Submission Requirements for Articles

  1. Proofread your article to make sure it is as detailed and polished as possible before submitting it to the editors. The writing you submit should be the best possible work you are capable of producing prior to receiving comments from your editors!
  1. On Monday, November 11th you will submit TWO copies of your articles:
  1. The first copy goes to Mr. Nekrosius. This copy shouldinclude an attached bibliography in MLA format listing all of the sources you used to gather the information in your article. You only need to submit a paper copy of this first draft. Your bibliography should contain at least four sources, two of which need to be print sources. Please also include the citation for your image.
  1. The second copy goes to the class editors. This copy does not need an attached bibliography. You will submit both a paper copy and an electronic copy via email to the editors.
  1. The editors will return your individual articles to you by Tuesday.
  1. You will need to revise your articles for Wednesday. This time, however, you will submit your articles to Mr. Nekrosius and the WEBMASTERS (not the editors), and you will submit them as html pages, NOT Word documents. See below.


  1. Type all of your articles using MS Word. You should save these articles to your space on the school server. PLEASE DOUBLE SPACE YOUR FIRST DRAFTS SO THAT YOUR EDITORS CAN MAKE COMMENTS.
  1. When you send emails to your editors and webmasters, type your name and the topic of the article ("Schuler Small Interview with Rebecca Nurse Article") as the subject of your email.
  1. You should also save all the images you want to include with your article and name them with your first name, last initial, and your period (Schuler S 12-A, Schuler S 12-B, etc). You should save these in your project folder on your server (see below).


Monday 11/11:

Polished individual article—paper copy to Mr. Nekrosius WITH BIBLIOGRAPHY

Polished individual article—paper copy and electronic copy to editor

Your editor is (write name/email here):______

Wednesday 11/14:

Revised individual article—paper copy and electronic copy to Mr. Nekrosius WITH BIBLIOGRAPHY

(Faculty drop box name: snekros)


Your webmaster is (write name/drop box location here):______


Creating A Place to Keep Your Stuff

1.Create a folder and name it with your first name, last initial, and class period (example: "SchulerS12").

2.As you collect images and build your webpage using Dreamweaver, ALL images and your index page will go in this folder

3.Store this folder on your public space on the school server

  1. For group articles, ONE group member should be responsible for storing the folder. Also, save a backup copy on the desktop of that person's school laptop in case they are absent one day.

Creating A WebPage Using Dreamweaver

1.Open Dreamweaver and click on “new HTML”

2.Go to your article in Microsoft Word, highlight the TEXT from Word, and then drag that text into the new Dreamweaver page (or, you can cut and paste the text into TextEdit and then cut and paste that text into your webpage)

3.Go to “File” in the menu bar and choose “Save As.” Make sure that you are saving this page in your group folder. SAVE your Dreamweaver page with the name “index.html”

4.Be sure to SAVE your work frequently!

Adding Images to Your Dreamweaver Page

1.When you have found an image that you want to use, DRAG it from the internet to your desktop. The image should appear on your desktop with the file name ending in “.gif” or “.jpg”

2.Rename the image with your first name, last initial, and the class period ("SamC12-A", "SamC12-B", etc)

3.Put this image into your article folder

4.Open your Dreamweaver index page

5.Click on the page where you want your image to be

6.Go to the menu bar and click on “Insert." The click on “image”

7.Locate and select the image in the folder on your desktop

8.Play around with layout and size of the image

9.Be sure to SAVE your work frequently!

When You are Done With Your Web Page

  1. Save EVERYTHING. Make sure that your folder contains all of the images that you used for your page, your index page, and a Word copy of your article
  2. Click on your folder, then in the apple menu, choose File, and create archive of “Life3”
  3. Go to “Go” in the finder and connect to the “Public” server
  4. Double click on “Faculty”
  5. Double click on “snekros”
  6. DRAG your folder to the drop box in Mr. Nekrosius’s public area