June 28, 2015

God Calls Us to Be Present in Worship

Prelude “Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah” Dan Forrest

Arr. by Douglas E. Wagner

Call to Worship Kate Alexander

Leader: Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice.

People: Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my


Leader: If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could


People: But there is forgiveness with you, so that you may

be revered.

Leader: I wait for the Lord, and in your word I put my hope.

People: My soul waits for the Lord more than those who

watch for the morning.

All: Let us worship God!

Opening Prayer Pastor Ed

*Song of Praise “Jesus Loves the Little Children”

(#580 in the red hymnal)

Prayer of Confession Pastor Ed

God of forgiveness, grant us your favor as we make our confession. You call us to excellence; we fall short of your confidence in us. You grant to us grace; we abuse your gift. You expect our decisions to match your desires, our love to be genuine in obeying your will. Yet we trust our appetites rather than rely on your goodness. We look to our comfort rather than to our neighbor’s need. In Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us our sin.

Pardon and the Peace Pastor Ed

Welcome and Life of the Church Pastor Ed

God Speaks to Us in Scripture

Prayer of Illumination Pastor Ed

Gospel Reading Anna Alexander

Matthew 5:14-16 (p.4 in the New Testament of the pew Bible)

Special Music Franz Listz' sLieberstraum (Love Dream)

Katherine Plotz

Blessing from the Children

New Testament Lesson Pastor Ed

Acts 6:8-15 (p.124 in the New Testament of the pew Bible)

Sermon “Faces in the Crowd” Pastor Ed Wegele

God Calls for a Response

Hymn of Response “This Little Light of Mine” VBS Song

Prayers of the People PastorEd

The Offering

Offertory “Aria on “Jewels” Dale Wood

from the tune by George F. Root


Prayer of Dedication Kate Alexander

God Sends Us Back into the World to Witness and Serve

Closing Hymn “Our God is an Awesome God”

(#616 in the purple hymnal)

Benediction Pastor Ed

Postlude “Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessings” Todd Kendall from a traditional Sicilian melody

*Please stand if able