[Your name]

[Your address]

[MP address]


Dear [MP name]

Blue badge fraud and misuse

I am writing to enquire about what is being done to combat fraud and abuse of the Blue Badge scheme for disabled peoplein my area.

As Blue Badge holder it is very important to me that this schemeworks properly. My Blue Badge allows me to access shops and services so I can lead my life as independently as possible. Any form of abuse of the scheme has a detrimental effect on me and many other disabled people in the country.

I am a member of the charity Disabled Motoring UK which has been campaigning for better enforcement of the scheme. The charity recently reported in their magazine that the latest figures for 2014/15, published by the Department for Transport,show that most of the local authorities do not have an enforcement policy or if they do have one it is not enforced. In total only 27% of local authorities used prosecution as a means of enforcing and protecting the Blue Badge scheme. Even though the number of prosecutions is slightly higher from the previous year nevertheless it is still a very worrying situation.

The report also revealed that the vast majority of abuse was committed by people who would not be eligible for a badge; they tend to use stolen or dead relatives badges.I personally would like to see Blue Badge fraud being dealt with properly by Blue Badge Enforcement teams andthe abusers being brought to justice. Just issuing a parking ticket is not enough of a deterrent, they must understand that what they have done is a criminal offence.

Please can you find out what is being done to tackle Blue Badge fraud in [your city/town]and if nothing is being done I would be interested to know why and what your view is on this decision.

Yours sincerely

[Your name]