Activity Write Up

Type of modality / Ice Breaker, Team Building or Sensory Stimulation Activity
Type of play / Shared Cooperative
Interaction pattern / Intra-group
# of participants required / 4-6/Group
Equipment/supplies / ●Pencil/ markers
●Big paper
● Table/Board
Facilities required/environment / Activity should be done in an area that has adequate space for each group to spread out throughout a room.
Precautions / Make sure your group doesn’t speak to loudly


1. Leader instructs participants to form groups based on what season their birthday falls in (can stand at board or sit at a table)

2. Leader hands out large piece of paper and markers/pens to each group

3. Leader gives topic that groups have to focus on (Hawaii)

4. Each group is given the five senses that they will need for their categories

5. Each group then comes up with 4-5 items for each of the senses that they believe fit the senses, which relate to Hawaii (Sight,Hearing,Taste,Smell,Touch) and writes down their ideas of the big sheet of paper

6. Once each group completes each category, they take turns sharing what they came up with to the class

Category / Skills
Primary body position / Standing/Sitting
Part of the body required / All parts of body, but mostly upper extremities
Movement / Carrying in hands, Picking up, standing, Turning or twisting of hands and arms, Walking short distances, Radial-digital grasping, Pincer grasp
Physical / Balance(dynamic sitting), Fine motor coordination, AROM: upper extremities, AROM: lower extremities( walking to present),
Cognitive / Focused attention, Sharing attention, Sustaining attention, Calculation( making sure you have 4-5 items for each sensory),Categorization, Concept formation, Concentration, Decision making: complex/simple, Initiation, Reading, Spelling, Orientation: topographical, Memory: short/long, Strategy, Thought: concrete thought, Writing
Social / Handling criticism, Heterogeneity, Homogeneity, Interpersonal interaction, Relating with equals, Self-expression, Social conduct, Showing respect & warmth
Perception / Auditory, Tactile, Visual
Communication/language / Reception to spoken language, Reception of written language, Expression of spoken language, Expression of written language,
Self-care / NA
Psychological/emotional (possible) / Joy for completing all of the senses, frustration for not being able to think of something, fear/emotional pain if you can’t think of anything to contribute to the group or if your idea is laughed at, angry if group members won’t accept your suggestions


Ways to SIMPLIFY demands / Ways to make more COMPLEX
Cognitively / Make the groups allow more people to generate more idea, decrease number of items to pick for each sensory group / Make the groups allow less people to generate ideas, increase number of items to think of for each sensory group. Give points per category so that participants have to use calculation skills.
Physically / Have group leader write out participant responses so that no writing effort is needed. / Have participants stand while completing activity, have large pieces of paper (one per sense) distributed across the room so people have to walk around to submit answers.
Socially / Have participants create their own list to avoid having to work with others, and only share their list if they choose to. / Have groups complete. i.e. which of the groups can come up with more ideas.

Other Comments:

Example: Hawaii

Smell: Flowers, Coconuts, Ocean, Sunscreen, Bonfires

Touch: Sand, Palm trees, Grass skirt, Surfboard, Bathing suit

Sight: Volcanoes, Turtles, Hula dancers, waterfalls, Hawaiian shirts

Hear: Ocean, Seashells, Hawaiian music, Birds, Drums

Taste: Coconuts, Seafood, Fruit, Bahama mama’s, Sugar cane