Name / Having done list / To do list
Dongbin Kim / 1.Synthesis of Polyurethane with Joonyoung
polymer and film casting
2. Preparation for getting job / 1.PU synthesis
study about purification of solvent
3. Preparation for getting job
4. Preparation thesis
Eom / 1.Phthalimide-based azo disperse dye
Completed Fastness test
2.Preparation for getting job / 1. Phthalimide-based azo disperse dye
Writing graduation thesis
2. Preparation for getting job
Lee / 1. Finished for Oral presentation in KFS
2. Support of pre-experiment
Extraction and recrystallization
3.Undergraduate course
Extraction and recrystallization (4 group)
4. Synthesis of azo disperse dye(Yoon-a Bang)
Checked a draft of paper / 1. Pthalimide dye
Selection of substitues
Making an intermediate list
Minyoung : DMF-Extraction(1.5, 2.0%owf)
2.Undergraduate course
Extraction and recrystallization (2 group)
3. Support of pre-experiment
Calibration by UV
4. Rotaxanated azo dye
5. Synthesis of azo disperse dye(Yoon-a Bang)
Requsting for Analyzing IR spectrum and proton NMR in nicem
Kim / 1. Undergraduate course (with Ajay)
Extraction and Recrystallization (1&3 group)
2. Rotaxanated azo dye
Making a manual for Soxhlet extractor
3. Studying for Scifinder
Finding the related journals / 1. Undergraduate course
Making a movie for using an evaporator
Calibration by UV-spectroscopy
2. Synthesizing Azo dye (with Ajay)
Measuring proton NMR and IR spectrum of the dye(Yoon’a bang)
3. Rotaxanated azo dye
Requsting for Analyzing IR spectrum and proton NMR in nicem
4. Journal of Fibers and Polymers
Making a draft in English
Park / 1.University graduation thesis(90%)
2. PU synthesis
3. Production manual
Video file of evaporator / 1. University graduation thesis(10%)
2. Production manual
Knitting machine(Video file)
3. PU synthesis
2nd experiment
4. Study : Chembiodraw ultra 11.0
Sing / 1. Studying about dyes
2.Completed presentation about polymer nanoparticles from one published paper of macromolecule journal.
3.Taught to undergraduate students about Extraction and recrystallisation of synthesized dye. / 1.Study about synthetic scheme of dyes.
2.Study and discussion about physical properties of textile fibers.
3. Teach to undergraduate students.
4.Presentation about polymer nanocomposite.
5.Presentation about dyes and anions to nonionic fibers.
Disuke / 1. Class
- Effect of difference of tip-to-collector distance.
- Taking pictures of collected nonwoven. / 1. Class
- Preparation for presentation for English class.
- SEM.
- Evaluating about fiber diameter and orientation.
Osamu /
- Taking pictures of spin line during electrospinning.
Effect of electric field(putting solution in one-sided)
- Studying Korean language.
- Preparing presentation for class.
fiber distribution
fiber orientation
- Calculation of electric field by MatLab
- Preparation presentation for class