Habits of Mind

A habit of mind is to know how to respond intelligently when you don’t know the answer.

Persisting – persevering with your recipe/practical work even when you think that you are stuck. Try to work out what to do next by yourself by carefully reading the recipe or using previous experience of other recipes you have made which might be similar.

Managing impulsivity - take your time and remain calm. You have a limited time in which to make your dish but don’t rush as you are more likely to make mistakes.

Thinking flexibly – if something isn’t working don’t worry, change it e.g. what could you add if your sauce is too thin or too thick?

Questioning and problem posing – have you ever thought about why certain ingredients work particularly well together when others don’t? Have you ever questioned why and how liquids change to solids in the oven or why meat turns brown when roasted or sealed in a pan? Think about your ingredients today. Do they prompt any questions?

Striving for accuracy – always try to do your best with your practical work and in particular make sure it looks as appetising as possible. Remember that we eat with our eyes!

Applying past knowledge to new situations – think about all the skills you have learnt during KS3 and also perhaps at home. How can these skills help you to successfully make your dish today?

Thinking interdependently – work together as a team. Particularly when washing up at the end of the lesson!

Being creative and taking responsible risks– have you tried something new today? Have you been creative with your recipe choice or have you been very stereotypical e.g. pizza from Italy?

Responding with wonderment and awe – have fun and if you make a mistake, don’t worry as this is all part of the learning process.

Gather data through all your senses – this is perfect for food and nutrition. We use all of our senses when we eat/taste food including our hearing! Remember to taste your food once cooked to check the seasoning. Think about the appearance of your product on the plate. Does it smell appetising? Would you make it again or buy it in a supermarket or restaurant? Does it need improving in some way?