Lucrari membrii sectiei in 2012

Acad. Viorel Barbu

V. Barbu, M. Röckner, Stochastic Porous Media Equations and Self-Organized Criticality: Convergence to the Critical State in all Dimensions, Commun. Math. Phys. 311, (2012) 539–555. FI=1.941.

V. Barbu, Giuseppe Da Prato, Michael Röckner, Finite time extinction of solutions to fast diffusion equations driven by linear multiplicative noise, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 389 (2012) 147–164. FI= 1.001

V. Barbu, Optimal Control Approach to Nonlinear Diffusion Equations Driven by Wiener Noise, J Optim Theory Appl. DOI 10.1007/s10957-011-9946-8 (2012). FI=1.062

V.Barbu, Stabilization of Navier–Stokes Equations By Oblique Boundary Feedback Controllers, Siam J. Control Optim. 50, No. 4 (2012) 2288–2307. FI=1.518

V. Barbu, G. Da Prato, L. Tubaro, The Stochastic Reflection Problem in Hilbert Spaces, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 7 (2012), 352-367. FI=0.894

V. Barbu, The stochastic reflection problem with multiplicative noise, Nonlinear Analysis 75 (2012) 3964–3972. FI= 1.536

V. Barbu, I. Lasiecka, The unique continuation property of eigenfunctions to Stokes–Oseen operator is generic with respect to the coefficients, Nonlinear Analysis 75 (2012), 4384–4397. FI= 1.536

T. Barbu, V. Barbu, A PDE approach to image restoration problem with observation on a meager domain, Nonlinear Analysis-RWA, 13, 3 1206-1215, 2012

V. Barbu, M. Roeckner, Localization of solutions to stochastic porous media equations: finite speed of propagation, Electronic Journal of Probability, 17, 1-11, 2012

V. Barbu, Y. Guo, M. Rammaha, et al., Convex Integrals on Sobolev Spaces, Journal of Convex Analysis, 19, 3, 837-852, 2012

Acad. Romulus Cristescu

R. Cristescu, Some linear operators between spaces with vector norm, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl., 1, 65-74, 2012

Acad. Marius Iosifescu

M. Iosifescu, G. Sebe, On Gauss problem for the Lueroth expansion, Indag. Mathematicae (va aparea)

Acad. Radu Miron

On the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanical Systems, dedicată lui Anton Dimitrija Blemovici. Va fi publicată în Belgrad de Institutul de Mecanică al Republicii Serbia.

Cartea: Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Geometry Applications to Analytical Mechanics, Ed. Academiei Române şi Ed. Fair Partners, 2011 – apărută în 2012.

Acad. Ivan Singer

Ivan Singer and Viorel Nitica, Topical functions on semimodules and generalizations, Linear

Algebra and its Applications 437 (2012), 2471-2488.

Ivan Singer and Viorel Nitica, Extended-valued topical and anti-topical functions on semimodules. arXiv:1212.6561 [math OC] 28 Dec. 2012 (39 pagini), trimisa pentru publicare.

Dr. M. Coltoiu – mc

M. Coltoiu, C. Joita: The disk property of coverings of 1-convex surfaces. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140 (2012), no.2, 575-580.

M. Coltoiu, N. Gasitoi, C. Joita: On the image of an algebraic projective space. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 350 (2012), no. 5-6 ,239-241.

M. Coltoiu, C. Joita, M. Tibar: q-convexity properties of the covering of a link singularity, Publ. Res. Math. Sci. 48 (2012), no.2, 409-417.

M. Coltoiu, C. Joita: On the open immersion problem. Acceptata la Math. Ann. Publicata online decembrie 2012.

Prof. C. Corduneanu

Prof. Dorin Iesan – mc

D. Iesan, Thermoelasticity, in: Continuum Mechanics, vol.II, (Eds. J. Merodio and G. Saccomandi), Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, 2012, pp.142- 269.

D. Iesan, Micromorphic elastic solids with initial stresses and initial heat flux , Int.J. Eng. Sci. 49 (2011), 1350-1356 (nu a fost raportata in 2011).

D. Iesan, R. Quintanilla, Two-dimensional heat conduction in thermodynamics of continua with microtemperature distributions, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 55(2012), 48-59. FI=2.142

D. Iesan, On the torsion of inhomogeneous and anisotropic bars, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, (2012), DOI:10.1177/1081286511433083. FI=1.012

D. Iesan, S. De Cicco, A theory of chiral Cosserat elastic plates, Journal of Elasticity (2012) DOI 10.1007/s10659-012-9400-7. FI=1.110

Prof. C. Nastasescu –mc

S. Crivei, C. Năstăsescu, L. Năstăsescu: A generalization of the Mitchell Lemma: the Ulmer Theorem and the Gabriel-Popescu Theorem revisited, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 216 (2012), pag. 2126 - 2129.

Lucrări acceptate la publicat:

  • F. Castano-Iglesias, C. Năstăsescu, L. Năstăsescu: Locally stable Grothendieck categories. Applications, acceptată la Applied Categorical Structures, DOI 101007/s10485-011-9257-0.
  • S. Dăscălescu, M. Iovanov, C. Năstăsescu: Path subcoalgebras, finiteness properties and quantum groups, acceptată la Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, arXiv:1012.4335v3 [math.QA].
  • S. Dăscălescu, C. Năstăsescu, B. Toader: Doi-Hopf modules associated to comodule coalgebras, acceptată la Communications in Algebra.
  • S. Dăscălescu, M. Iovanov, C. Năstăsescu: Quiver algebras, path coalgebras and co-reflexivity, acceptată la Pacific Journal of Mathematics, arXiv:1208.441v1 [math.RT].

Prof. I. Tomescu – mc

I. Tomescu, A. A. Bhatti, On the cyclomatic number of linear hypergraphs, Ars Combinatoria, 106(2012), 527-533.

M. T. Rahim, I. Tomescu, Multi-level distance labelings for helm graphs, Ars Combinatoria, 104(2012), 513-523.

I. Tomescu, Some results on chromaticity of quasi-linear paths and cycles, Electron. J. Combin., 2(19)(2012), Research Paper P23, 8 p.

I. Tomescu, On the connected partition dimension of a wheel relatedgraph, M. J. Dinneen et al. (Eds.): Computation, physics and beyond.

Int. workshop on theoretical computer science WTCS 2012 (CaludeFestschrift), LNCS 7160, Springer (2012), 417-424.

I. Tomescu, S. Kanwal, Ordering connected graphs having small degreedistances. II, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer

Chemistry, 2, 67(2012), 425-437.

Prof. Cabirian Andreian-Cazacu –mo

C.Andreian Cazacu si M.D.Cazacu, Transformation of the traveller wave shape in propagation on a straight and inclined bed. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Mathematica, vol. 57, nr. 2, June 2012, 167-173.

Prof. Tudor Zamfirescu –mo

1. K. Adiprasito şi T. Zamfirescu, Large Curvature on Typical Convex Surfaces, J. Convex Analysis 19, 2 (2012) 385-391; ISI, FI= 0.823, SRI=1.1125.

2. L. Yuan şi T. Zamfirescu, Acute triangulations of double planar convex bodies, Publ. Math. Debrecen 81, 1-2 (2012) 121-126; ISI, FI= 0.358, SRI=0.53419;

3. F. Nadeem, A. Shabbir şi T. Zamfirescu, Planar Lattice Graphs with Gallai's Property, Graphs Combin., va apare; DOI: 10.1007/s00373-012-1177-8; ISI, FI=0.319, SRI=0.56125;


4. R. Euler şi T. Zamfirescu, On Planar Toeplitz Graphs, Graphs Combin., va apare; DOI: 10.1007/s00373-012-1185-8; ISI, FI=0.319, SRI=0.56125;

5. A. Shabbir şi T. Zamfirescu, Highly non-concurrent longest cycles in lattice graphs, Discrete Math., va apare; DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2012.03.015; ISI, FI=0.519, SRI=0.71510;