Job description

Job title: DIRECTOR.

Job holder Helen Thomas.


date: February 2015.

Reports to Board of Directors

Personal qualities expected of a director

A director should have a proven record of integrity and good character, exhibit high standards of ethics and possess independence of mind, objectivity and the ability to challenge and stimulate effective management.

Key Responsibilities of a director

1.To set policy and develop the Credit Union’s strategic and tactical plans
2.To ensure that the Credit Union operates within the law
3.To ensure the Credit Union is maintained in a sound financial condition
4.To ensure there is effective communication with members of the Credit Union
5.To regularly review the progress and business of the Credit Union
6.To evaluate the services provided to members
7.To review the Credit Union’s aims, objectives and business plan on a regular basis
8.To report to members at the Annual General Meeting


1.To work with the CEO and other board members to develop business objectives and goals for the Credit Union.
2.To ensure the Board and staff of the Credit Union comply with the law and the Credit Union’s own policies and procedures.
3.To strive to ensure that the Credit Union is in a sound financial position, and that the Credit Union’s assets are protected against unauthorised or illegal use.
4.To ensure effective polices are in place for the authorisation of borrowing and lending, the setting of lending and savings rates and to approve dividend rates.
5.To approve the Credit Union Budget.
6.To establish or to facilitate the establishment of policies covering all the Credit Union’s activities.
7.To consider the development of products and services in line with member needs.
8.To determine the Credit Union’s vision and mission to guide and set the pace for its current operations and future development.
9.To determine the values to be promoted throughout the Credit Union showing a respect for diversity and support for the personal development of employees and directors.
10.To employ a Chief Executive Officer, define his/her role and responsibilities and review his/her progress in the role in achieving the Credit Union’s goals and objectives.
11.To attend Board meetings, Strategy meetings and the Annual General Meeting exercising individual judgment in making decisions relating to the business of the Credit Union. To achieve this, Directors must be able to commit sufficient time and effort to Board matters in order to ensure constructive and independent participation.
12.To undertake specific roles/responsibilities as defined by the Board in relation to key areas of business such as Personnel, Treasury, Training, Money Laundering, Governance and Secretarial, working within the terms of reference drawn up and agreed by the board.
13.To undertake training to a level defined by the Board to ensure specific knowledge relating to key roles and responsibilities and/or to ensure compliance with the Credit Union’s code of Governance.

Signed by ……………………………………………………… (Director)

Countersigned by ………………………………………………… (Chairman or Vice Chairman.)

Date ……………………………………..

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