CTEintro, Child Dev, Business Math, Interior Design, Sewing Jr H igh a nd Sew ing High revised

Shelley Moser smoser at weber.k12.ut.us
Thu Aug 14 15:52:40 MDT 2008

Dear Mrs. Blain:

"I hear you, since I've been there and done that, too!"

I have brought all of my fabric from home to help students

who can't afford to buy it. Also, you could write an invitation

into your disclosure or a flyer to go home that you would be

glad to receive donations for classes, including fabric, fabric

scraps, etc. (whatever you need). Many families are glad to

find a place to use their stored-up fabrics. Many older folkd

have a supply of fabrics they're saving. Students coud ask

their grandparents, etc. I just helped my mother sort and clean

up her sewing/laundry room. She was happy to give the fabric

to a good cause. You might consider giving some extra credit

for donations. Also, after students have sewn their projects, I

offer 25 extra points if they would like to donate their thread

spool, and determine different amounts for their remnant

donations. That is lots better that having thread strewn up

and down the hallways, out to the bus, etc. Some students

would actually throw out a yard or more of fabric without

giving it a second thought! This teaches them to be GREEN!

Best Wishes,

Shelley Moser :)

Mrs. Shelley Heer Moser

Rocky Mountain Junior High

Family & Consumer Science

"JoAnne Blain" <blain811 at netzero.com> 8/13/2008 7:50 PM >

July 31st I was given my tentative schedule: CTEintro, Child Dev., Business Math, Interior Design, Sewing Jr High and Sewing High.

I'm just getting back into teaching, I haven't taught for many years.

I would be extremely grateful for any ideas you're willing to share, lesson plans, and resources you have found.

I'm working in a low income school, many students won't be able to buy fabric, are you aware of any freebies or help?

Thank you so much for any help you send. JoAnne