Six Degrees Could Change the World: Part I
1. Scientists now agree how much warmer is our planet?
2. In how many years could Greenland’s melting ice sheet be unstoppable?
3. What might wither to an arid savannah by the end of the century?
4. How many degrees fahrenheit of warming is possible over the next century?
5. Where are bush fires increasing in intensity and frequency?
6. Besides droughts, what else can we expect from climate change in the coming decades?
7. Six degrees celsius colder in a global average change leads to what?
8. What do greenhouse gasses do naturally in our atmosphere?
9. As greenhouse gasses increase how do they affect heat on Earth?
10. Where do excess greenhouse gasses come from?
11. If we double greenhouse gasses what can we expect?
12. With one degree warming what might we expect in terms of new deserts in the western U.S. and crop yields?
13. What lies below the top solid in much of the West?
14. What occurred in the 1930’s throughout the West?
15. What are farmers in England growing due to climate change?
16. What is unprecedented about climate fluctuation toady?
17. What do we have to do to avoid “tipping points”?
18. Global warming usually occurs naturally over thousands over millions of years but now it is occurring over what time period?
19. What started global warming today?
20. Where does 90% of the world’s energy come from?
21. What is the result of burning fossil fuels?
22. How many cheeseburgers on average per year does an American eat?
23. What other greenhouse gas do cattle produce?
24. One calculation shows there are more greenhouse gasses produced by cheeseburgers than what in the United States?
25. How many degrees of warming may threaten all the world’s coral reefs?
26. What happens to algae in coral when coral “bleaches”?
27. What is the largest carbon sink on Earth?
28. What does CO2 do to the ability of foraminifera to make shells?
29. What took 150,000 years to form and is now melting faster than at any time in history?
30. What will happen to cities as Greenland’s ice sheet melts?
31. What is happening to sled dogs in Greenland?
32. What are scientists measuring at Swiss Camp on the Greenland ice sheet?
33. What are moulins?
34. How much could seas rise over the next century?
35. What is considered the “tipping point” temperature to avoid unpredictable and possibly catastrophic climate change on Earth?
36. What occurred in Europe in the summer of 2003?
37. Why are the roofs of many buildings in Paris covered in tin?
38. What happens to the process of photosynthesis in some plants during heat waves?
39. Where is 20% of the world’s oxygen produced?
40. What could happen to the Amazon with 3 degrees of warming?
41. What happened in 2005 to the Amazon?
42. What is deforestation?