Code that uses comments

'* ======

'* Date: 11/30/01

'* Author: Anne Prince

'* Purpose: Calculate invoice total

'* ======

'*declaration statements

Dim decOrderTotal As Decimal

Dim decDiscountPct As Decimal

Dim decDiscountAmount As Decimal

Dim decInvoiceTotal As Decimal

‘*get input Order Total

decOrderTotal = txtOrderTotal.Text

'*calculate the proper discount

If decOrderTotal >= 100 Then

decDiscountPct = 0.25


decDiscountPct = 0

End If

Typical variable declarations

Dim strErrorMessage As String

Dim intIndex As Integer = 1

Dim lngMonth As Long, decRate As Decimal

Dim intStatus, intRunningValue As Integer

Dim blnAddMode As Boolean = True

Typical assignment statements

iMonth = 1

iMonth = iMonth + 1

dDiscountAmount = dOrderTotal * .2

dInvoicetotal = dOrderTotal + dDiscountAmount

dChangePercent = (dThisYTDSales – dLastYTDSales) / dLastYTDSales * 100

dArea = (dRadius ^ 2) * 3.1416

Examples of arithmetic expressions

iVarX = 14 'assume for all examples

iVarY = 8 'assume for all examples

dVarA = 8.5 'assume for all examples

dVarB = 3.4 'assume for all examples

iResult = iVarX \ iVarY 'result = 1

iResult = iVarX mod iVarY 'result = 6

dResult = dVarA / dVarB 'result = 2.5

dResult = dVarA mod dVarB 'result = 1.7

iResult = -iVarY 'result = -8

iResult = -iVarY + iVarX 'result = 6

Conditional expressions

sSwitch > "Yes"

bNewCustomer = True


dThisYTD > dLastYTD

iValue = 1

iValue Not > 99

dMonthlyInvestment > 0 And fInterestRate > 0 And iMonths > 0

(dThisYTD > dLastYTD) Or (dLastYTD <= 0 And dThisYTD >= 1000)

Statements that assign True/False values

bDiscountRate1 = dOrderTotal >= 200

bSalesIncrease = dThisYTD > dLastYTD

How to concatenate character strings

sFirstName = "Bob"

sLastName = "Smith"

sFullName = sFirstName & " " & sLastName

How to append one string to another string

sFirstName = "Bob"

sLastName = "Smith"

sName = sFirstName & " "

sName = sName & sLastName

How to append with the &= operator

sFirstName = "Bob"

sLastName = "Smith"

sName = sFirstName & " "

sName &= sLastName

Sample code using a Sub Procedure (no argument/parameter)

Private Sub btnGo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGo.Click

' This procedure calls the DisplayMessage procedure.

lstOutput.Items.Add("Hello from btnGo_Click procedure.")

lstOutput.Items.Add("Calling the DisplayMessage " & "procedure.")

DisplayMessage() ‘calls Display Message

lstOutput.Items.Add("Now I am back in the btnGo_Click procedure.")

End Sub

Sub DisplayMessage()

'A Sub procedure that displays a message.


lstOutput.Items.Add("Hello from DisplayMessage.")


End Sub

Sub Procedure Call and Sub Procedure Code (1 argument/parameter)

DisplayValue(5) ‘calls DisplayValue procedure

Sub DisplayValue(ByVal number As Integer)

' This procedure displays a value in a message box.


End Sub

Sub Procedure Call and Sub Procedure Code (multi argument/parameter)

ShowSum(5, 10) ‘calls ShowSum procedure

Sub ShowSum(ByVal num1 As Integer, ByVal num2 As Integer)

' This procedure accepts two arguments, and prints their sum on the form.

Dim sum As Integer

sum = num1 + num2

MessageBox.Show("The sum is " & sum.ToString)

End Sub

Numeric Funtion Call and Function Code

total = Sum(value1, value2)

Function Sum(ByVal num1 As Single, ByVal num2 As Single) As Single

Dim result As Single

result = num1 + num2

Return result

End Function

String Funtion Call and Function Code

MsgBox(“Hello “ & FullName(strFName, strLName)

Function FullName(ByVal first As String, ByVal last As String) As String

Dim name As String

name = last & ", " & first

Return name

End Function

Boolean Funtion Call and Function Code

If IsValid(intInput) = False Then

MsgBox(“Invalid Input”)


Function IsValid(num As Integer) As Boolean

Dim status As Boolean

If num >= 0 And num <= 100 Then

status = True


status = False

End If

Return status

End Function

An Event procedure that calls Sub and Function procedures

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click

Dim iMonths As Integer

Dim dInterestRate, dMonthlyInvestment As Decimal

Dim bValidNumericEntries As Boolean

Me.ValidateNumericEntries(txtMonthlyInvestment.Text, txtYears.Text, _

txtInterestRate.Text, bValidNumericEntries)

If bValidNumericEntries Then

iMonths = txtYears.Text * 12

dInterestRate = txtInterestRate.Text / 12 / 100

dMonthlyInvestment = txtMonthlyInvestment.Text

lblFutureValue.Text = FormatCurrency(FutureValue(iMonths, _

dInterestRate, dMonthlyInvestment))



MessageBox.Show("Invalid data. Please check all entries.", "Error")


End If

End Sub

Private Sub ValidateNumericEntries(ByVal Value1 As String, _

ByVal Value2 As String, ByVal Value3 As String, _

ByRef ValidEntries As Boolean)

If IsNumeric(Value1) And IsNumeric(Value2) And IsNumeric(Value3) Then

If Value1 > 0 And Value2 > 0 And Value3 > 0 Then

ValidEntries = True

End If

End If

End Sub

Private Function FutureValue(ByVal Months As Integer, _

ByVal InterestRate As Decimal, _

ByVal MonthlyInvestment As Decimal) As Decimal

Dim iIndex As Integer, dFutureValue As Decimal

For iIndex = 1 To Months

dFutureValue = (dFutureValue + MonthlyInvestment) _

* (1 + InterestRate)

Next iIndex

Return dFutureValue

End Function

Statements that use intrinsic functions

dValue = Val(sValue)

Msgbox(“Your number is: “ & Int(10 * Rnd) + 1 )

iNameLength = Len(sFirstName) + Len(sLastName)

A statement that uses the IsNumeric function

If IsNumeric(txtOrderTotal.Text) Then

dOrderTotal = txtOrderTotal.Text


MessageBox.Show("You must enter a numeric value.", "Entry error")

End If

Statements that use the formatting functions

lblDiscountAmount.Text = FormatNumber(dDiscountAmount, 2)

lblInvoiceTotal.Text = FormatNumber(dInvoiceTotal)

lblInvoiceTotal.Text = FormatCurrency(dInvoiceTotal)

lblDiscountPct.Text = FormatPercent(dDiscountPct)

An If…Then statement without an Else clause

If txtMonthlyInvestment.Text <= 0 Then

bValidData = False

End If

A simple If…Then…Else statement

If dOrderTotal >= 100 Then

dDiscountPct = 0.2


dDiscountPct = 0

End If

An If statement with ElseIf clauses

If iQuantity = 1 Or iQuantity = 2 Then

dDiscount = 0

ElseIf iQuantity >= 3 And iQuantity <= 9 Then

dDiscount = 0.1

ElseIf iQuantity >= 10 And iQuantity <=24 Then

dDiscount = 0.2

ElseIf iQuantity >= 25 Then

dDiscount = 0.3


dDiscount = 0

End If

Nested If statements

If sType = "Retail" Then

If iQuantity <= 2 Then

dDiscount = 0

ElseIf iQuantity <= 9 Then

dDiscount = .1

ElseIf iQuantity <= 24 Then

dDiscount = .2

ElseIf iQuantity >= 25 Then

dDDiscount = .3

End If

Else '*(sType > "Retail")

dDiscount = .4

End If

A Select Case statement

Select Case iQuantity
Case 1, 2
dDiscount = 0
Case 3 To 9
dDiscount = 0.1
Case 10 To 24
dDiscount = 0.2
Case Is >= 25
dDiscount = 0.3
Case Else '(< 1)
dDiscount = 0
End Select

Invoice Total Application

Form: Control Names:

Object type Name

TextBox txtOrderTotal

Label lblDiscountAmount

Label lblInvoiceTotal

The code for the Click event of the Calculate button:

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click

Dim dOrderTotal As Decimal

Dim dDiscountPct As Decimal

Dim dDiscountAmount As Decimal

Dim dInvoiceTotal As Decimal

dOrderTotal = txtOrderTotal.Text

If dOrderTotal >= 100 Then

dDiscountPct = .2


dDiscountPct = 0

End If

dDiscountAmount = dOrderTotal * dDiscountPct

dInvoiceTotal = dOrderTotal - dDiscountAmount

lblDiscountAmount.Text = dDiscountAmount

lblInvoiceTotal.Text = dInvoiceTotal


End Sub

Enhanced code for the Invoice Total application

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs)Handles btnCalculate.Click

Const dMinOrderTotal As Decimal = 10

Const dMaxOrderTotal As Decimal = 10000

Dim dOrderTotal As Decimal

Dim dDiscountPct As Decimal

Dim dDiscountAmount As Decimal

Dim dInvoiceTotal As Decimal

If IsNumeric(txtOrderTotal.Text) Then

If txtOrderTotal.Text > dMinOrderTotal And _

txtOrderTotal.Text < dMaxOrderTotal Then

dOrderTotal = txtOrderTotal.Text

dOrderTotal = Math.Round(dOrderTotal, 2)

If dOrderTotal >= 500 Then

dDiscountPct = 0.2

ElseIf dOrderTotal >= 250 Then

dDiscountPct = 0.15

ElseIf dOrderTotal >= 100 Then

dDiscountPct = 0.1

Else ' < 100

dDiscountPct = 0

End If

dDiscountAmount = dOrderTotal * dDiscountPct

dInvoiceTotal = dOrderTotal - dDiscountAmount

lblDiscountAmount.Text = FormatNumber(dDiscountAmount)

lblInvoiceTotal.Text = FormatNumber(dInvoiceTotal)

Else ' Out of range

MessageBox.Show("Order total must be between " & _

dMinOrderTotal & " and " & _

dMaxOrderTotal & ".", "Entry error")

End If

Else ' Not IsNumeric

MessageBox.Show("You must enter a numeric value.", "Entry error")

End If


End Sub

A loop that displays the numbers 0 through 4

Dim iIndex As Integer

For iIndex = 0 To 4



A loop that adds the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12

Dim iSum As Integer

Dim iIndex As Integer

For iIndex = 2 To 12 Step 2

iSum += iIndex

Next iIndex

A loop that adds the squares of 25, 15, 5, -5, -15

Dim iSquared As Integer

Dim iSumofSquares As Integer

Dim iIndex As Integer

For iIndex = 25 To -15 Step –10

iSquared = iIndex ^ 2

iSumofSquares += iSquared

Next iIndex

A loop that calculates a future value

Dim dMonthlyInvestment As Decimal

Dim dMonthlyInterestRate As Decimal

Dim iMonths As Integer

Dim dFutureValue As Decimal

Dim iIndex As Integer

For iIndex = 1 To iMonths

dFutureValue = (dFutureValue + dMonthlyInvestment)_

* (1 + dMonthlyInterestRate)

Next iIndex

A Do While loop (pretest form)

Dim dMonthlyInvestment As Decimal

Dim dMonthlyInterestRate As Decimal

Dim iMonths As Integer

Dim dFutureValue As Decimal

Dim iIndex As Integer = 1

Do While iIndex <= iMonths

dFutureValue = (dFutureValue + dMonthlyInvestment) _

* (1 + dMonthlyInterestRate)

iIndex += 1


A Do Until loop (posttest form)

Dim dMonthlyInvestment As Decimal

Dim dMonthlyInterestRate As Decimal

Dim iMonths As Integer

Dim dFutureValue As Decimal

Dim iIndex As Integer = 1


dFutureValue = (dFutureValue + dMonthlyInvestment) _

* (1 + dMonthlyInterestRate)

iIndex += 1

Loop Untl iIndex > iMonths

The Future Value application

Form: Control Names:

Object type Name

Label 5 Name lblFutureValue

Text1 txtMonthlyInvestment

Text2 txtInterestRate

Text3 txtYears

Button1 btnCalculate
Button2 btnExit
TextBox txtOrderTotal

Label lblDiscountAmount

Label lblInvoiceTotal

Code for the Future Value application:

Public Class Form1

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs)Handles btnCalculate.Click

Dim iMonths As Integer

Dim dInterestRate As Decimal

Dim dFutureValue As Decimal

Dim iIndex As Integer

iMonths = txtYears.Text * 12

dInterestRate = txtInterestRate.Text / 12 / 100

For iIndex = 1 To iMonths

dFutureValue = _

(dFutureValue + txtMonthlyInvestment.Text) _

* (1 + dInterestRate)

Next iIndex

lblFutureValue.Text = FormatCurrency(dFutureValue)


End Sub

Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click


End Sub

End Class