April 2016

On the Web: 4quilting)

On Facebook:

Wed., April 6, 2016
Set Up:
Snacks: Greeters:
Book report:
Fat Quarters:
Clean Up:
President Sally Acomb

Vice President Florene Meredith

Secretary Dawn Dennis

Treasurer Cheryl Jordan

Past President
Val Schultz

Quilt Show Positions Open
Members-at Large
Mary Grimaldi

Dorothy Richardson

QCNYS Delegate
Gail Holmes

Bobbi Beckhorn

Sunshine Marcie Williams

In House Programs
Gail Williams

National Programs
Mary Munson

Newsletter Editor
Faith Harris
Jeanette Howe

Historian Joy Lethbridge

Librarian Pat Porter

Flo's Baby Quilts
Community Project Coordinator
Position Open
Opportunity Quilt
Joan Danaher,
Keeper of the Quilt
Fabric Exchange Mona Fox

Secret Pal Gail Holmes

Paint Chip Challenge
Joan Danaher
From the Vice President for the President
I'm writing for Sally, while she is on vacation. She will be back for the April meeting.
We had a very enjoyable meeting celebrating out new Honorary Member Beth McMinn.We all had a great time visiting with her and her daughter, Nora.
We celebrated the last vote on the last part of our By-Laws, YAH!!!!!!!
I took names for a drawing for the April meeting for a winner for our Scholarship in Memory for Jean Kranz.
Barbara Miller will do her Trunk Show at the April Meeting.
April is a busy month for finishing up many areas of the Quilt Show. Please remember your Quilt Registration Forms. April 6th is the last day to turn them into Dawn Dennis (please place them in the labeled box that will be ready for them). You must run off the Quilt Show Entry Form and the three parts that go on the quilt, pillowcase, and your receipt FOR EACH QUILT (found in your Quilt Show Packet). There is a Quilt Show Chairs meeting in April after Barbara Miller's Trunk Show. Please remember to sign up for a Quilt Appraisal by Gene Barnes, if you want her to do a positive critique or review of your quilt in the show, please write that on the top of the quilt registration form.
Please bring in a fat quarter or two for the basket for the QCNYS Basket for the Quilt Show and give them to Flo Meredith. Flo is collecting these because Deb Picarella's parent were in a bad car accident and she is dealing with their needs.
Wishing you all a sunny month and that all your quilts are done and ready for the Quilt Show.
Flo Meredith

Vice President's Report
From the Vice President - March 2016
I wish to thank everyone who worked on the By-Laws throughout the last four years.I know we are all pleased to be done and ready to move on to other things.
I wish to thank everyone who signed up to take the Rack Cards advertising the Quilt Show to the different Quilt Shops in the area. This is a large part of our advertising plan.
I passed out some large cards for members to write down their ideas for Organizing our Sewing Rooms. Please return your filled out cards to me in April.
I read some more ideas for organizing our Fabric that we decide to keep in our stash.You can sort this fabric by size - yard cuts, fat quarters, fat eights, and scraps smaller than fat eights. Idea to keep tiny pieces in old suitcases, you can get at garage sales.
You can use foam core board cut to fit your container and wrap fabric around each board.Your large walk- in closet can be used to store large pieces by color.
Bonnie Hunter cuts up all remaining fabric from doing a quilt into 12" strips or longer. Shorter pieces become what she calls "bricks". Her preferred sorting system is sorting strips into sizes of 1 1/2", 2", 2 1/2", and 3 1/2" widths. The 1 1/2", 2", and 2 1/2" strips can be combined in different combinations and they play well with the 3 1/2" strip.Cut squares into 1 1/2", 2", 2 1/2", and 3 1/2". Cut "bricks" into 2" x 3 1/2" and 2 1/2" x 4 1/2". A brick is the height of one square, with the width of two squares, plus seam allowance (twice as wide as it is tall, plus seam allowance). Bricks can be used for flying geese and star points, as well as on their own. You can make any number of traditional blocks through combinations of these sizes since they work together with each other.Store strips in drawers by strip width or color family.Stack strips on top of each other, and then fold them over into a long jelly roll and place in a gallon zip lock bag. Do not seal the bag completely, let air circulate through the bag.Large pieces can be grouped by color family and kept in laundry baskets.

Please click here for Meeting Minutes.

Savings - $6414.91
Checking - $ 3744.83
Deposits / Payments
30.00 - fat quarter raffle
100.00 – quilt show vendor space ( 8 vendors total now)
240.00 – quilt raffle money (total to date is 604.00) / 50.00 Church rent
45.00 storage unit
25.38 – posters for café at quilt show
--Cheryl Jordan

2016 AFTERNOON PROGRAM – Gail Williams
APRIL –Just a quick reminder for our April Afternoon Program – Barb Miller will be doing a trunk show and talking to us about the Judy Neimeyer’s paper piecing technique. So bring a lunch and plan on an afternoon of education and fun.
MAY – Afternoon Tea
Our first annual formal Tea Party will be in May and we will be having finger sandwiches, tea cookies, tiny cupcakes, fruit salad and deviled eggs etc. So talking about it know will give us plenty of time to do some recipe hunting. Also, don’t forget your teapots and teacups. Remember those lovely old tablecloths that just sit in our linen closets, well dust them off and bring them with you. Also, we will be wearing spring bonnets to the tea. So if you plan on trying to outdo that fabulous bonnet that Pat Porter made last year you better start now.
Our Annual Summer Picnic
JULY – Holiday Month
AUGUST –– Lisa Woodworth – Quilt as You Go
Lisa is going to spend an afternoon teaching us this popular technique on making and finishing a quilt at the same time.
SEPTEMBER – Cheryl Jordan – Making Fabric Bowels Cheryl will be teaching us how to make fabric bowels using strips of fabric and clothesline. This is a great way to use up some of our fabric scraps and also will make great art gifts for someone special on your Christmas list.
OCTOBER – Ann Hawkins, Val Schultz and Kate Wylie – Art Quilts
Ann, Val and Kate will be having a truck show on Art Quilts. They will be giving us all kinds of ideas on starting an art quilt or improving the art quilts we are currently working on.
NOVEMBER – Pat Porter – Floral Fabric Painting
Pat will be teaching a class on floral painting on our quilts. You can use this technique for the center of your blocks or as an accent on your finished quilts. We will have a full supply list, as we get closer to this program.
DECEMBER - Christmas Party
We remind you that Vikki Pignatelli will be with us in September. Attached is our application for the class in Sept. and supply list. Class will be open to our guild only until July 1st, than open to other guilds after that date.
Vicki Pignatelli Class Enrollment Form
Vicki Pignatelli Class Supply Sheet

The next exchange will be starting in September. Be thinking about what you would like to have in the next round.Feel free to send ideas to:

Please remember to pick up your raffle tickets from me. And, be thinking about a time you would like to take the quilt to display and sell tickets. Contact me if you need to. Joan Danaher 585-393-1956 or
RAFFLE BASKETS FOR THE QUILT SHOW (repeated from last month)
There will be three raffle baskets from our guild. Two will appeal to quilters since they will be the majority of our attendees.
  • The first will be called "On the Road Again". If you have any travel related fabric or quilt books you would like to purchase or pull out of your stash for this, thank you. Fabrics could have locations or modes of transport for instance.
  • The second will be "Come Into My Garden". Again, we will be accepting garden and flower themed fabric, patterns, books......
  • The third basket will hopefully appeal to non-quilters. It will be called "It Was a Dark and Stormy Night". It will include a few juicy mystery novels and other items that could be useful or comforting in a power failure. Suggestions and contributions welcome here also.
Please bring what you can to meetings and give it to me, Lisa Woodworth, or Mona Fox. Thank you!
FOOD FOR QUILT SHOW(repeated from last month)
Quilt show food: Please sign up if you are available to help serving food at the quilt show, I will have 2 shifts, on both days first shift 11am until 1:00pm second shift from 12:30pm until 2:30pm. Duties include: cashier, food server at our walk up window, cleaning tables, and stocking our condiment and beverage table, and cooking choc. chip cookies. We will also need 2 people on Thurs. 2pm- ? to help slice pies and put them in to go containers. Please sign up to bring a pie, either cherry or apple. We will need at least 30 pies; if you can't make one I would love to have you bake a frozen pie, Mrs. Smith and Marie Callender make excellent pies that only need to be baked. We have plenty of fun, and there are always a few food products that need to be taste tested. - Mary Munson
Quilt Show Gift Gallery(repeated from last month)
Paula Sholts and Marcy Williams,as co- chairs of the gift gallery, ask that members price their articles for sale in an even dollar amount - no cents. Also the entry fee is $10.00 for participating.
Jean’s Quilt display(repeated from last month)
We would like to remember Jean Kranz at the quilt show by hanging a few of her quilts, posting a picture (or pictures) of her and sharing a few words of remembrance. We are asking that members look through their photos to see if we can find a nice photo of Jean. Judy Quigley and I will work on this but we’d welcome anyone who might have skills displaying lettering( former teachers or art majors?). We could just place a note in a frame near her quilts but we are open to other lettering display ideas.We ‘d like to keep it simple and respectful. Please let Judy Quigley or Sally Kasulke know if you are interested in helping on this project.Thank You. Sally K.

Friday, September 16 – 10 a.m.-4 p.m.QCNYS = Quilting Connections: a Gathering of Guilds, Teachers & Shops and a Lecture, Trunk Show and Master Class (on Saturday) by Vikki Pignatelli
Program Chairs and Guild Presidents should attend with guild delegates!! Lots of opportunities to sign-up local, regional and national teachers who live in our areas.
Brief Business Meeting & Networking in a Trade Show Setting - Lunch - More Networking & Trunk Show/Lecture – Vikki Pignatelli

Upcoming Events-Save the Date!
May 12 (set up) and 13-14, 2016 Lake to Lake Quilt Show
September 16 - 17, 2016 QCNYS-Quilting Connections @ Watson Homestead
September 19, 2016 Vicki Pignatelli Class
News or a cool quilting link to share?
Do you have something for sale?
Use this newsletter to let other quilters know about it!
Submit quilt and fiber related articles to Faith Harris

Copyright 2009-2015 Annhawk Designs for Lake to Lake Quilt Guild, Inc.