Assessment of Implementation

Instructions: This tool is designed to assist School Implementation Teams with implementation of the Bath County Systems of Intervention (BCSI) and to assist our district level team in monitoring progress of implementation across the district. Please complete this form and return it to 30-60-90-Plan Monitors. This tool is one piece in a process of assessing RtI implementation, outcomes, and planning future actions for RtI implementation.

School / Date of Report
Status: Achieved, In Progress, Not Started / Oct.
Status / Jan.
Status / May
School Implementation Team
1. A team has been established to oversee implementation of the BCSI initiatives
2. Team meets regularly to review progress with initiatives and analyze universal screening and/or progress monitoring data
3. Administrator is active and present for meetings
4. Team provides summaries of data to staff and SBDM
5. Team documents meetings (agendas, sign-in sheets and minutes)
6. Team has developed a matrix and attached outlining its model of assessment and service delivery (Received at Roll Out Meeting)
7. School has a system for notifying and involving parents for students in need of intervention
8. School Implementation Team has been trained on the BCSI
9. Faculty have been trained on the BCSI
Universal Screening
Universal screenings are conducted at least 3 times per year in math and reading::
2. Winter
3. Spring
Diagnostic Assessments
1. Diagnostic Assessments are given in reading to determine interventions needed and to be progressed monitored.
2. Diagnostic Assessments are given in math to determine interventions needed and to be progressed monitored.
Status: Achieved, In Progress, Not Started / Oct.
Status / Jan.
Status / May
Progress Monitoring
1. Tier II students are progress monitored at least weekly
2. Tier III students are progress monitored one time weekly – in not more.
3. Progress monitoring is conducted in reading
4. Progress monitoring is conducted in math
Data-based Decision Making
1. Universal screening results are analyzed for programmatic and/or instructional implications (80% student proficiency - goal)
2. Universal screening results are analyzed to identify students in need of intervention
3. School has a method to maintain universal screening data
4. Progress monitoring data is shared with teachers in a graphical format
5. Progress monitoring data is shared with parents in a graphical format
6. Progress monitoring is used to alter the frequency, intensity or type of intervention depending upon results
7. School has a method to maintain progress monitoring data
8. School has a system to determine adequate rate of improvement/responsiveness
9. Parents are involved in meetings in which data is used to make decisions about educational plans
Tiered Service Delivery
1. School has multiple tiers of services in reading
2. School has multiple tiers of services in math
3. School uses scientific, research-based interventions/instruction in reading (attachment of strategies)
4. School uses scientific, research-based interventions/instruction in math (attachment of strategies)
  1. Recent accomplishments with implementation:
  1. Challenges to implementation at your school:
  1. Professional development needs:
  1. Other comments/concerns: