What is the charge of iron in Fe2O3?

H –hydrogen

N – nitrogen

O – oxygen

F – fluorine

Cl – chlorine

Br – bromine

I – iodine

At- astatine

1-  mono

2-  di

3-  tri

4-  tetra

5-  penta

6-  hexa

7-  hepta

8-  oct

9-  nano

10  - deca

If the polyatomic ion ends in ate,

replace with -ic + acid

If the polyatomic ion ends in ite,

replace with –ous + acid

If the acid is binary – start with hydro,

then use the anion & end with – ic

if name ends in ic,

then look for a polyatomic ion ending in ate

if the name has the prefix hydro- it is a binary acid-

anion is probably a halogen.

HCO3-1 -bicarbonate PO4 –3 – phosphate

SO4 –2 –sulfate NH4 +1 - ammonium

SO3-2 -sulfite S2O3-2 -thiosulfate

CO3 –2 - carbonate C2H3O2 –1 – acetate

ClO4-1 -perchlorate MnO4 -permanganate

ClO3-1 -chlorate CrO4-2 -chromate

ClO2-1 -chlorite Cr2O7 -dichromate

ClO –1 –hypochlorate

OH –1 – hydroxide

NO3 –1 – nitrate

NO2-1 - nitrite

CN-1 cyanide

Yes Is it ionic No

Does the cation have more than

1 oxidation number?

Yes No

Yes Is it ionic No

Does the cation have a Roman numeral?

Yes No

1.  Write out rough formulas with reactants and products.

2.  Balance formulas using the flow charts. Use subscripts to balance formulas

3.  Write the elements on both sides (you may delete this step later).

4.  Starting with the left side use coefficients to obtain equal number of the same element on both sides of the equation. Use coefficients to balance equations.

5.  Leave H & O until the end.

6.  If you get an odd-even coefficient result, go back an double all coefficients assigned to that point.

Metals NonMetals

Electron Configuration

1.  Electronic configuration is under the element name

2.  The symbol in square brackets is the inner core of electrons

3.  Usually only the electrons outside of the core are involved in bonding.

4.  You remove highest level electrons first, then the next level electrons

Na = [Ar] 3s1 Na+ = [Ar] notice the 3s1 electron is gone.

If you remove all of the electrons from either a level or type you do not write that location in the final configuration.