St. Marys Hospital
1216 Second Street SW
Rochester, MN
Old Marion Hall, 3rd Floor
January 23 & 24, 2013
7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
PURPOSE ------
The Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) is designed to provide core level trauma knowledge and psychomotor skills associated with the delivery of professional nursing care to the trauma patient. The information will assist the emergency nurse to systematically assess the trauma patient and to intervene or to assist with intervention in a manner which will decrease the lethality associated with trauma. This content is presented through lectures and psychomotor skill stations.
Upon completion of the TNCC program, the participant will be able to:
§ Identify the common mechanisms of injury associated with trauma.
§ Describe the pathophysidogic changes as a basis for signs and symptoms.
§ Describe the nursing assessment of patients with trauma.
§ Describe the appropriate interventions for patients with trauma.
§ Describe mechanisms for evaluating the effectiveness of nursing interventions for patients with trauma.
ENA will issue a card verifying the successful completion of the TNCC. Expiration of verification will occur after four years.
The TNCC program may be officially attended by Registered Nurses (RNs). In order to maximize success in the TNCC, it is recommended the RN participants have at least six months of clinical nursing experience in an emergency care setting. It is assumed the program participant possesses generic nursing knowledge, has an understanding of emergency care terminology, and has familiarity with standard emergency equipment.
Lecture content covers the following topics:
§ Biomechanics and mechanism of injury
§ Initial assessment
§ Airway and ventilation
§ Shock
§ Brain & Craniofacial Trauma
§ Ocular maxillo facial and neck trauma
§ Thoracic trauma
§ Abdominal trauma
§ Spinal cord and vertebral column trauma
§ Surface and burn trauma
§ Special populations: Pregnant, Pediatric, Geriatric
§ Disaster Management
§ Psychosocial Aspects of Trauma Care
§ Transition of care
Psychomotor skill stations facilitate initial integration of psychomotor abilities in a risk-free setting which stimulates trauma patient situations. The following stations are included:
§ Trauma Nursing Process
§ Airway & Ventilation Interventions
§ Spinal Immobilization
§ Chest Trauma
§ Traction Splint
Written test and skill tests included.
The Emergency Nurses Association is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation
This program provides 14.42 contact hours and meets the Minnesota Board of Nursing requirements for Continuing Education. The content is related to skilled ministration of care and patient assessment.
Regional dollars provided by the Southeast Minnesota Emergency Medical Services have made it possible to offer the program at the reduced fee of $200.
FACULTY ------
The faculty consists of registered nurses from the Emergency Department and Trauma Centers, Saint Marys Hospital, who have successfully completed both the TNCC Provider and TNCC Instructor Courses.
Instructors satisfy ENA guidelines for prior teaching and clinical trauma experience.
Registration fee for the two-day program is $200. ($230 for participants from other regions) This fee includes tuition, book rental fee (participants have option to purchase book), certificate of attendance, and other course materials. Participants are responsible for parking fees at facility.
Registration is limited to twenty (20) RN participants. Registration deadline is December 3, 2012. EARLY registration is encouraged.
Make check payable to SE Minnesota EMS and mail with registration form to:
SE Minnesota EMS
1130½ 7th St. NW, Ste 201
Rochester, MN 55901
Trauma Nursing Core Course
January 23 & 24, 2013
Rochester, MN
Preferred Mailing Address:
(Street/Route/PO Box)
(City) (State) (Zip code)
Daytime Phone
(Area Code)
RN License #
Make check payable to SE Minnesota EMS and mail with registration form to:
SE Minnesota EMS
1130½ 7th St NW, Ste 201
Rochester, MN 55901
No Registration Refunds After This Date!!
“In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, please advise Deb Horsman, TNCC Course Coordinator (507-255-1844) if you have a disability that requires materials and/or services so that appropriate personnel can be advised.”
A portion of this program’s cost is being funded through a grant from the State of Minnesota EMS Regulatory Board.
Trauma Nursing Core Course
January 23 & 24, 2013
Sponsored by:
SE Minnesota Emergency
Medical Services
in collaboration with:
Saint Marys Hospital Mayo Clinic Rochester Trauma Centers