Graffiti removal- Masonry surfaces
(a)High pressure hot water.
MONOCOAT HW is sensitive to temperatures above 80°C. Set equipment at
80 bar pressure (1200 psi) and 80°C for sound surfaces, but reduce pressure
on old or friable materials. Always start at the top and move sideways in
strips. Angle the lance to reach surface voids or deep cement joints.
During cold weather, allow for longer removal times since the hot water temperature is reduced by contact with the cold surface - or increase the temperatures by 10°C.
For confined / interior areas or where a graffiti attack may not justify pressure washing,
use RESTO ACTIVATOR or (thixotropic) GEL GRAFFSOL.
These are best applied using a suitable brush, avoiding runs in the case of ACTIVATOR. These products require between 15 mins. and 30 mins. contact time during which
time the area should be agitated with a natural fibre brush. (A nail brush is ideal).
Do not use plastic bristled brushes since these will disintegrate.
Rinse off with clean water and repeat if required. It is important to remove all trace
of the cleaner(s).
Graffiti removal- Painted masonry surfaces
(a)High pressure hot water.
Set equipment to 40 bar and 80ºC. Angle the lance close to the wall at ± 20º and “peel”
the coating and graffiti off together. Take great care not to concentrate too long on any
one part or directly onto painted areas, which could cause damage to underlying paint.
If this occurs use only ACTIVATOR for graffiti removal.
Apply with a paintbrush or trigger sprayer, carefully avoiding runs. Leave product to
work 5-10 minutes and lightly brush area with a natural bristle brush (a nailbrush is ideal). When the graffiti / MONOCOAT HW is removed, rinse well with warm water.
Repeat if necessary. Take care not to soften the paint itself.
-For both methods, MONOCOAT HW is removed along with the graffiti.
When completely dry, the area should be re-protected with a single coat
-When the coating is new, hot water will temporarily activate adjacent areas,
turning it milky. This is normal and will disappear on drying.
- Higher ambient temperatures will increase the speed and effectiveness of
ACTIVATOR and GEL GRAFFSOL. For colder temperatures, the reverse will happen.