Fire Dance Safety Sheet
Building or location name:Address:
Event Date:
Event Time:
Devices use in the performance
Fire Chain
Fire Fingers
Fire Staff
Fire Wands
Fire Fans
Fire Rings
Fire Stilts
Fire Art
Fuel Details
Type(s) of fuel
Amount of Fuel traveling to site
/ ______Ounce(s)______Pint(s)
Amount of Fuel to be used during performance / ______Ounce(s)
Application Method
/ Soak PourContainment Method for Excess Fuel / Catch pot or pan
Fuel container(s)
No glass or drinking bottles.
Original product container
1 quart metal container
DOT certified container
Other (specify): ______
Safety Details
I , ______
We, ______
will have the following fire control methods present:
Fire Extinguisher:
2A10BC minimum rating. Quantity: ______
Water spray can
Wet towels
Other (specify): ______
Trained Safety Staff
Performance extinguishing method:
Burn out
Wet Towel
When the performance is complete, the used fire devices will be:
returned to their original container/carrying case
wrapped up in a tarp
other specify:
Performance area details:
Type of barricade if any:Size of Fire Performance Space:
Distance from Audience:
Backdrops present? / yes / no
If so, what type?
Are drapes or backdrops fire retardant?
Certified retardant? / yes
yes / no
Are performers costumes fire retardant?
Certified retardant? / yes
yes / no
Permit Requirements
ڤ Provide a plot plan illustrating the performance area (include all six zones of the performer: floor, ceiling, front, back, left and right sides).
ڤ Provide a plot plan illustrating the location of the fire performer, safety perimeter line, and the audience.
ڤ Provide proof of Insurance (1 million dollars) each time you apply for a fire permit.
ڤ The insurance form shall also list the City and County of San Francisco and it’s employees as additional insured.
ڤ Complete the permit application form and render permit fee at 698 2nd Street cross of Townsend Street. Hours are Monday through Friday
8 – 11 AM and 1 – 5 PM.
An electronic copy of this form is located at