35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, HWT (90 max)
(We reserve the right to combine weight classes and/or age divisions if there are less than 3 wrestlers in a weight class)
Age Division based on age as of December 31, 2015.
Must show proof of age & grade if challenged by opposing coach.Be prepared for challenges.
Tournament Director Phone: Joey Yokeley 336-972-4777
In consideration of your acceptance of my child’s entry, I hereby release NCWAY, the tournament organizers and their officials, and officials of this tournament from any claim, liabilities or rights to damage for any injuries or losses suffered by me or my child directly in traveling to and from, or participating in this NCWAY Tournament.
Wrestling divisions are based on age as of December 31, 2015.
Wrestler Info
Name: ______
Age: ______
Birth Date: ______
Weight class: ______
Division: ______
NUWAY Member #:______
Parent Signature: ______