CST415/598 SE3: Inception and Elaboration

Practice Problem: Activity Diagrams

For this problem you are to take the attached example Use Case Model and produce an Activity Diagrams for each specification in MagicDraw. You will be asked to turn in your MagicDraw model on the class website.

Use Case Diagram


1.1  Club Member

The Club Member is described as someone who has a valid CustomerID and password on file with Classics Inc.

1.2  Catalog

The catalog includes all CDs that are available for sale on the ClassicsCD.com Web site.

1.3  CustomerID

The customerID is used to identify Club Members.

1.4  Shopping Cart

The shopping cart is the generic term for the container of all items that have been selected for purchase.

Use Case 1: Check Order Status

Objective: UC1.1 UC3.1 UC4.1 ClassicsCD.com members view the status of their orders.


·  UC3.13 User must already be a valid member of ClassicsCD.com with a CustomerID and Password.

Postconditions: None

Primary Actor: Club Member

Secondary Actors:

Trigger: User checks status of a previous order by having user select “view status” action on the website.


1.  User checks status of a previous order by having user select “view status” action on the website.

2.  If the user already has an authenticated session go to step 5.

3.  The system shall display a page on which the user enters his or her CustomerID and Password.

4.  The system validates the credentials and creates an authenticated session.

5.  The system shall display a list of all orders placed by this user; the system sorts the list in ascending order by the order number.

6.  UC4.5 To see the details of a specific order, the user selects an OrderID.

7.  UC4.6 On the Details page, the user clicks a Title to see details of a particular item. Item details include:

·  Picture of the cover

·  CD Title

·  Price

·  Performer and Orchestra

·  Review of the CD

6.  UC4.7 The use case ends when the user begins the Browse Catalog use case, or leaves the web site.


UC4.8 User enters an invalid CustomerID and/or Passwordin step 3

1.  UC4.8.1 If the user enters an invalid CustomerID and/or password, the system displays a message indicating that the CustomerID/Password combination is not valid.

2.  UC4.8.2 The user is given an option to return to the CustomerID/Password entry page.

Use Case 2: Checkout

Objective: UC1.1 UC3.1 ClassicsCD members have an option to buy CDs they have added to their shopping cart.


·  UC3.13 User must already be a valid member of ClassicsCD.com with a CustomerID and Password.

·  UC15 User must have added at least one item to the shopping cart.

Postconditions: None

Primary Actor: Club Member

Secondary Actors:

Trigger: User selects “go to Cashier” functionality from the User Interface of the ClassicsCD.com website


1.  User selects “go to Cashier” functionality from the User Interface of the ClassicsCD.com website

2.  The system requests information to identify the user and the user provides that information.

3.  The system displays a summary of the current order.

4.  UC3.4 The system displays a summary of items in the shopping cart, including the following details from the user’s membership records:

·  UC3.4.1 Shipping address

·  UC3.4.2 The last four digits of the member’s credit card

·  An estimate of when Classics will ship the product.

·  UC3.4.3 The total amount that Classics will charge to the member’s credit card.

5.  The user verifies his or her e-mail address.

6.  The user completes the order.

7.  The system confirms the order.

8.  If the system is able to complete the order immediately, then tUC3.7 he system displays a confirmation the order has been placed and provides an order number for reference.

9.  With the order completed, the user visits the catalog or leaves the ClassicsCD.com site.

10.  UC3.8 The use case ends when the user leaves the order confirmation page.


  1. UC3.9 No order placed
  2. UC3.10 The user could return to the home page, leave the ClassicsCD.com site, or end their session.
  3. UC3.11 Empty cart
  4. UC3.12 If the user’s shopping cart is empty, the system displays a message indicating that user has not selected any items to purchase. The use case ends.

Extension Point: Ship CD

Applied at step 8 if the system is unable to fulfill the order. Return point is step 9.

Use Case 3: Arrange Shipment

Objective: UC1.1 UC3.1 UC4.1 This use case adds functionality to the Checkout use case by arranging for the later shipment of an out-of-stock item, and generates a delivery order for the inventory system.


·  The warehouse system UC3.13 is out-of-stock on one or more items in the product catalog.

Postconditions: None

Primary Actor: Club Member

Secondary Actors: Warehouse System.

Trigger: The system is attempting to fulfill an order for an out-of-stock item


1.  The warehouse system receives an order forUC7.1 The warehouse system TTT one or more items are out-of-stock. The order includes the following information:

·  UC7.2.1 Club member name

·  UC7.2.2 Club member shipping address

·  UC7.2.3 Club member phone number

·  UC7.2.4 Product SKU number for each product ordered(in the shopping cart)

·  UC7.2.5 Club member ID

·  UC7.2.6 Quantity of each out-of-stock product ordered

2.  The inventory system responds with an estimated shipping date for the products in the shopping cart.


Inventory not availableUC4.8 Inventory

In the case that some, or the entire inventory is not available, the inventory system provides a message to the web page stating that the item(s) is (are) out of stock.