Shirenewton Community Council
Minutes of the Council Meeting of Shirenewton Community Council held on Sept 7th 2009 at Earlswood Hall.
J Harvey
R Mitchell
Mrs E McCombe
Mrs S Saysell
J Eede
Mrs B Leaf
C Eickhoff
Mrs S Squires
Ms B Moore
K Morton
County Councillor Graham Down
PC Cowburn
In attendance:
Mrs C Jones Clerk
2 members of the public
Police report
The report had previously been circulated to all Cllrs.
Shirenewton and Earlswood Incidents 31st July to 5th September
3/8 Tree down B4235 near Shirenewton
4/8 Discarded number plate found in Shirenewton
7/8 Welfare check required on elderly lady
9/8 Reports of shots being fired near Mynyddbach
11/8 Ivor Williams Trailer stolen from near Shirenewton School
15/8Tree down near B4235
15/8 reports of shots being fired at Wentwood
17/8 Welfare check Shirenewton
17/8 House alarm at Shirenewton - fault
21/8 report of a calf in the road near Shirenewton Village hall
22/8 Report of a motorbike in Wentwood
23/8 Sheep on the B4235 near Shirenewton
23/8Off road bikes in Wentwood
25/8 Concern for elderly lady in Shirenewton
27/8Welfare check in Shirenewton
29/8 several motorbikes in Wentwood
2/9 Welfare check requested Shirenewton
3/9 Concern for elderly lady in Shirenewton
The Clerk reported that in view of the fact that the welfare of an elderly lady has been mentioned several times in the police reports of the last two months she had asked PC Cowburn via e mail if it would be helpful for the Community Council to know the identity and if the Community could help in any way.and is awaiting his response.
Minute 2371 To disclose personal and pecuniary interests in any item of listed business.
None declared
Minute 2372 To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on August 3rd 2009
The Minutes of the meeting were agreed as a true record
Minute 2373 Planning
1. Blethyn Close, Land adjacent to Oak Cottages, Mynyddbach
Amendment Sewerage into public sewer
The use of a private sewerage system was one of the concerns previously raised by residents in discussions on the original application . It was agreed that the amendment to connect sewerage pipes to public sewer could be approved but would not alter the original recommendation of refusal of the application to build two units of ‘affordable housing’
Recommend approval of the amendment with the following comments
The conditions of Dwr Cymru (letter dated 24th August) should be applied
2. Land at Mynyddbach between Weyloed Lane and Dancing Hill
Agricultural storage
(Discussed at meeting on August 3rd but it was felt that insufficient information was provided. Further information was provided at a later date. Previously e mailed to all Cllrs)
Recommend approval
3. Pant y Cosyn House, Usk Road, Shirenewton
Change of use of existing building to holiday let
Recommend approval by majority vote with the following conditions comments
There should be careful examination of the previous application M4811 which was approved on 20th July 2000 to determine any conditions placed on the erection of the existing building (garage/cart shed) and also to determine the extent of the land covered for change of use to domestic curtilage.
Cllrs would not envisage any further development would be made at this site or that a new garage would be built to replace the existing one.
4. Maelor, Weyloed Lane, Mynyddbach
UPVC Conservatory
Recommend approval
Enforcement - closed case
Ashlea, Mynyddbach.
Alleged breach of conditions. Planning application for amendments approved
Items of local concern
Minute 2374 To discuss future joint communication and planning meeting
This was one of the thirteen motions put forward and voted on from the Community Council Forum held on Tuesday July 15th 2008. Of these ten were agreed (see below for progress list)
1. Annual newsletter COMPLETED AND DISTRUBTED FOR 2009.
2. Public meeting and social event PROPOSED FOR SUMMER 2010
3. Make better use of elected MCC Cllr ONGOING
4. Reports from attendees of meetings ONGOING
5. Plan three key objectives for the year COMPLETED
6. Amendments to Agenda order COMPLETED
7. Meeting with MCC Planning Authority COMPLETED
8. Develop Community Action Plan ONGOING
9. SCC Table at Fete COMPLETED
10. Joint communication and planning meeting with other organisations PROPOSED FOR NOVEMBER
It was resolved that the Clerk would agree a date with Cllrs for a meeting in November at the Recreation Hall. Once agreed she will contact all local organisations advising them of the three key objectives of the Council for this year and inviting a representative from each group to the meeting to discuss possible ways forward. C/FWD
Minute 2375 To discuss social event
It was suggested that the best time to hold this would be during the Summer months
It was agreed that this would be carried forward to Summer 2010 C/FWD
Minute 2376 To consider future training for Cllrs/Clerk
One Voice Wales has agreed that Module 2 of the Cllr Training which is ‘the Councillor’ will be given free of charge to those Cllrs who attended Module 1 because of the poor quality of that session. The Cllrs who attended Module 1 were Cllrs Leaf and McCombe. The Clerk also attended. The date of Module 2 is 19th November at the Sessions House in Usk. Cllr Squires and Cllr Saysell have expressed a wish to attend. The session would normally cost £25.
However the Clerk gave details of a bursary from the Welsh Assembly. OVW made a successful bid to them to assist in the funding of Cllr training. . The maximum allowed is 50% of the training fee up to £50 which must be claimed by March 2010. The Society of Local Council Clerks also provides a bursary - again 50% of the cost is paid but up to a maximum of £100.
Module 3 ‘the Council as an employer’ will be held in Usk on 4th March 2010. Cllr Harvey and the Clerk expressed a wish to attend this module.
No dates were yet available for the remaining three modules
It was resolved that the Clerk, Cllrs Leaf and McCombe would attend Module 2 in November 2009 free of charge
Cllrs Saysell and Squires would attend Module 2 in November 2009 at the subsidised cost of £12.50 each
Cllr Harvey and the Clerk would attend Module 3 in March 2010at the subsidised cost of £12.50 each
Minute 2377 To consider BT ‘s Adopt/Sponsor a Kiosk Scheme
The basis of this scheme is that BT is providing local councils with two alternatives.
1. Adopt a Kiosk. The cost is £1 each. However it would mean that BT would remove the telephone service completely and ownership of the kiosk structure would be transferred to the Community Council. BT advise that we can use the kiosk for our own purposes and in whatever way we feel would be of most benefit to the local community.
2. Sponsor a Kiosk. The cost is £300 plus VAT payable annually for each kiosk. BT will still provide a telephone service but will covert it to a cashless system.
There are three telephone kiosks offered in the scheme:-
Shirenewton Village - BT claim there is full Mobile network coverage
Earlswood - BT claim there is coverage for Vodafone UK, T-Mobile UK, O2 - UK
Newchurch (Gaerllwyd crossroads) - BT claim that there is full mobile network coverage
There was some discussion about BT’s previous attempts in 2008 to remove telephone services at Earlswood and Newchurch. Shirenewton Community Council vigorously opposed this at the time and the proposal was not taken up. The reasons for the objections still stand today.
BT requested that decisions be notified to them by 8th September. The Clerk has spoken to Phil Thomas at MCC Planning and he said that while he was aware that there had been discussion between MCC and BT there were no firm arrangements in place.
Under the consultation process as laid out by Ofcom, any responses should be channelled via the Chief Planning Officer at MCC who will make representations on behalf of the Community.
It was resolved that the Clerk would convey the objections of the Members to the Chief Planning Officer. C/FWD
Minute 2378 Items of local concern - information only
The Members were very sorry to hear of the death of Mrs Thelma Moore, Cllr Beverly Moore’s Mother and asked that the Clerk convey their condolences by way of letter.
Copy of e mail to MCC Planning Dept from Mr D Adams regarding planning application at Red Barn Farm (previously e mailed to Cllrs)
Peniel Chapel
Concerns had been raised in a previou meeting about the removal of head stones, the demolition of the stone boundary wall and also the fact that the gate to the field with a right of way was locked.
Cllr McCombe has spoken to Louise Ferguson of the Baptist Union. From the archived file concerning the Chapel she said that there were no restrictive covenants put on the land or the building itself when they were sold.
Cllr McCombe felt that the removal of the cemetery wall was presumably to enable the building to be restored without using new materials. It appears that the Chapel is being restored with sensitivity. However on the planning application it was stated that the existing boundary walls were to remain.
Recently a section of the hedgerow has been uprooted and a vehicle entry is being made to a parking area. The access has been altered from that shown on the planning application DC/2000/00674. Currently the whole length of the boundary with the lane is missing but this may be temporary whilst the car parking area is constructed.
Cllr McCombe has checked the gate and it is not locked.
Highways - lighting
It has been reported by several residents that some of the lighting in Blethyn Close and Tan House Court has been replaced by fierce white lights in place of the more acceptable amber glow. The Clerk has been told by Roger Joy at MCC that the lanterns have been changed to a more energy efficient lamp which requires less energy to operate. He agrees that the glow illuminating the lamps is rather glary at first due to being a white light source. However after a while the glare will not be quite so intense. He says that in his experience residents do get used to them and even prefer them to the old style of lamp. If he is informed that there is a problem with back light shining into properties he will black out the rear of the shade
Contacting MCC out of office hours
This has now changed from the Forest of Dean call centre (01594 836833) to Cardiff City Council (02920 62637
Minute 2379 Short reports from meetings attended
Shirenewton School Governors
Cllr Mitchell stated that as much of the meetings he attends contain confidential information he has little to report. He suggested that he will send to the Clerk the School newsletter for distribution to all Cllrs.
One Voice Wales
Cllr McCombe and Cllr Harvey attended the AGM. John Harvey stood down as Chair. Trevor Phillips was elected unanimously as Chair. John Harvey was elected as Vice Chair. The Chair was proposed and elected unanimously to sit on the National Executive for OVW.
Minute 2380 To consider Financial Matters
a) Bills presented for payment
Clerk’s salary less pension deduction (in line with SCP 18) 431.00
Clerk’s pension (council & Clerk contribution) 98.13
Stationery and Expenses 33.06
It was resolved to make all payments
b) To sign new Bank Mandate
All Cllrs present signed the new mandate. The Clerk will contact all absent Cllrs at a later date. The mandate provides for the same authorities to sign cheque i.e any two named persons required to sign all cheques and transfers.
Minute 2381 Clerks report on update of items from previous meetings
Written report previously e mailed to all Cllrs
1. Allotments /Affordable Housing.
As requested by Members I have written to the temporary Head of Paid Management and received a reply. Both letters are attached
2. Update on planning applications (to 24th August 2009)
Ref: / Address / SCC recommendation / MCC decisionDC/2009/00636 / The Grange, Usk Road, Shirenewton / Approval / Approved 5th August
DC/2008/01311 Oslo, Mynyddbach
At the Planning Committee meeting at MCC on 25th August it was decided to approve this application.(not yet showing on website) The vote was 3 for refusal, 4 for approval and 7 abstentions. I understand that The Planning Committee felt that if approval was granted a condition should be imposed to restrict the height of the dwellings to that of the current garage height and also to ensure that the semis were a maximum of 1 ½ storeys high. The Committee insisted that the detailed planning must be brought back to them for determination
3 .Other planning matters
Area at Peniel Chapel. Appeal against enforcement. Letter sent to Planning Inspectorate in support of enforcement action.
The Special Landscape Area in which this site lies has been designated in Monmouthshire County Council’s adopted UDP as having priority given to landscape conservation. It is of particularly high intrinsic value, requiring special protection for its own sake as part of the county’s landscape resource. Any development within the SLA should be assessed to minimise its impact (UDP Policy C3)
Any change from agricultural to domestic use, enabling storage of waste products and other domestic paraphernalia is directly contrary to policies C3, DES1 and the Monmouthshire UDP
The land and stables have been used for domestic purposes for the past two or three years. Lack of proper land management has meant that it now little more than rubbish littered scrubland, totally at odds with the Special Landscape Area in which it lies. Drains built to serve the single track lane that runs alongside the land are repeatedly blocked, leading to increased wear and tear on the road surface and hedgerows and diminishing the amenity of the land.
The development is high on the hillside, visible from the other side of the valley, and has maximum impact on the overall landscape characteristics, contradicting UDP Policy C3 Para 11.4.2. Storage of oil drums, pallets and other waste and non-agricultural items will increase the impact upon the landscape and countryside and is unacceptable.
There is a right of way across this land. Members of the public feel intimidated by the dogs which are still kept in the buildings. When out walking and approaching the entrance to the right of way on the land, a gate has to be opened. As soon as the latch gate is touched the dogs start barking. This has made the right of way virtually unusable and is in direct contravention of DES1(a), UDP, which states that: all development will be required to ensure a safe, secure, pleasant and convenient environment that is accessible to all members of the community.
These proposals contradict DES1(h), UDP. They will not integrate into their surroundings, taking into account the appearance of the existing landscape and its intrinsic character. Special Landscape Areas are designated as such because they require protection from just this type of development which denigrates the whole area
4. Best Kept Village
I have received notification that Shirenewton has won an award in the Gwent Best Kept Village Competition 2009. As in previous years, no indication is given as to which category has won. This will be disclosed at a Presentation Evening at County Hall, Cwmbran on Friday 18th September at 6.30 pm. Only two people from each winning category invited to attend the presentation evening
It was suggested that the Clerk and Cllr Moore should attend on behalf of the Community Council
5. Village shop
The Committee report that the application was submitted by the deadline and contact has since been made by the BIG Lottery for supplementary questions to be answered. Answers have been provided so it is a matter of just waiting. In the meantime, possibilities for temporary shop facilities are being examined.
6. Tree Protection Orders (TPO’s)
I was asked to look into placing TPO’s on the two Yew trees at Peniel Chapel. Apparently MCC placed TPO’s on one of the trees in May 2003. I am told that there were originally three yew trees. One was allowed to be felled because it was considered a danger to a neighbour’s livestock. Of the two remaining only one was considered worthy of a TPO. The criteria for a TPO is that a tree should be healthy, have a good shape and make a contribution to the local landscape.
As far as notifying the local Council when trees are going to be felled, this would be done automatically. However if permission was given for trimming of trees Councils may not be notified.
In the case of Peniel Chapel, Llangwm Community Council was notified about the TPO
1. Mayor of Chepstow. Invitation for Chair and Guest to attend the Civic Service and Civic Reception on Sunday 27th September 2009. (Cllr and Mrs Eede have confirmed that they will attend)
2. Gwent NHS Reform Briefing Number 6 (August 2009) (previously e mailed to Cllrs)
3. MCC. Consultation on Statement of Licensing Policy -Gambling Act 2005 Consultation . Replies by 19th October (previously e mailed to Cllrs)
4. WAG Update on the development of Welsh language and legislation and policy. (previously e mailed to Cllrs)