2015/16 Bushfire Operations Plan


Bushfire Operations PlanPage 1



Seasonal Program 2015/16

Prevention - Fuel Management 2015/16

Prevention - RFS Volunteer Burns 2015/16

Prevention - Access Management 2015/16

Prevention - Access Management 2015/16

Prevention - Infrastructure 2015/16

Preparedness - Equipment 2015/16

Preparedness - Training 2015/16

Planning & Research 2015/16

Education 2015/16

Standby, Response & Recovery 2015/16

Unforeseen Fire Management 2015/16

Bushfire Operations PlanPage 1


TheEmergencies Act 2004requires BOPs tobeapprovedbytheCommissioneroftheEmergencyServices Agency (ESA). Theletterbelowis formal notificationofapproval oftheBOPfromtheESACommissioneras requiredunderthe Emergencies Act 2004.

Bushfire Operations PlanPage 1

Seasonal Program 2015/16

Seasonal Crews

ID / Item
SP3a / Seasonal crew salaries
SP5 / 12 months lease for 2 additional vehicles for additional seasonal crew
SP6 / Fuels, repairs and maintenenace for 2 additional vehicles for additional seasonal crews

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Prevention - Fuel Management 2015/16

Map ID / Map / Agency/ District / Fuel Management Zone / Location / Ha / Km / Type of Work / Works Description / Scheduled Start Month / Scheduled Finish Month / Who / Ecological Advice
FB000c / NA / Various / Various / Various / NA / NA / Prescribed Burn / FB000c - As required, assist NSW NPWS with undertaking prescribed burns in NSW which are of benefit to the ACT. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / BOP Crew
FB000d / NA / Various / Various / Various / NA / NA / Prescribed Burn / FB000d - As required, assist RFS with undertaking prescribed burns on rural leases that are of benefit to TAMS managed land. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / BOP Crew
FB000e / NA / Various / SFFAZ / Various / NA / NA / Prescribed Burn / FB000e - Hazard reduction burn reconnaissance and burn planning for the large rural burns / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / Contractor (other)
FB000f / NA / Various / Various / Various / NA / NA / Prescribed Burn / FB000f - Hazard reduction burn rehabilitation of dormant fire trails and spotovers / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / Various
FB002 / 8 / Urban Reserves - South / SFFAZ / Oakey Hill Reserve / 14 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB002 - Undertake bushfire fuel hazard reduction burn on Oakey Hill to provide strategic protection to the suburbs of Lyons and Weston Creek. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / Advice. Works plan to CPR. Oakey Ridge Glossy Black Cockatoo habitat requires assessment by CPR prior to burning. Non - local wattle species may increase following burn. Need to separate FB002, FB003, FB413 by at least 2 years, i.e. spread over 15-16, 16-17, 17-18 BOPs. Apply Ecological Guidelines 1, 11
FB006 / 6 / Urban Reserves - North / OAPZ / Gossan Hill / 5 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB006 - Undertake fuel hazard reduction burn at Gossan Hill Nature Reserve to help prevent the spread of unplanned fire into the suburb of Bruce, the burn is located between Gossan Two & Gossan Three fire trails / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / BOP Crew / CONDITIONAL. Close proximity to other 2013 burns on Gossan. Could this area be postponed by 2-3 years to achieve a better mosaic of fuel ages (and habitat structures)? Diuris nigromontana responds well to summer fires if they aren't too frequent eg. frequency less than 5-7 yrs. Burn late Dec to end of March. Apply Ecological Guidelines 1, 7
FB008 / 6 / Urban Reserves - North / SFFAZ / Aranda Bushland / 7 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB008 - Undertake prescribed burn in Aranda Bushland as mapped to achieve an OFH < Moderate - includes 20 fire crew days for prep works / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / Advice. Burn plan to CPR. Burn not to be undertaken in Spring or Summer to minimise impact on nesting birds and orchids. Apply Ecological Guidelines 1, 7
FB020b / 6 / Urban Reserves - North / OAPZ / Aranda 2614 / 1 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB020b - Undertake hazard reduction burn on the northern end of Aranda Spine to help protect the suburb of Aranda / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / BOP Crew / Advice. Burn plan to CPR. Burn not to be undertaken in Spring or Summer to minimise impact on nesting birds and orchids. Take care to protect large habitat trees. Apply Ecological Guidelines 1, 7
FB030 / 6 / Urban Reserves - North / OAPZ / Gossan Hill / 3 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB030 - Undertake prescribed burn between management trails as mapped on Gossan Hill to achieve OFH < Moderate. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / ADVICE. Close proximity to other 2013 burns on Gossan. Could this area be postponed by 2-3 years to achieve a better mosaic of fuel ages (and habitat structures)? Burn plan to CPR. Burn not to be undertaken in Spring or Summer to minimise impact on nesting birds and orchids. Take care to protect large habitat trees. Apply Ecological Guidelines 1, 7
FB035 / 4 / Urban Reserves - North / OAPZ / Dunlop Grassland Reserve / 11 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB035 - Undertake prescribed burn in Dunlop Grassland as mapped to achieve OFH < Moderate / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / Advice. Burn plan to CPR. Spring Burn should be avoided as GSM habitat + rare plants. Consideration should be given to separating FB033, FB406 and FB035 by 2-3 years (i.e. spread over 15-16 and 16-17 BOPs) to allow fire mosaic over this area. If this is not possible then burn areas must be patchy. Apply Ecological Guidelines 1, 9.
FB042 / 8 / Urban Reserves - South / IAPZ / Cooleman Ridge / 8 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB042 - If required, undertake prescribed burn to achieve Overall Fuel Hazard < 35 to assist in protecting the Chapman urban edge from wildfires on Cooleman Ridge. Includes 15 fire crew days for preparatory works. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / Advice. Burn plan to CPR. Grassland lizard habitat (PTWL) Apply ecological guidelines 1, 2 and 8
FB045 / 8 / Urban Reserves - South / OAPZ / Cooleman Ridge / 7 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB045 - Undertake strategic fuel hazard reduction burn in Cooleman Ridge Nature Reserve to help protect the suburb of Chapman. The burn is located east of Guinness Fire Trail & Arawang Saddle Fire Trail and west of the cutoff Drain Fire Trail. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / BOP Crew / Advice. Burn plan to CPR. Grassland lizard habitat (PTWL) Apply ecological guidelines 1, 2 and 10
FB049 / 10 / Urban Reserves - South / OAPZ / Cooleman Ridge / 17 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB049 - Undertake a fuel hazard reduction burn in Cooleman Nature Reserve to break up a potential bushfire run through Fisher Parkland to Mt Taylor and help protect the suburbs of Chapman, Kambah and Fisher - includes 20 days crew time needed to prepare walking trail. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / BOP Crew / Advice. Burn plan to CPR. Grassland lizard habitat (PTWL) Check for tree ferns that should be protected. Apply ecological guidelines 1, 2 and 11
FB070 / 15 / National Parks and Catchments – Tidbinbilla / SFFAZ / Gibraltar / 459 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB070 - Undertake strategic fuel hazard reduction burn to assist in the protection of Birrigai School and Tidbinbilla RFS shed. The burn is located north of Gibraltar Fire Trail, east of Tidbinbilla Ring Road and west of Mushroom Rock Fire Trail/Birrigai Road / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / CONDITIONAL - several high priority species are known from the area - furhter CPR survey required.
FB076 / 15 / National Parks and Catchments – Namadgi / OAPZ / NNP-Bendora / 28 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB076 - Undertake prescribed burn around Bendora rangers house as mapped to achieve OFH < Moderate / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / CONDITIONAL - Autumn Burn only to avoid impact to threatened fish breeding. Avoid burning into the riparian zone. Blackfish, Trout Cod, Macquarie Perch
FB084 / 15 / National Parks and Catchments – Namadgi / SFFAZ / NNP-Bendora / 395 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB084 - Undertake prescribed burn north of Bendora Arboretum as mapped to achieve OFH < Moderate / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / Various / CONDITIONAL - Rare orchids indicate EPBC pre assessment. Must exclude fire from any Alpine Ash regen areas. Need to maintain low intensity and patchy fire as entire area is below threshold to varying degrees. Need to exclude fire from wet gullies. CR will establish comprehensive monitoring of veg and fauna - need adequate notice of burn window (3- 4 weeks min).
FB089 / 18 / National Parks and Catchments – Namadgi / SFFAZ / NNP-Orroral / 2325 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB089 - Undertake prescribed burn between Apollo Rd, Orroral Road, Orroral Ridge Road and Link fire trail as mapped to achieve OFH < High to create a strategic area for containing wildfires in Namadgi National Park / Mar-16 / Jun-16 / Various / CONDITIONAL - provided FB675_676 (Emu Flat) does not proceed to full extent proposed. As the entire area of these combined burns includes significant proportions of the entire representation of some ecological communities, some spatial and temporal heterogeneity is indicated. Ideally 2-3 years seperation is desirable between these treatments.
FB131a / 4 / City Services / OAPZ / Umbagong District Park / 6 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB131a - Undertake prescribed burn in Umbagong District Park as mapped to achieve OFH < Moderate. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / BOP Crew / Advice. Apply ecological guideline 1.
FB134 / 4 / City Services / SFFAZ / Umbagong District Park / 13 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB134 - Undertake strategic fuel hazard reduction burn in Umbagong District Park to achieve OFH < High and to assist in the regeneration of native grasses / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / Advice. Apply ecological guideline 1.
FB135a and FB136a / 4 / City Services / IAPZ / Umbagong District Park / 2 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB135a and FB136a - Undertake prescribed burn adjacent to the urban edge in Umbagong District Park as mapped to achieve OFH < moderate. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / BOP Crew / Advice. Apply ecological guideline 1.
FB142 / 7 / Urban Reserves - North / SFFAZ / O'Connor Ridge / 9 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB142 - Undertake prescribed burn on O'Connor Ridge as mapped to achieve OFH < Moderate. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / Avoid spring-early summer burn due to woodland bird breeding. Apply ecological guideline 1.
FB161 / 7 / Urban Reserves - North / SFFAZ / Majura / 50 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB161 - Undertake a fuel hazard reduction burn in Majura Nature Reserve to help protect the suburb of Hackett and assist in preventing the spread of fire into adjacent grazing land. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / Advice Late summer or autumn burn preferred. Protect large habitat trees. Avoid impact on A verticillata to prevent triggering EPBC. Apply guidelines 1, 2, 11
FB167 / 5 / Urban Reserves - North / SFFAZ / Majura / 17 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB167 - Undertake strategic fuel hazard reduction burn at Majura NR west of the main access road to assist in the containment of unplanned fires - includes 20 seasonal crew days to prepare control lines. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / Advice. Late summer or autumn burn preferred. Protect large habitat trees. Avoid impact on A verticillata to prevent triggering EPBC. Apply guidelines 1, 2, 11
FB193 / 11 / Urban Reserves - South / SFFAZ / Wanniassa Hills / 32 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB193 - Undertake a strategic fuel hazard reduction burn to help prevent the spread of fire into Fadden and Farrer. The burn is located east of Erindale Drive, south of Long Gully Road and west of the Mt. Wanniassa Fire Trail. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / Various / Advice. Late summer or autumn burn preferred. Protect large habitat trees. Avoid impact on A verticillata to prevent triggering EPBC. Apply guidelines 1, 2
FB219 / 13 / National Parks and Catchments – Kowen / OAPZ / Kowen / 131 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB219 - Undertake strategic fuel hazard reduction burn in Kowen pine forest to assist with protection of the timber resource / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / CONDITIONAL - additional survey of Canberra spider orchid known from within this polygon. Allocasurina leuhmannii population needs to be protected from fire.
FB221 / 13 / National Parks and Catchments – Kowen / SFFAZ / Kowen / 68 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB221 - Undertake a strategic fuel hazard reduction burn to prevent the spread of fire into the Kowen pine plantations. The burn is located east of Sutton Road, south of the Seven Mile Road and is contained with multiple fire trails / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / CONDITIONAL. Further consideration on the overall impact of the combined impact of this burn and FB219. Mitigate impacts on woodland.
FB237 / 9 / Urban Reserves - South / SFFAZ / Red Hill / 19 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB237 - Undertake prescribed burn on the northern slopes of Red Hill as mapped to achieve OFH < High / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / Various / Advice. Burn plan to CPR. May only occur in Autumn or Winter. It must be a cool burn to try and reduce the germination of Cootamundra Wattle that has previously occupied parts of this area. It is also important to ensure that the mature Drooping Sheoak is protected in this location. Limit movement of vehicles, construction of rake hoe lines, and movement of hoses to avoid disturbance. Post burn rehab to include woody weed control. Apply Ecological Guidelines 1, 2, 11
FB256a / 16 / National Parks and Catchments – Namadgi / OAPZ / Tharwa 2620 / 8 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB256a - Undertake prescribed burn north of Tharwa as mapped to achieve OFH < Moderate / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / BOP Crew / CONDITIONAL. Avoid spring burn due to woodland. Preferred burn timing late summer early autumn.
FB373 / 7 / Urban Reserves - North / SFFAZ / Black Mountain / 20 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB373 - Undertake a strategic fuel hazard reduction burn to prevent the spread of fire to Black Mountain Tower and towards the ANBG and central business district. The burn is located south of the Little Black Mountain Fire Trail and north of the Kids Lookout Fire Trail. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / Various / Advice. Burn plan to CPR. Burn not to be undertaken in Spring or Summer to minimise impact on nesting birds and orchids. Apply Ecological Guidelines 1, 7
FB401 / 9 / Urban Reserves - South / OAPZ / O’Malley 2606 / 1 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB401 - Undertake a fuel hazard reduction burn to help protect the suburb of O'Malley. The western containment line is immediately adjacent to the back of homes. The burn is south of Dalman Crescent and a cycle path zig-zags as the eastern boundary. Additional access through Cabarita Terrace. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / Various / Advice. Apply ecological guideline 1.
FB408 / 10 / Urban Reserves - South / OAPZ / Mount Taylor / 16 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB408 - Undertake a fuel hazard reduction burn in the Mt Taylor Nature Reserve to help prevent the spread of fire into the suburbs of Kambah, Torrens and Wanniassa. The burn is located north of Sulwood Drive and south of Sulwood Fire Trail. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / Various / Advice. Diuris dendrobioides site should be mapped and avoided, especially by vehicles. Apply guidelines 1,2 and 8
FB430 / 9 / Urban Reserves - South / OAPZ / Red Hill / 11 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB430 - Undertake a fuel hazard reduction burn in Red Hill Nature Reserve to help prevent the spread of fire into the suburbs of Garran and Red Hill. The burn is located west of Tamar Street and South Mugga Way Track immediately adjacent to homes along the northern portion. The western perimeter is the Tamar Track in the south and a walking track to the north. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / Various / Advice. May need to spread FB237, 405, 430,612, 613 over 2-3 years (15-16, 16-17, 17-18 BOPs)
FB436 / 22 / National Parks and Catchments – Googong / SFFAZ / Googong Foreshores / 80 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB436 - Undertake a strategic fuel hazard reduction burn in the Googong Reserve along the western foreshore to protect the integrity of the water source. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / CONDITIONAL. Avoid spring burning, late summer or autumn preferable. High quality woodland avoid non fire impacts such as vehicle movement off roads.
FB450 / 5 / Urban Reserves - North / LFMZ / Gungahlin Region / 25 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB450 - Undertake an ecological burn in Gungahlin / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / Various / Advice, significant grassland site. Apply guidelines 1, 2, 8 and 9
FB511 / 4 / City Services / LFMZ / Evatt 2617 / 0.1 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB511 - Undertake prescribed burn in identified plots as part of grassland experimental burning program / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / Advice. Apply ecological guideline 1.
FB547 / 12 / Urban Reserves - South / OAPZ / Tuggeranong Hill / 2 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB547 - Undertake a bushfire fuel hazard reduction burn on Tuggeranong Hill adjacent to the Calwell urban edge to achieve OFH < Moderate. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / Advice. Protect Allocasurina verticillata to avoid triggering EPBC. Apply guidelines 1,2,8,11
FB562a / 8 / Urban Reserves - South / SFFAZ / GPO Revenue / 0 / 10 / Prescribed Burn / FB562a - Undertake prescribed burn along the Eastern bank of the Molonglo immediately downstream of Scrivener Dam to achieve OFH < Moderate. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / BOP Crew / Advice. PTWL habitat apply guidelines 1,8
FB612 / 8 / Urban Reserves - South / OAPZ / Red Hill / 6 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB612 - Undertake a strategic fuel hazard reduction burn to help prevent the spread of fire into Hughes and/or Deakin. Burn is located east of Kent Street and is surrounded by numerous tracks and trails. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / Various / Advice. Burn plan to CPR. Check proximity of past burns. Should not be within 1-2 years of adjacent burn. May need to spread FB237, 405, 430,612, 613 over 2-3 years (15-16, 16-17, 17-18 BOPs). Apply Ecological Guidelines 1,2, 7, 10 and 11
FB613 / 9 / Urban Reserves - South / SFFAZ / Red Hill / 6 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB613 - Undertake prescribed burn on Red Hill as mapped to achieve OFH < Moderate. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / Various / Advice. Burn plan to CPR. Check proximity of past burns. Should not be within 1-2 years of adjacent burn. May need to spread FB237, 405, 430,612, 613 over 2-3 years (15-16, 16-17, 17-18 BOPs). Apply Ecological Guidelines 1,2, 7, 10 and 11
FB615 / 6 / Urban Reserves - North / OAPZ / Aranda Bushland / 1 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB615 - Undertake a fuel hazard reduction burn to help prevent the spread of fire into the suburb of Aranda. The burn is located east of the Araba Street and west of the Gungahlin GDE. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / Various / Advice. Apply ecological guideline 1.
FB621 / 5 / Urban Reserves - North / OAPZ / Lyneham Ridge / 10 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB621 - Undertake a fuel hazard reduction burn to help prevent the spread of fire into the suburbs of Lyneham and Kaleen. The burn is located within the Lyneham Ridge eucalypt plantation which is east of Gungahlin Drive and north of Ginninderra Drive. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / Various / Advice. Avoid burning spring- early summer. Apply guideline 1.
FB651 / 8 / Urban Reserves - South / OAPZ / Coombs 2611 / 8 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB651 - Subject to houses being constructed along the western urban sedge of Coombs, undertake prescribed burn in Coombs Outer Asset Protection Zone as mapped to achieve OFH < moderate. / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / Advice. PTWL prescriptions must apply - patchy burn to allow refuge for Perunga - check with Richard Milner that burn is not compromising restoration work. Can't be burnt again for at least another 5 years. Apply guidelines 1,2,8
FB675 & 676 / 17 / National Parks and Catchments – Namadgi / SFFAZ / NNP-Orroral / 100 / - / Prescribed Burn / FB675 &676 - Undertake preparation of control lines around fuel hazard reduction burn in Namadgi National Park. The burn is located north of Orroral Ridge Road and Australian Alps Walking Track, east of Smokers Trail and south of Corin Road / Jul-15 / Jun-16 / PCS Staff (via central training) / NOT SUPPORTED - in current proposed area/configuration. Needs to be broken up and separated by at least 2 years from adjacent burns. This burn was originally two burns separated by a 2 year gap to allow recovery of ecosystems. Both component areas were supported as 'ridge top' burns that would exclude S and E facing slopes. The revised plan would make the total burn area considerably larger and well beyond optimal area for ecological recovery. Additionally it is in close proximity to Honeysuckle FB089 and Smokers Trail, further enlarging the total area burn within a few years. This is likely to be problematic for fauna movement/recovery.