Haverford Middle School Tel. 610/853-5900 x5267

Italian I - Sig. Cunicelli Email:

Web page: go to HMS Webpage then to eFaculty

A happy teacher is a happy classroom…

Always be respectful Be kind to others Care about yourself Do your work Easy!

Introduction: In Italian I, the student begins to explore the basics of the Italian language, its vocabulary and grammar. As a student of Italian, you will not only learn the language of the Italian people but their culture, traditions, and history as well.

IMPORTANT: Language learning is a cumulative venture…in other words, the more you DO NOT keep up with your work, the harder it will become to understand. Therefore, study every night for a 10 minutes rather than cramming before tests and quizzes. Review vocabulary [even from previous units] on a regular basis and, most importantly, seek help immediately if there is something you do not understand. If you do not keep up within three-four months you will find yourself frustrated and it will become very hard for you to catch up. Lastly, remember, all 8th grade languages are HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL courses and count as the first year of you language.

Grading: 80% - Assessments [1-2 per chapter] ------points vary depending on length

- Projects [generally one per chapter] ------50 - 200 points

20% - Home/Class assignments------points vary depending on size and difficulty

Class participation------all students expected to participate in some way on a regular basis

**All assignment dates will be posted on my website, on the board in the classroom and on the Portal**

Assessments: Generally several per chapter, some short [half a class period and meant as a “spot-check”] and one longer, encompassing the entire chapter. Assessments deal with the grammar, vocabulary, speaking and listening practice covered in a given chapter. I will always give several weeks’ notice of an assessment.

Projects: There will be several small and/or one major project per quarter. These projects are meant to recap a given unit in a more creative and practical way. I will always give several weeks’ notice of an assessment. Projects are accepted one day late with a 1-letter grade deduction, two days late is a 2-letter grade deduction. More than two days late receives a 0%. [Haverford School District Policy for 8th grade students]

Class work/participation: A student must be participating on a daily basis by responding in class, doing seatwork, actively participating in paired/group activities, etc. A student showing “anti-participatory” activities…in other words acting up, calling out, disrespect, being out of seat, etc., will be dealt with on an individual basis.

Home/Class Assignments: Plan on receiving written HW on average 1x - 2x per week [mostly unfinished classwork which becomes homework]. It is very important that you keep up with your classwork/homework as it is used to reinforce what we are learning. Homework is due the next class day (unless otherwise assigned). If you are absent the day it is due you must show it to me first thing upon your return to school. If you are absent the day homework is assigned it is your responsibility to get it from another student or my website. See me upon your return if you had trouble doing any assignment. Homework/Class assignments cannot be accepted late IF the work was already reviewed in class and correct answers given. Extended absences will be dealt with on an individual basis.

**Even if written homework is not assigned, you should be studying [especially vocabulary on QUIZLET] 10-15 minutes EVERY night**

Extra credit: See Extra Credit Bulletin Board [La bacheca del credito extra]… there are minor and major extra credit opportunities.

Make-up policy: Any student who is legitimately absent from school will be allowed to make up what they missed in a time period determined on an individual basis. A student who cuts class will receive a ZERO for whatever assignments were due or assigned that day. Any student involved in an activity or field trip for which a class is missed is responsible for all the work done that day. All handouts will be available on my website at all times, except workbook packets, for copyright reasons. These will be available on Google Drive.


Academic Dishonesty will not be tolerated! Any student caught cheating, copying, or otherwise passing on someone else’s work as his or her own, will receive a ZERO for that assignment. This includes use of online translators [see World Language website for policy].

MATERIALS NEEDED: 1) A writing utensil. 2) Three-ring binder [can be shared with another class] for handouts and packets given out for each unit.