(English Camp 2016)



WHY:Those without Christ are destined to die. How will they know God, unless they hear God’s Word?

  • Jesus commands us to GO into all the world and preach the Gospel.
  • Many children in the Philippines live in poverty. Learning the English Language is one critical key to a brighter future and an opportunity for the children to improve their lives, get an education, etc.
  • As the Children are taught English, we will operate a week-long English Camp which includes Worship, Games, Activities, Food and LOTS of LOVE.


  • Active Members of Milan Baptist Church who have a passion to share Christ.
  • MBC Members will partner withTeachBeyond Ministries.
  • You must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Training will be provided.
  • We are in need of individuals with abilities in music, worship, crafts, teaching assistants, lead teachers, game planners/facilitators.
  • We can use Team Members who can GO and Team Members who can HELP with preparing materials and activities.
  • Those traveling must be willing and able to actively share their faith with others.

WHEN:July 6 – 16, 2017


  • Prayer concerning how might God want to use you on this Team.
  • Apply and receive approval to participate by completing an application with TeachBeyond.
  • Complete MBC RCP Process and an MBC Short Term Missions Application and submit it two-three months in advance for approval.
  • Raise approximately $1,800 for all in-country transportation, travel, food and lodging. The Missions Committee may provide up-to 1/3 of the trip cost.
  • Participate in regular prayer/study individually and as part of the Team.
  • Secure recommended boosters for Malaria, Hepatitis C, Tetanus, etc.
  • Complete provided training and attend Team Pre/Post Meetings.

WHERE:A village near Manila in the Philippines.

“But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing WORTH of KNOWING Christ Jesus my Lord.” (Phil 3:7-8a)

For More Information Contact:

Amy Stinehelfer – 770-655-4991, Email: or

Bonnie Tew – 734-975-9365, Email: