Two Sample Mission Statements

The student publications at Anywhere High School are designed to be a communications link between students, our school, and community. Our duty is to inform students about school events, personalities, activities, current events, and trends that will affect us. Besides providing opportunity for the exchange of ideas among readers, student publications also exist as an academic tool by which student staff members explore communication skills and careers. The same basic legal rights and responsibilities govern the high school press as the professional press. High school journalists have the right guaranteed in the First Amendment to free expression, insofar as published items may not contain libel or obscenity, invade the privacy of individuals, incite or violate the laws of copyright, or violate community standards of appropriateness. With the right to freedom of expression comes an obligation to the highest ideals of the journalistic profession. These include responsibility, independence, sincerity, truthfulness, accuracy, impartiality, and decency. Good taste should be exercised in all content. Therefore, the staff of Anywhere High School will act as a forum for students, staff, parents, and other interested readers.


The Viking Press, Valparaiso High School’s student newspaper, is dedicated to serving as a limited public forum for students, faculty and staff. It is our goal and desire to present and investigate the most relevant and pertinent topics/issues pertaining to the livelihood of our school community as well as to the interests of our readers and reporters. Although the dissemination of information to our readers is one of our top priorities, so too are the maintenance of journalistic integrity and standards. We will not go about gathering information in inappropriate, deceitful or illegal ways. We will strive to show all sides of a topic and seek out the most knowledgeable/resourceful sources. As a limited public forum, The Viking Press, will do all that it can to serve the students and faculty as a means by which they can express feelings, ideas and other relevant information. Collectively, the staff of The Viking Press is dedicated to maintaining journalistic integrity, serving the school as a limited public forum and presenting up-to-date information and coverage on issues affecting the school and community.

Kasey’s Mission Statement

The International Insider aims to be the voice of CSI High School for International Studies, providing the entire school with a podium for speaking out on any issue. The staff of The Insider wishes to create both a record of important happenings at the school and a record of the truth. We strive to provide our readers with the facts of what has happened, what may happen and what is happening now. Throughout this all, we aim to create a global focus within the news, alerting our readers that there is always more to care about, more “out there”, and that there are always different views and opinions on a story. We encourage readers to question, learn and to share their knowledge. Above all, we wish to create a new sense of respect among readers for other, no matter their gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion, promoting communication between all members of the global community.