Seafood recipes from Wales competition

1. Competition information

1.1. Competition purpose

The ‘Seafood recipes from Wales’ competition aims to identify a selection of favourite recipes from Wales that use local seafood speciesto create tasty, delicious meals.

The competition is also looking for recipes that ‘have a story’, i.e. a family tradition or favourite, a link to a seafood business in Wales, or a link to Welsh fishing heritage.

The top favourite recipes chosen by our judges, alongside any accompanying stories and business biographies, will be published in an A5 ‘Seafood recipes from Wales’ recipe booklet. This recipe booklet which will be launched spring/summer 2015 ready for the 2015 seafood festival season.

1.2. Entry categories

  1. Breakfast or brunch
  2. Lunch or snack
  3. Evening meal

1.3. Entry criteria

1)The recipe must use at least one seafood species commonly landed or harvested in Wales, e.g. brown crab, cockle, laver weed, lobster, mackerel, mussel, oyster, plaice, prawn, ray, scallop, sea bass, skate, sole, spider crab, whelk.

2)The recipe must not use any more than eight ingredients in total (this number includes the seafood species utilised, but excludes seasons such as salt and pepper).

3)The recipe must take no longer than one hour in total to prepare and cook (excludes marinating/soaking time, if required).

1.4.Who should enter?

  • Those commercially catching or farming fish or shellfish, or adding value to such products.
  • Independent retailers that sell fish or shellfish directly to customers, i.e. fishmonger, farm shop, deli or speciality store.
  • Foodservice businesses that serve fish or shellfish, i.e. café, restaurant, fish and chip shop(s).
  • Fish and shellfish wholesalers.

1.5.How recipes will be judged?

Recipes will be judged by independent, regional chefs appointed by the Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish). All recipes will initially be paper-judged according to the information submitted in the entry form.

In particular, judges will be looking for recipes that;

  • Are straightforward to prepare and cook,
  • Use ingredients that are easy to obtain and affordable,
  • Use seafood species that are responsibly sourced and sustainable,
  • Are tasty and appealing to the general palate,
  • Have a family/seafood business history or story attached, or a link to fishing heritage in Wales.

Once paper-judging has been completed, the judges will follow the recipe instructions provided and create the dishesto ‘test’ the recipes and decide their favourites.

There will be no specific winners announced (i.e. 1st, 2nd or 3rd), the judges will simply select their ‘favourites’ for each category from the entries received.

1.6. How to Enter

  1. Choose which category(ies) you would like to enter. You can enter as many categories as you like.
  2. Read the entry criteria and terms and conditions of entry carefully.
  3. Complete the attached entry form (see below).
  4. Return or email your entry form by the entry closing date to:

Seafood recipes from Wales competition

Origin Way
N.E. Lincs
DN37 9TZ


Entry start date: Wednesday 16 July 2014

Entry closing date: Wednesday 1 October 2014

The competition will run for 11 weeks in total.

Please read your entry carefully before submitting and contact the competition organisers via the contact details below if you are aware of any changes after submission.

Competition organiser contact details:

Dr Holly Whiteley

Seafish Wales project manager

E: | T: +44 (0) 1248 812038 | M: +44 (0) 7984 561918

2. Terms and conditions of entry

Please read theseterms and conditions of entry carefully.

2.1. General

  • The competition is open to any individual or any business based within the European Union, with the exception of employees of Seafish.

2.2. Your entry form

  • Any illegible or defaced forms will be rejected.
  • Do NOT send any food with your entry nor at any other time.
  • Entry forms will not be returned to the applicant, please send photocopies where possible.
  • Information submitted on entry forms will be treated confidentially by Seafish.
  • If an entry is selected for inclusion in the Seafood recipes from Wales recipe booklet, non-personal information provided in the entry form may be used in the recipe booklet and in promotions and publicity materialsassociated with the competition and recipe booklet, with permission from the applicant.
  • You are responsible for making sure that all the details you submit on your entry form are correct. This applies to business name, contact details and recipe details in particular.
  • You are responsible for entering your recipe(s) into the correct category(ies).
  • In all aspects of category selection the judges’ word is final, so your recipe may be moved to a more appropriate category.
  • It may be necessary to clarify or gather missing information from the returned forms. In these cases entries may be followed up with an interview, conducted confidentially over the telephone by Seafish.
  • Entries must be completed using only the entry form provided. Please ensure that all details are entered legibly and accurately.
  • The closing date for entries is Wednesday 1October 2014.

2.3. Recipe Categories (A–C)

  • There is no limit to how many categories you can enter. You may only enter a maximum of THREE recipes into each category and you can only enter a recipe once. For example, if you enter a recipe into category B, you may NOT enter the same recipe into any other category.

2.4. Judging and Prizes

  • All recipes will initially be paper-judged according to the information submitted in the entry form by a panel of independent judges (regional chefs) appointed by Seafish.
  • Once paper-judging has been completed, judges will follow the recipe instructions provided and create the dishes in order to ‘test’ the recipes and decide their favourites.
  • Judges may not be contacted by entrants in anyway or by any means during the competition. Any attempt to do so will result in your application being rejected.
  • The judges’ decision will be final.
  • There will be no individual feedback to entrants during the judging process, but feedback from the judging panel can be supplied to successful entrantsonce the results have been announced.
  • Successful entrants will be notified at the address supplied on the entry form early 2015.
  • All successful entrants will;

Receive a Seafish Seafood Guide,

Have their business details and biography included alongside their recipe in the Fish is the Dish Seafood recipes from Wales booklet (with their permission), and

Receive 500 free copies of the Seafood recipes from Wales booklet for marketing purposes.

  • The Seafish Seafood Guide and Fish is the Dish Seafood recipes from Wales booklets will be forwarded to successful entrants by post to the address supplied on the entry form.
  • The Fish is the Dish Seafood recipes from Wales booklet will be launched spring/summer 2015.
  • There will be no cash prizes and no alternative prizes.

2.5. Promotion and Publicity

  • Entries CANNOT be used to specifically promote your product(s),i.e. recipe descriptions or instructionscannot include text such as ‘we encourage you to use our fresh welsh crab in this recipe’. Information provided must be restricted to recipe description, ingredients, instructions, business name, business biography and contact details.
  • If an entry is selected for inclusion in the Seafood recipes from Wales recipe booklet, non-personal information provided in the entry form may be used in promotions and publicity materialsassociated with the competition and recipe booklet, with permission from the applicant.Successful entrants may also be asked for quotations for media purposes.
  • The business name provided on the entry form will be the name used in any publicity material associated with the competition and recipe booklet.
  • Seafish are not liable for any losses incurred to entrants or their businesses as a result of misinformation supplied in the Fish is the Dish Seafood recipes from Wales booklet beyond their reasonable control and here by excludes all liability save for that which it cannot lawfully exclude or limit.

Seafood recipes from Wales competition

Entry Form (Section A)


To be completed by all entrants:

Business Name:

Business type:

Number of outlets (if applicable):

Primary Business Address:

Postal Town:County:


Business Tel:Mob:





Name of entrant:

Entrant job title:

Nos. of years in the seafood industry:

Name of business owner:

Company trading name:

Company registration number:

Business Opening Hours

Day / Morning / Evening / Day / Morning / Evening
Monday / Friday
Tuesday / Saturday
Wednesday / Sunday

Business biography:

No more than 100 words



Signature of entrant:Date: 2014

Entry Form (Section B)

Please complete this section for each recipe that you would like to enter.

Business Name:

Entry number: of:

Please complete the following section for each recipe that you would like to enter.

  1. *Which category do you wish to enter?(please tick/circle)



If you require more space please use additional paper/pages and submit with your entry form.

* Questions are for information purposes only and are not considered in judging.

Please either send your completed entry form to:

Seafood Recipes from Wales competition


Origin Way
N.E. Lincs
DN37 9TZ

Or email to:

Entry Checklist

Have you;

  • Read the competition information andterms and conditions of entry?
  • Completed your entry form with as much information as you can?
  • Checked your entry form to ensure all sections are answered correctly?
  • Remember the closing date is Wednesday 1 October 2014.

Please remember to keep a copy of your entry form if possible, as we cannot return original documents.

If you are entering multiple categories or recipes, please send a copy of Section B for each entry as required.

Successful entrants will be announced early 2015.

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